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Journal Article

Fatigue Crack Growth Rates and Crack Tip Opening Loads in CT Specimens Made of SDSS and Manufactured Using WAAM

Sales, Andrew, Khanna, Aditya, Hughes, James, Yin, Ling and Kotousov, Andrei (2024). Fatigue Crack Growth Rates and Crack Tip Opening Loads in CT Specimens Made of SDSS and Manufactured Using WAAM. Materials, 17 (8) 1842, 1842. doi: 10.3390/ma17081842

Fatigue Crack Growth Rates and Crack Tip Opening Loads in CT Specimens Made of SDSS and Manufactured Using WAAM


Journal Article

Experimental Data-Driven approach for the evaluation of crack tip opening loads under variable amplitude loading

Kotousov, Andrei, Hughes, James, Khanna, Aditya, Moreno, Belen and Wallbrink, Chris (2024). Experimental Data-Driven approach for the evaluation of crack tip opening loads under variable amplitude loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 180 108108, 108108. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2023.108108

Experimental Data-Driven approach for the evaluation of crack tip opening loads under variable amplitude loading


Journal Article

Damage detection with the fundamental mode of edge waves

Hughes, James M, Mohabuth, Munawwar, Khanna, Aditya, Vidler, James, Kotousov, Andrei and Ng, Ching-Tai (2020). Damage detection with the fundamental mode of edge waves. Structural Health Monitoring, 20 (1), 74-83. doi: 10.1177/1475921720920314

Damage detection with the fundamental mode of edge waves


Journal Article

The potential for structural simulation to augment full scale fatigue testing: A review

Khanna, Aditya and Kotousov, Andrei (2020). The potential for structural simulation to augment full scale fatigue testing: A review. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 121 100641, 1-28. doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2020.100641

The potential for structural simulation to augment full scale fatigue testing: A review


Journal Article

Asymptotic analysis of out-of-plane strain and displacement fields at angular corners

Khanna, A., Kotousov, A., Yakubovich, S. and Zakavi, B. (2019). Asymptotic analysis of out-of-plane strain and displacement fields at angular corners. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 170, 111-122. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.04.024

Asymptotic analysis of out-of-plane strain and displacement fields at angular corners


Journal Article

A new method for analysis of part-elliptical surface cracks in structures subjected to fatigue loading

Zakavi, Behnam, Kotousov, Andrei, Khanna, Aditya and Branco, Ricardo (2019). A new method for analysis of part-elliptical surface cracks in structures subjected to fatigue loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 103 102258, 102258. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.102258

A new method for analysis of part-elliptical surface cracks in structures subjected to fatigue loading


Journal Article

On the determination of the third-order elastic constants of homogeneous isotropic materials utilising Rayleigh waves

Mohabuth, Munawwar, Khanna, Aditya, Hughes, James, Vidler, James, Kotousov, Andrei and Ng, Ching-Tai (2019). On the determination of the third-order elastic constants of homogeneous isotropic materials utilising Rayleigh waves. Ultrasonics, 96, 96-103. doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2019.02.006

On the determination of the third-order elastic constants of homogeneous isotropic materials utilising Rayleigh waves


Journal Article

On the Application of the Channel-Fracturing Technique to Soft Rock Formations

Khanna, Aditya, Kotousov, Andrei and Luong, Hao Thanh (2019). On the Application of the Channel-Fracturing Technique to Soft Rock Formations. Spe Journal, 24 (1), 395-412. doi: 10.2118/194202-pa

On the Application of the Channel-Fracturing Technique to Soft Rock Formations


Journal Article

Comparative evaluation of in situ stress monitoring with Rayleigh waves

Hughes, James Martin, Vidler, James, Ng, Ching-Tai, Khanna, Aditya, Mohabuth, Munawwar, Rose, L. R. Francis and Kotousov, Andrei (2019). Comparative evaluation of in situ stress monitoring with Rayleigh waves. Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 18 (1), 205-215. doi: 10.1177/1475921718798146

Comparative evaluation of in situ stress monitoring with Rayleigh waves


Journal Article

On the analysis of structures with cracks of elliptical and part-elliptical shapes

