2019 Journal Article Near-infrared spectroscopy enables quantitative evaluation of human cartilage biomechanical properties during arthroscopyPrakash, M., Joukainen, A., Torniainen, J., Honkanen, M. K.M., Rieppo, L., Afara, I. O., Kröger, H., Töyräs, J. and Sarin, J. K. (2019). Near-infrared spectroscopy enables quantitative evaluation of human cartilage biomechanical properties during arthroscopy. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 27 (8), 1235-1243. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019.04.008 |
2019 Journal Article Near infrared spectroscopic evaluation of ligament and tendon biomechanical propertiesTorniainen, Jari, Ristaniemi, Aapo, Sarin, Jaakko K., Mikkonen, Santtu, Afara, Isaac O., Stenroth, Lauri, Korhonen, Rami K. and Töyräs, Juha (2019). Near infrared spectroscopic evaluation of ligament and tendon biomechanical properties. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 47 (1), 213-222. doi: 10.1007/s10439-018-02125-9 |
2018 Journal Article Cardiac measures of nuclear power plant operator stress during simulated incident and accident scenariosPakarinen, Satu, Korpela, Jussi, Torniainen, Jari, Laarni, Jari and Karvonen, Hannu (2018). Cardiac measures of nuclear power plant operator stress during simulated incident and accident scenarios. Psychophysiology, 55 (7) e13071. doi: 10.1111/psyp.13071 |
2018 Journal Article MIDAS: Open-source framework for distributed online analysis of data streamsHenelius, Andreas and Torniainen, Jari (2018). MIDAS: Open-source framework for distributed online analysis of data streams. SoftwareX, 7, 156-161. doi: 10.1016/j.softx.2018.04.004 |
2017 Journal Article Computational testing for automated preprocessing: A matlab toolbox to enable large scale electroencephalography data processingCowley, Benjamin U., Korpela, Jussi and Torniainen, Jari (2017). Computational testing for automated preprocessing: A matlab toolbox to enable large scale electroencephalography data processing. PeerJ Computer Science, 2017 (3) e108. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.108 |
2016 Journal Article Cognitive collaboration found in cardiac Physiology: Study in classroom environmentAhonen, Lauri, Cowley, Benjamin, Torniainen, Jari, Ukkonen, Antti, Vihavainen, Arto and Puolamäki, Kai (2016). Cognitive collaboration found in cardiac Physiology: Study in classroom environment. PloS One, 11 (7) e0159178. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159178 |
2016 Journal Article The psychophysiology primer: A guide to methods and a broad review with a focus on human-computer interactionCowley, Benjamin, Filetti, Marco, Lukander, Kristian, Torniainen, Jari, Henelius, Andreas, Ahonen, Lauri, Barral, Oswald, Kosunen, Ilkka, Valtonen, Teppo, Huotilainen, Minna, Ravaja, Niklas and Jacucci, Giulio (2016). The psychophysiology primer: A guide to methods and a broad review with a focus on human-computer interaction. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 9 (3-4), 151-308. doi: 10.1561/1100000065 |
2015 Journal Article Affective processing in natural scene viewing: valence and arousal interactions in eye-fixation-related potentialsSimola, Jaana, Le Fevre, Kevin, Torniainen, Jari and Baccino, Thierry (2015). Affective processing in natural scene viewing: valence and arousal interactions in eye-fixation-related potentials. NeuroImage, 106, 21-33. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.11.030 |
2014 Journal Article Effects of cartographic elevation visualizations and map-reading tasks on eye movementsPutto, Katja, Kettunen, Pyry, Torniainen, Jari, Krause, Christina M. and Sarjakoski, L. Tiina (2014). Effects of cartographic elevation visualizations and map-reading tasks on eye movements. Cartographic Journal, 51 (3), 225-236. doi: 10.1179/1743277414Y.0000000087 |
2013 Journal Article Eye movement related brain responses to emotional scenes during free viewingSimola, Jaana, Torniainen, Jari, Moisala, Mona, Kivikangas, Markus and Krause, Christina M. (2013). Eye movement related brain responses to emotional scenes during free viewing. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (JUL) 41, 1-16. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00041 |