2022 Journal Article From imperialism to radical hospitality: propositions for reconfiguring social work towards a justice-to-comeBozalek, Vivienne and Hölscher, Dorothee (2022). From imperialism to radical hospitality: propositions for reconfiguring social work towards a justice-to-come. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development, 34 (1) 8889, 1-17. doi: 10.25159/2415-5829/8889 |
2021 Journal Article A critical ethics of care perspective on refugee income generation: towards sustainable policy and practice in Zimbabwe’s Tongogara CampTaruvinga, Raymond, Hölscher, Dorothee and Lombard, Antoinette (2021). A critical ethics of care perspective on refugee income generation: towards sustainable policy and practice in Zimbabwe’s Tongogara Camp. Ethics and Social Welfare, 15 (1), 36-51. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2021.1877766 |
2021 Journal Article Displacement: Historical and Contemporary Responsibilities for Social Work and Human ServicesHölscher, Dorothee and Nipperess, Sharlene (2021). Displacement: Historical and Contemporary Responsibilities for Social Work and Human Services. Ethics and Social Welfare, 15 (1), 1-4. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2021.1881864 |
2020 Journal Article A matter of lies and death - Necropolitics and the question of engagement with the aftermath of Rwanda’s GenocideHölscher, Dorothee, Kanamugire, Consolée and Udah, Hyacinth (2020). A matter of lies and death - Necropolitics and the question of engagement with the aftermath of Rwanda’s Genocide. Journal of Gender Studies, 29 (1), 34-48. doi: 10.1080/09589236.2019.1691982 |
2019 Journal Article Peer review (Dorothee Holscher) - The fundamental violence of physiotherapy: Emmanuel Levinas’s critique of ontology and its implications for physiotherapy theory and practiceHolscher, Dorothee and Griffith University, Logan Campus, Meadowbrook, Queensland, Australia (2019). Peer review (Dorothee Holscher) - The fundamental violence of physiotherapy: Emmanuel Levinas’s critique of ontology and its implications for physiotherapy theory and practice. OpenPhysio Journal. doi: 10.14426/opj/20191203 |
2019 Journal Article Experiences of vulnerability and sources of resilience among immigrants and refugeesUdah, Hyacinth, Singh, Parlo, Hölscher, Dorothee and Cartmel, Jennifer (2019). Experiences of vulnerability and sources of resilience among immigrants and refugees. Australasian Review of African Studies, 40 (1), 81-100. doi: 10.22160/22035184/ARAS-2019-40-1/81-100 |
2018 Journal Article Caring for justice in a neoliberal universityHolscher, D. (2018). Caring for justice in a neoliberal university. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32 (6), 31-48. doi: 10.20853/32-6-2676 |
2017 Journal Article Book Review: Paradoxes in Social Work Practice: Mitigating Ethical TrespassHölscher, Dorothee (2017). Book Review: Paradoxes in Social Work Practice: Mitigating Ethical Trespass. Critical Social Work, 18 (1), 87-90. doi: 10.22329/csw.v18i1.5925 |
2016 Journal Article Subjectivities of survival: conceptualising just responses to displacement, cross-border migration and structural violence in South AfricaHölscher, Dorothee (2016). Subjectivities of survival: conceptualising just responses to displacement, cross-border migration and structural violence in South Africa. Social Work: A Professional Journal for the Social Worker , 52 (1), 54-72. doi: 10.15270/52-1-479 |
2015 Journal Article Understanding the challenges and opportunities encountered by the elderly in urban Kwazulu-Natal, south africaKasiram, M. and Hölscher, D. (2015). Understanding the challenges and opportunities encountered by the elderly in urban Kwazulu-Natal, south africa. South African Family Practice, 57 (6), 381-386. doi: 10.1080/20786190.2015.1078154 |
2014 Journal Article Assuming Responsibility for Justice in the context of South Africa's Refugee Receiving RegimeHoelscher, Dorothee, Bozalek, Vivienne G. and Zembylas, Michalinos f (2014). Assuming Responsibility for Justice in the context of South Africa's Refugee Receiving Regime. Ethics and Social Welfare, 8 (2), 187-204. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2014.895402 |
2014 Journal Article Ethical challenges and human rights in AfricaHoelscher, Dorothee, Mupedziswa, Rodreck and Hugman, Richard (2014). Ethical challenges and human rights in Africa. Ethics and Social Welfare, 8 (2), 99-100. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2014.895503 |
2014 Journal Article Considering Nancy Fraser's Notion of Social Justice for Social Work: Reflections on Misframing and the Lives of Refugees in South AfricaHoelscher, Dorothee (2014). Considering Nancy Fraser's Notion of Social Justice for Social Work: Reflections on Misframing and the Lives of Refugees in South Africa. Ethics and Social Welfare, 8 (1), 20-38. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2012.744845 |
2012 Journal Article Encountering the Other across the Divides: Re-Grounding Social Justice as a Guiding Principle for Social Work with Refugees and Other Vulnerable GroupsHölscher, Dorothee and Grace Bozalek, Vivienne (2012). Encountering the Other across the Divides: Re-Grounding Social Justice as a Guiding Principle for Social Work with Refugees and Other Vulnerable Groups. British Journal of Social Work, 42 (6), 1093-1112. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcs061 |
2012 Journal Article Interpreting refugee women’s life stories: towards a human capabilities framework for social work with cross-border migrantsHölscher, D., Sathiparsad, R. and Mujawamariya, C. (2012). Interpreting refugee women’s life stories: towards a human capabilities framework for social work with cross-border migrants. Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 24 (1), 48-65. |
2009 Journal Article "Deserving" children, "undeserving" mothers? multiple perspectives on the child support grantHölscher, Dorothee, Kasiram, Madhu and Sathiparsad, Reshma (2009). "Deserving" children, "undeserving" mothers? multiple perspectives on the child support grant. Social Work, 45 (1). |
2008 Journal Article Reflections on human rights and professional solidarity: A case study of EritreaHölscher, Dorothee and Berhane, Solomon Y. (2008). Reflections on human rights and professional solidarity: A case study of Eritrea. International Social Work, 51 (3), 311-323. doi: 10.1177/0020872807088078 |
2008 Journal Article International Social Work: EditorialSewpaul, Vishanthie and Hölscher, Dorothee (2008). International Social Work: Editorial. International Social Work, 51 (3), 293-296. doi: 10.1177/0020872808090962 |
2008 Journal Article The Emperor's new clothes: South Africa's attempted transition to developmental social welfare and social workHölscher, Dorothee (2008). The Emperor's new clothes: South Africa's attempted transition to developmental social welfare and social work. International Journal of Social Welfare, 17 (2), 114-123. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2008.00547.x |
2005 Journal Article A postmodern critique of the SACSSP's draft code of ethicsHölscher, Dorothee (2005). A postmodern critique of the SACSSP's draft code of ethics. Social Work, 41 (3), 237-250. |