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Journal Article

Truth machines: synthesizing veracity in AI language models

Munn, Luke, Magee, Liam and Arora, Vanicka (2024). Truth machines: synthesizing veracity in AI language models. AI and Society, 39 (6) e11510, 2759-2773. doi: 10.1007/s00146-023-01756-4

Truth machines: synthesizing veracity in AI language models


Journal Article

Inclusive online learning in Australia: Barriers and enablers

Marsden, Linda, Munn, Luke, Magee, Liam, Ferrinda, Matthew, St. Pierre, Justin and Third, Amanda (2024). Inclusive online learning in Australia: Barriers and enablers. Education and Information Technologies, 30 (4), 5301-5330. doi: 10.1007/s10639-024-13012-3

Inclusive online learning in Australia: Barriers and enablers


Journal Article

Taming the algorithm: The platform realism of GrabBike delivery workers

Nguyen-Thu, Giang and Munn, Luke (2024). Taming the algorithm: The platform realism of GrabBike delivery workers. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/14614448241262417

Taming the algorithm: The platform realism of GrabBike delivery workers


Journal Article

Expansive and Invasive: Mapping the “Bossware” Used to Monitor Workers

Munn, Luke (2024). Expansive and Invasive: Mapping the “Bossware” Used to Monitor Workers. Surveillance and Society, 22 (2), 104-119. doi: 10.24908/ss.v22i2.16179

Expansive and Invasive: Mapping the “Bossware” Used to Monitor Workers


Journal Article

Misinformation’s missing human

Munn, Luke (2024). Misinformation’s missing human. Media, Culture and Society, 46 (6), 1287-1298. doi: 10.1177/01634437241249164

Misinformation’s missing human


Journal Article

Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models

Munn, Luke and Henrickson, Leah (2024). Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models. Learning, Media and Technology, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/17439884.2024.2327024

Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models


Journal Article

More Than Monitoring: Grappling With Bossware

Munn, Luke (2024). More Than Monitoring: Grappling With Bossware. International Journal of Communication, 18, 3128-3139.

More Than Monitoring: Grappling With Bossware


Journal Article

(Re)framing built heritage through the machinic gaze

Arora, Vanicka, Magee, Liam and Munn, Luke (2024). (Re)framing built heritage through the machinic gaze. Journal of Social Archaeology, 24 (2), 197-217. doi: 10.1177/14696053241237949

(Re)framing built heritage through the machinic gaze


Journal Article

Fix my food: an urgent call to action from adolescents on how they experience and want to see change in their food systems

Fleming, Catharine A. K., Sharma, Deepika, Brunacci, Kaitlyn, Chandra, Shiva, Lala, Girish, Munn, Luke and Third, Amanda (2023). Fix my food: an urgent call to action from adolescents on how they experience and want to see change in their food systems. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36 (6), 2295-2309. doi: 10.1111/jhn.13228

Fix my food: an urgent call to action from adolescents on how they experience and want to see change in their food systems


Journal Article

Toxic play: examining the issue of hate within gaming

Munn, Luke (2023). Toxic play: examining the issue of hate within gaming. First Monday, 28 (9). doi: 10.5210/fm.v28i9.12508

Toxic play: examining the issue of hate within gaming


Journal Article

Structured like a language model: Analysing AI as an automated subject

Magee, Liam, Arora, Vanicka and Munn, Luke (2023). Structured like a language model: Analysing AI as an automated subject. Big Data and Society, 10 (2) 20539517231210273. doi: 10.1177/20539517231210273

Structured like a language model: Analysing AI as an automated subject


Journal Article

Tika technology an alternative blueprint for digitalisation

Munn, Luke (2023). Tika technology an alternative blueprint for digitalisation. Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 17 (1), 153-168. doi: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.17.1.0153

Tika technology an alternative blueprint for digitalisation


Journal Article

The five tests: designing and evaluating AI according to indigenous Māori principles

Munn, Luke (2023). The five tests: designing and evaluating AI according to indigenous Māori principles. AI & SOCIETY, 39 (4), 1673-1681. doi: 10.1007/s00146-023-01636-x

The five tests: designing and evaluating AI according to indigenous Māori principles


Journal Article

Surface and Sublevel Hate

Munn, Luke (2023). Surface and Sublevel Hate. Big Data & Society, 10 (1), 205395172211481. doi: 10.1177/20539517221148136

Surface and Sublevel Hate


Journal Article

The end of prediction? AI technologies in a no-Analog world

Munn, Luke (2023). The end of prediction? AI technologies in a no-Analog world. Sub-Stance, 52 (2), 59-73. doi: 10.1353/sub.2023.a907149

The end of prediction? AI technologies in a no-Analog world


Journal Article

Red territory: forging infrastructural power

Munn, Luke (2023). Red territory: forging infrastructural power. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (1), 80-99. doi: 10.1080/21622671.2020.1805353

Red territory: forging infrastructural power


Journal Article

Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure

Munn, Luke (2022). Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 9 (1), 80-97. doi: 10.46580/p67734

Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure


Journal Article

The uselessness of AI ethics

Munn, Luke (2022). The uselessness of AI ethics. AI and Ethics, 3 (3), 869-877. doi: 10.1007/s43681-022-00209-w

The uselessness of AI ethics


Journal Article

Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures

Munn, Luke (2022). Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures. New Media and Society, 24 (6), 1399-1416. doi: 10.1177/1461444820977197

Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures


Journal Article

Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces

Munn, Luke (2022). Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces. The Information Society, 38 (3), 218-225. doi: 10.1080/01972243.2022.2071217

Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces