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Journal Article

Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia

Ferrier, Carole (2020). Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia. Australian Historical Studies, 51 (3), 351-353. doi: 10.1080/1031461X.2020.1786900

Everyday Revolutions: Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia


Journal Article

Preoccupations of some Asian Australian women's fiction at the turn of the twenty-first century

Ferrier, Carole (2017). Preoccupations of some Asian Australian women's fiction at the turn of the twenty-first century. eTropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 16 (2), 118-140. doi: 10.25120/etropic.16.2.2017.3619

Preoccupations of some Asian Australian women's fiction at the turn of the twenty-first century


Edited Outputs


Hecate. (2017). 42 (2)



Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2017). Editorial. Hecate: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation, 42 (2), 4-6.



Journal Article

Resistance and sovereignty in some recent Australian Indigenous women's novels

Ferrier, Carole (2016). Resistance and sovereignty in some recent Australian Indigenous women's novels. Ilha do Desterro, 69 (2), 17-31. doi: 10.5007/2175-8026.2016v69n2p17

Resistance and sovereignty in some recent Australian Indigenous women's novels


Journal Article

Christina Stead's Poor Women of Sydney, Travelling into our Times

Ferrier, Carole (2015). Christina Stead's Poor Women of Sydney, Travelling into our Times. The Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 15 (3).

Christina Stead's Poor Women of Sydney, Travelling into our Times


Journal Article

Editorial: a changing climate?

Ferrier, Carole (2013). Editorial: a changing climate?. Hecate, 38 (1/2), 5-8.

Editorial: a changing climate?


Journal Article

Jean Devanny's fictional critique of whiteness and race relations in North Queensland

Ferrier, Carole (2013). Jean Devanny's fictional critique of whiteness and race relations in North Queensland. etropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 12 (2), 1-20. doi: 10.25120/etropic.12.2.2013.3386

Jean Devanny's fictional critique of whiteness and race relations in North Queensland


Book Chapter

Crossing borders and boundaries: ways of reading some contemporary Asian Australian women's fictions

Ferrier, Carole (2013). Crossing borders and boundaries: ways of reading some contemporary Asian Australian women's fictions. Comparative Literature: East & West. (pp. 1-17) edited by Shunqing Cao. Chengdu, China: Sichuan University Press.

Crossing borders and boundaries: ways of reading some contemporary Asian Australian women's fictions


Journal Article

Manifesting Australian Literary Feminisms. Margaret Henderson and Ann Vickery, eds, 2009. Wollongong, NSW: Australian Literary Studies. The Intimate Archive: Journeys through Private Papers. Maryanne Dever, Sally Newman and Ann Vickery, 2009. Canberra: Na

Ferrier, Carole (2011). Manifesting Australian Literary Feminisms. Margaret Henderson and Ann Vickery, eds, 2009. Wollongong, NSW: Australian Literary Studies. The Intimate Archive: Journeys through Private Papers. Maryanne Dever, Sally Newman and Ann Vickery, 2009. Canberra: Na. Australian Feminist Studies, 26 (67), 153-158. doi: 10.1080/08164649.2011.546334

Manifesting Australian Literary Feminisms. Margaret Henderson and Ann Vickery, eds, 2009. Wollongong, NSW: Australian Literary Studies. The Intimate Archive: Journeys through Private Papers. Maryanne Dever, Sally Newman and Ann Vickery, 2009. Canberra: Na


Edited Outputs


Hecate. (2011). 37 (1)



Edited Outputs


Hecate. (2011). 37 (2)



Edited Outputs

Australian Women's Book Review

Australian Women's Book Review. (2010). 22 (1)

Australian Women's Book Review


Edited Outputs


Hecate. (2010). 36 (1/2)



Book Chapter

Teaching African American women's literature in Australia: Reading Toni Morrison in the deep north

Ferrier, Carole (2010). Teaching African American women's literature in Australia: Reading Toni Morrison in the deep north. Teaching African American women's writing.. (pp. 137-156) edited by Gina Wisker. Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K. ; New York, U.S.A.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Teaching African American women's literature in Australia: Reading Toni Morrison in the deep north


Journal Article

Jean Devanny as an Australasian 'woman of 1928'

Ferrier, Carole (2009). Jean Devanny as an Australasian 'woman of 1928'. Hecate: An interdisciplinary of women's liberation, 35 (1/2), 187-203.

Jean Devanny as an Australasian 'woman of 1928'


Journal Article


Ferrier, Carole (2009). Editorial. Australian Women's Book Review, 21 (1-2)



Book Chapter

Women's liberation, 1965

Ferrier, Carole (2009). Women's liberation, 1965. Hibiscus and ti-tree : Women in Queensland. (pp. 225-229) edited by Carole Ferrier and Deborah Jordan.. St. Lucia, Qld.: Hecate Press.

Women's liberation, 1965


Book Chapter

Introduction: Women's narratives of Queensland

Ferrier, Carole and Jordan, Deborah (2009). Introduction: Women's narratives of Queensland. Hibiscus and ti-tree: Women in Queensland. (pp. 5-18) edited by Carole Ferrier and Deborah Jordan. St Lucia, Australia: Hecate Press.

Introduction: Women's narratives of Queensland


Book Chapter

Women's house, Brisbane

Ferrier, Carole and Fuller, Diana (2009). Women's house, Brisbane. Hibiscus and ti-tree : Women in Queensland. (pp. 236-240) edited by Carole Ferrier and Deborah Jordan. St. Lucia, Qld.: Hecate Press.

Women's house, Brisbane