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Journal Article

Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia

Ferrier, Carole (2020). Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia. Australian Historical Studies, 51 (3), 351-353. doi: 10.1080/1031461X.2020.1786900

Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia


Journal Article

Preoccupations of some Asian Australian women's fiction at the turn of the twenty-first century

Ferrier, Carole (2017). Preoccupations of some Asian Australian women's fiction at the turn of the twenty-first century. eTropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 16 (2), 118-140. doi: 10.25120/etropic.16.2.2017.3619

Preoccupations of some Asian Australian women's fiction at the turn of the twenty-first century


Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2017). Editorial. Hecate: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation, 42 (2), 4-6.



Journal Article

Resistance and sovereignty in some recent Australian Indigenous women's novels

Ferrier, Carole (2016). Resistance and sovereignty in some recent Australian Indigenous women's novels. Ilha do Desterro, 69 (2), 17-31. doi: 10.5007/2175-8026.2016v69n2p17

Resistance and sovereignty in some recent Australian Indigenous women's novels


Journal Article

Christina Stead's Poor Women of Sydney, Travelling into our Times

Ferrier, Carole (2015). Christina Stead's Poor Women of Sydney, Travelling into our Times. The Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 15 (3).

Christina Stead's Poor Women of Sydney, Travelling into our Times


Journal Article

Editorial: a changing climate?

Ferrier, Carole (2013). Editorial: a changing climate?. Hecate, 38 (1/2), 5-8.

Editorial: a changing climate?


Journal Article

Jean Devanny's fictional critique of whiteness and race relations in North Queensland

Ferrier, Carole (2013). Jean Devanny's fictional critique of whiteness and race relations in North Queensland. etropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 12 (2), 1-20. doi: 10.25120/etropic.12.2.2013.3386

Jean Devanny's fictional critique of whiteness and race relations in North Queensland


Journal Article

Manifesting Australian Literary Feminisms. Margaret Henderson and Ann Vickery, eds, 2009. Wollongong, NSW: Australian Literary Studies. The Intimate Archive: Journeys through Private Papers. Maryanne Dever, Sally Newman and Ann Vickery, 2009. Canberra: Na

Ferrier, Carole (2011). Manifesting Australian Literary Feminisms. Margaret Henderson and Ann Vickery, eds, 2009. Wollongong, NSW: Australian Literary Studies. The Intimate Archive: Journeys through Private Papers. Maryanne Dever, Sally Newman and Ann Vickery, 2009. Canberra: Na. Australian Feminist Studies, 26 (67), 153-158. doi: 10.1080/08164649.2011.546334

Manifesting Australian Literary Feminisms. Margaret Henderson and Ann Vickery, eds, 2009. Wollongong, NSW: Australian Literary Studies. The Intimate Archive: Journeys through Private Papers. Maryanne Dever, Sally Newman and Ann Vickery, 2009. Canberra: Na


Journal Article

Jean Devanny as an Australasian 'woman of 1928'

Ferrier, Carole (2009). Jean Devanny as an Australasian 'woman of 1928'. Hecate: An interdisciplinary of women's liberation, 35 (1/2), 187-203.

Jean Devanny as an Australasian 'woman of 1928'


Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2009). Editorial. Australian Women's Book Review, 21 (1-2)



Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2008). Editorial. Hecate: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation, 34 (1), 4-5.



Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2008). Editorial. Australian Women's Book Review, 20 (1-2)



Journal Article

"Disappearing memory" and the colonial present in recent indigenous women's writing

Ferrier, Carole (2008). "Disappearing memory" and the colonial present in recent indigenous women's writing. JASAL: Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Special Issue, 37-55.

"Disappearing memory" and the colonial present in recent indigenous women's writing


Journal Article

Jean Devanny, 1894-1962

Ferrier, C. (2007). Jean Devanny, 1894-1962. Kotare: New Zealand Notes and Queries, Essays in New Zealand Literary Biography - Women Prose Writers to World War I, Special Issue One, 1-29.

Jean Devanny, 1894-1962


Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2007). Editorial. Australian Women's Book Review, 19 (1-2)



Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2007). Editorial. Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, 33 (2), 1-3.



Journal Article

Editorial: [From the late 1960s, critical forms of history and literature have opened up a space for marginalised or silenced voices to counteract conservative or repressive regimes and ideologies.]

Ferrier, Carole (2006). Editorial: [From the late 1960s, critical forms of history and literature have opened up a space for marginalised or silenced voices to counteract conservative or repressive regimes and ideologies.]. Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, 32 (1), 4-7.

Editorial: [From the late 1960s, critical forms of history and literature have opened up a space for marginalised or silenced voices to counteract conservative or repressive regimes and ideologies.]


Journal Article

So, what is to be done about the family?

Ferrier, C. (2006). So, what is to be done about the family?. Australian Humanities Review, 39-40, 1-19.

So, what is to be done about the family?


Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2006). Editorial. Australian Women's Book Review, 18 (1-2)



Journal Article

The best Australian novel for years... Review of Alexis Wright's 'Carpentaria'

Ferrier, C. (2006). The best Australian novel for years... Review of Alexis Wright's 'Carpentaria'. Hecate's Australian Women's Book Review, 18 (2)

The best Australian novel for years... Review of Alexis Wright's 'Carpentaria'