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Conference Publication


Skoien, Richard, Powell, Elizabeth E., Melino, Michelle, Clouston, Andrew D., Gabrielli, Brian and Jonsson, Julie R. (2010). FATTY ACIDS INDUCE HEPATOCYTE SENESCENCE IN VITRO: IMPLICATIONS FOR PATHOGENESIS IN NON-ALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS. 61st Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, Boston Ma, Oct 29-Nov 02, 2010. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL.



Conference Publication

Characterization of Ductular Reaction and its Immunophenotype in Hcv Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation

Prakoso, Emilia, Bowen, David, Kench, James G., Clouston, Andrew D., McCaughan, Geoffrey W. and Shackel, Nicholas A. (2010). Characterization of Ductular Reaction and its Immunophenotype in Hcv Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation. 61st Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, Boston Ma, Oct 29-Nov 02, 2010. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL.

Characterization of Ductular Reaction and its Immunophenotype in Hcv Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation


Conference Publication


Skoien, Richard, Richardson, Michelle M., Jonsson, Julie R., Powel, Elizabeth E. and Clouston, Andrew D. (2010). HETEROGENEITY OF FIBROSIS PATTERNS IN NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE SUPPORTS THE PRESENCE OF MULTIPLE FIBROGENIC PATHWAYS. 61st Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, Boston Ma, Oct 29-Nov 02, 2010. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL.



Conference Publication

Ductular Reaction in Hepatitis C Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation

Prakoso, Emilia, Kench, James, Clouston, Andrew, Bowen, David, McCaughan, Geoffrey and Shackel, Nicholas (2010). Ductular Reaction in Hepatitis C Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation. 16th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society, Hong Kong Peoples R China, Jun 16-19, 2010. HOBOKEN: JOHN WILEY & SONS INC.

Ductular Reaction in Hepatitis C Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation


Conference Publication

Ductular Reaction in Hepatitis C Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation

Prakoso, Emilia, Kench, James, Clouston, Andrew, Bowen, David, McCaughan, Geoffrey and Shackel, Nicholas (2010). Ductular Reaction in Hepatitis C Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation. 10th American Transplant Congress, San Diego Ca, May 01-05, 2010. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC.

Ductular Reaction in Hepatitis C Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation


Conference Publication

Stem cell mobilization with G-CSF induces Th-17 differentiation and promotes scleroderma

MacDonald, K. P. A., Olver, S., Kuns, R., Varelias, A., Raffelt, N. C., Don, A. L., Markey, K. A., Wilson, Y., Smyth, M. J., Iwakura, Y., Tocker, J., Clouston, A. and Hill, G. R. (2010). Stem cell mobilization with G-CSF induces Th-17 differentiation and promotes scleroderma. 36th Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Marrow-Transplantat/9th Meeting of the EBMT Data-Management-Group/26th Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group/2nd EBMT Qual Management Meeting, Vienna Austria, Mar 21-24, 2010. LONDON: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP.

Stem cell mobilization with G-CSF induces Th-17 differentiation and promotes scleroderma


Conference Publication

Fatty acids induce hepatocyte senescence in vitro: implications for pathogenesis in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

Skoien, R., Powell, E. E., Melino, M., Clouston, A. D., Gabrielli, B. G. and Jonsson, J. R. (2010). Fatty acids induce hepatocyte senescence in vitro: implications for pathogenesis in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Australian Gastroenterology Week 2010, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 20-23 October 2010. Richmond, VIC, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2010.06450.x

Fatty acids induce hepatocyte senescence in vitro: implications for pathogenesis in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis


Conference Publication

Heterogeneity of fibrosis patterns in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease supports the presence of multiple fibrogenic pathways

Skoien, R., Richardson, M. M., Jonsson, J. R., Powell, E. E. and Clouston, A. D. (2010). Heterogeneity of fibrosis patterns in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease supports the presence of multiple fibrogenic pathways. Australian Gastroenterology Week 2010, Broadbeach, Qld., Australia, 20-23 October 2010. Richmond, Vic., Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2010.06457.x

Heterogeneity of fibrosis patterns in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease supports the presence of multiple fibrogenic pathways


Conference Publication

The role of the ductular reaction in the progression of hepatic fibrosis in haemochromatosis

Wood, MJ, Powell, LW, Ramm, GA and Clouston, AD (2010). The role of the ductular reaction in the progression of hepatic fibrosis in haemochromatosis. Australian Gastroenterology Week 2010, Gold Coast , QLD, Australia, 20-23 October 2010. Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2010.06457.x

The role of the ductular reaction in the progression of hepatic fibrosis in haemochromatosis


Conference Publication

Macrophage-secreted products induce a phenotypic change in hepatocytes: Implications for fibrogenesis

Melino, M., Powell, E. E., Gadd, V. L., Skoien, R., Walker, G., Clouston, A. D. and Jonsson, J. R. (2010). Macrophage-secreted products induce a phenotypic change in hepatocytes: Implications for fibrogenesis. AGW2010: Australian Gastroenterology Week 2010, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 20-23 October, 2010. Richmond, VIC, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2010.06450.x

Macrophage-secreted products induce a phenotypic change in hepatocytes: Implications for fibrogenesis


Conference Publication

Metabolic factors and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as co-factors in other liver diseases

Powell, Elizabeth E., Jonsson, Julie R. and Clouston, Andrew D. (2010). Metabolic factors and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as co-factors in other liver diseases. Falk Symposium 171 on Liver and Metabolic Syndrome, Hannover, Germany, 15-18 October 2009. Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger AG. doi: 10.1159/000282084

Metabolic factors and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as co-factors in other liver diseases


Conference Publication

Initial queensland experience with radiofrequency ablation for advanced oesophageal dysplasia

Lim, G., Appleyard, M., Clouston, A., Rosenstengel, J., Walker, N. and Remedios, M. (2009). Initial queensland experience with radiofrequency ablation for advanced oesophageal dysplasia. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC.