Kotousov, Andrei, Zakavi, Behnam, Khanna, Aditya and Branco, Ricardo (2018). On the analysis of structures with cracks of elliptical and part-elliptical shapes. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 98, 149-156. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.09.013

On the analysis of structures with cracks of elliptical and part-elliptical shapes


Journal Article

Three-dimensional analysis of an edge crack in a plate of finite thickness with the first-order plate theory

Khanna, Aditya, Kotousov, Andrei, Mohabuth, Munawwar and Bun, Sunly (2018). Three-dimensional analysis of an edge crack in a plate of finite thickness with the first-order plate theory. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 95, 155-163. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.02.017

Three-dimensional analysis of an edge crack in a plate of finite thickness with the first-order plate theory


Journal Article

Analytical evaluation of the transverse displacement at the tip of a semi-infinite crack in an elastic plate

Kotousov, A., Khanna, A. and Bun, S. (2018). Analytical evaluation of the transverse displacement at the tip of a semi-infinite crack in an elastic plate. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 93, 288-292. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.09.011

Analytical evaluation of the transverse displacement at the tip of a semi-infinite crack in an elastic plate


Journal Article

Residual opening of hydraulic fractures created using the channel fracturing technique

Khanna, Aditya, Luong, Hao, Kotousov, Andrei, Nguyen, Giang D. and Rose, L.R. Francis (2017). Residual opening of hydraulic fractures created using the channel fracturing technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 100, 124-137. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2017.10.023

Residual opening of hydraulic fractures created using the channel fracturing technique


Journal Article

Modelling jointed rock mass as a continuum with an embedded cohesive-frictional model

Le, Linh A., Nguyen, Giang D., Bui, Ha H., Sheikh, Abdul H., Kotousov, Andrei and Khanna, Aditya (2017). Modelling jointed rock mass as a continuum with an embedded cohesive-frictional model. Engineering Geology, 228, 107-120. doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2017.07.011

Modelling jointed rock mass as a continuum with an embedded cohesive-frictional model


Journal Article

A new analytical method for the evaluation of transverse displacements and stresses in plane problems of elasticity

Kotousov, Andrei, Bun, Sunly and Khanna, Aditya (2017). A new analytical method for the evaluation of transverse displacements and stresses in plane problems of elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 118, 89-96. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.04.020

A new analytical method for the evaluation of transverse displacements and stresses in plane problems of elasticity


Journal Article

Controlling the Height of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures in Layered Media

Khanna, Aditya and Kotousov, Andrei (2016). Controlling the Height of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures in Layered Media. SPE Journal, 21 (1), 256-263. doi: 10.2118/176017-pa

Controlling the Height of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures in Layered Media


Journal Article

The stress field due to an interfacial edge dislocation in a multi-layered medium

Khanna, Aditya and Kotousov, Andrei (2015). The stress field due to an interfacial edge dislocation in a multi-layered medium. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 72, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.06.030

The stress field due to an interfacial edge dislocation in a multi-layered medium


Journal Article

Conductivity and performance of hydraulic fractures partially filled with compressible proppant packs

Bortolan Neto, Luiz, Khanna, Aditya and Kotousov, Andrei (2015). Conductivity and performance of hydraulic fractures partially filled with compressible proppant packs. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 74, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2014.11.005

Conductivity and performance of hydraulic fractures partially filled with compressible proppant packs


Journal Article

A Mathematical Model for Interfacial Defects in Snow Layers

Khanna, Aditya and Kotousov, Andrei (2015). A Mathematical Model for Interfacial Defects in Snow Layers. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 4 (3), 200-203. doi: 10.7763/ijmmm.2016.v4.256

A Mathematical Model for Interfacial Defects in Snow Layers


Journal Article

Stress analysis of a crack in a fiber-reinforced layered composite

Khanna, Aditya and Kotousov, Andrei (2014). Stress analysis of a crack in a fiber-reinforced layered composite. Composite Structures, 118, 139-148. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.07.024

Stress analysis of a crack in a fiber-reinforced layered composite