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Journal Article

Mertk-expressing microglia influence oligodendrogenesis and myelin modelling in the CNS

Nguyen, Linda T., Aprico, Andrea, Nwoke, Eze, Walsh, Alexander D., Blades, Farrah, Avneri, Raphael, Martin, Elodie, Zalc, Bernard, Kilpatrick, Trevor J. and Binder, Michele D. (2023). Mertk-expressing microglia influence oligodendrogenesis and myelin modelling in the CNS. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 20 (1) 253, 1-22. doi: 10.1186/s12974-023-02921-8

Mertk-expressing microglia influence oligodendrogenesis and myelin modelling in the CNS


Journal Article

White matter tract conductivity is resistant to wide variations in paranodal structure and myelin thickness accompanying the loss of Tyro3: an experimental and simulated analysis

Blades, Farrah, Chambers, Jordan D., Aumann, Timothy D., Nguyen, Christine T. O., Wong, Vickie H. Y., Aprico, Andrea, Nwoke, Eze C., Bui, Bang V., Grayden, David B., Kilpatrick, Trevor J. and Binder, Michele D. (2022). White matter tract conductivity is resistant to wide variations in paranodal structure and myelin thickness accompanying the loss of Tyro3: an experimental and simulated analysis. Brain Structure and Function, 227 (6), 2035-2048. doi: 10.1007/s00429-022-02489-8

White matter tract conductivity is resistant to wide variations in paranodal structure and myelin thickness accompanying the loss of Tyro3: an experimental and simulated analysis


Journal Article

Tyro3 contributes to retinal ganglion cell function, survival and dendritic density in the mouse retina

Blades, Farrah, Wong, Vickie H. Y., Nguyen, Christine T. O., Bui, Bang V., Kilpatrick, Trevor J. and Binder, Michele D. (2020). Tyro3 contributes to retinal ganglion cell function, survival and dendritic density in the mouse retina. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14 840. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00840

Tyro3 contributes to retinal ganglion cell function, survival and dendritic density in the mouse retina


Journal Article

The TAM receptor TYRO3 is a critical regulator of myelin thickness in the central nervous system

Blades, Farrah, Aprico, Andrea, Akkermann, Rainer, Ellis, Sarah, Binder, Michele D. and Kilpatrick, Trevor J. (2018). The TAM receptor TYRO3 is a critical regulator of myelin thickness in the central nervous system. Glia, 66 (10), 2209-2220. doi: 10.1002/glia.23481

The TAM receptor TYRO3 is a critical regulator of myelin thickness in the central nervous system