Initial queensland experience with radiofrequency ablation for advanced oesophageal dysplasia


Conference Publication

Ductular reaction in hepatitis C recurrence post liver transplantation

Prakoso, E., Kench, J., Clouston, A., Bowen, D., McCaughan, G. and Shackel, N. (2009). Ductular reaction in hepatitis C recurrence post liver transplantation. 16th Annual Congress of the International-Liver-Transplantation-Society, Hong Kong Peoples R China, Jun 16-19, 2010. HOBOKEN: JOHN WILEY & SONS INC.

Ductular reaction in hepatitis C recurrence post liver transplantation


Conference Publication

A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled, Study Evaluating Immunity and Gluten-Sensitivity By Inoculating Coeliac Disease Patients with the Human Hookworm Necator Americanus

Daveson, A. James M., Jones, Dianne, McSorley, Henry, Gaze, Soraya, McCarthy, James, Clouston, Andrew D., Pascoe, Andrew, Macdonald, Graeme A., Speare, Richard, Cooke, Sharon E., Anderson, Robert P., Loukas, Alex and Croese, John (2009). A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled, Study Evaluating Immunity and Gluten-Sensitivity By Inoculating Coeliac Disease Patients with the Human Hookworm Necator Americanus. 110th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association, Chicago, Illinois, 30 May - 4 June 2009 . Maryland Heights, MO, United States: W.B. Saunders Co..

A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled, Study Evaluating Immunity and Gluten-Sensitivity By Inoculating Coeliac Disease Patients with the Human Hookworm Necator Americanus


Conference Publication

Quantitation of Steatosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) and Spectroscopy (Mrs) in Liver Disease: Effect of Hepatic Fibrosis

McPherson, S., Cowin, G., O'Rourke, P., Volp, A., Horsfall, L., Burke, L., Jonsson, J., Clouston, A., Fawcett, J., Galloway, G., Benson, M. and Powell, E. (2009). Quantitation of Steatosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) and Spectroscopy (Mrs) in Liver Disease: Effect of Hepatic Fibrosis. 44th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, Copenhagen Denmark, Apr 22-26, 2009. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. doi: 10.1016/S0168-8278(09)61011-4

Quantitation of Steatosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) and Spectroscopy (Mrs) in Liver Disease: Effect of Hepatic Fibrosis


Conference Publication

IL:32: A new pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in HCV-related liver inflammation and fibrosis

Fritz, Teresa, Moschen, Alexander R., Jonsson, Julie R., Woerz, Ilka, Clouston, Andrew D., Kim, SooHyun, Dinarello, Charles A., Bartenschlager, Ralf, Powell, Elizabeth E. and Tilg, Herbert (2009). IL:32: A new pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in HCV-related liver inflammation and fibrosis. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Boston, MA, U.S.A., 30 October - 3 November 2009. Hoboken, NJ, U.S.A.: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/hep.23300

IL:32: A new pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in HCV-related liver inflammation and fibrosis


Conference Publication

Quantitation of steatosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) in liver disease: effect of hepatic fibrosis and iron

McPherson, S., Cowin, G., O'Rourke, P., Volp, A., Horsfall, L., Burke, L., Jonsson, J.R., Clouston, A., Fawcett, J., Galloway, G., Benson, M. and Powell, E. (2009). Quantitation of steatosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) in liver disease: effect of hepatic fibrosis and iron. Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Glasgow, Scotland, 23-26 March 2009. London, United Kingdom: B M J Group.

Quantitation of steatosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) in liver disease: effect of hepatic fibrosis and iron


Conference Publication

A phase 2A randomized double blinded placebo controlled study evaluating immunity and gluten sensitivity by inoculating coeliac disease patients with the human hookworm necator americanus

Daveson, A. J. M., Jones, D., Mcsorley, H., Gaze, S., Mccarthy, J., Clouston, A., Pascoe, A., Macdonald, G., Speare, R., Anderson, R., Loukas, A and Croese, J. (2009). A phase 2A randomized double blinded placebo controlled study evaluating immunity and gluten sensitivity by inoculating coeliac disease patients with the human hookworm necator americanus. The Australia & New Zealand Medical & Surgical Gastrointestinal Week 2009, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney, NSW, 21-24 October 2009. Carlton South, Vic: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2009.06050.x

A phase 2A randomized double blinded placebo controlled study evaluating immunity and gluten sensitivity by inoculating coeliac disease patients with the human hookworm necator americanus


Conference Publication

Pre-treatment with cholic acid reduces MCD-diet induced liver injury

London, R. M., Hurrell, J., Ho, V., Sesha, J., Coulter, S., Clouston, A., Liddle, C. and George, J. (2008). Pre-treatment with cholic acid reduces MCD-diet induced liver injury. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC.

Pre-treatment with cholic acid reduces MCD-diet induced liver injury


Conference Publication

Detection of clonally expanded hepatocytes in chimpanzees with chronic hepatitis B virus infection

Jilbert, A. R., Mason, W. S., Low, H. C., Xu, C., Scougall, C., Grosse, A., Clouston, A., Chavez, D. and Lanford, R. (2008). Detection of clonally expanded hepatocytes in chimpanzees with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. MALDEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC.

Detection of clonally expanded hepatocytes in chimpanzees with chronic hepatitis B virus infection