2018 Book Chapter Problems for effort-based distribution principlesLamont, Julian (2018). Problems for effort-based distribution principles. Justice. (pp. 143-157) edited by Wojciech Sadurski. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315193496-7 |
2017 Book Chapter Distributive justiceLamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2017). Distributive justice. Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. (pp. *-*) Stanford, CA USA: Stanford University. |
2014 Book Chapter Distributive justiceLamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2014). Distributive justice. Ethics and the military profession: the moral foundations of leadership. (pp. 401-406) edited by George R. Lucas and William Rubel. Boston, MA, United States: Pearson. |
2013 Book Chapter Distributive JusticeLamont, Julian and Favor, Christi (2013). Distributive Justice. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (pp. 1-46) edited by Edward N. Zalta. Stanford, CA United States: Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. |
2012 Book Chapter Core issues in ethics for scientistsLamont, Julian and Lowe, Kevin (2012). Core issues in ethics for scientists. Applied ethics: strengthening ethical practices. (pp. 208-218) edited by Peter Bowden. Prahran, VIC, Australia: Tilde Publishing and Distribution. |
2012 Book Chapter Incentive income, deserved income and economic rentsLamont, Julian (2012). Incentive income, deserved income and economic rents. Distributive justice. (pp. 363-383) edited by Julian Lamont. Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315257563-12 |
2012 Book Chapter IntroductionLamont, Julian (2012). Introduction. Distributive justice. (pp. xi-xxi) edited by Julian Lamont. Surrey, U.K.; Burlington, VA, U.S.A.: Ashgate Publishing. |
2010 Book Chapter Productivity, compensation, and voluntarinessLamont, Julian (2010). Productivity, compensation, and voluntariness. Essays on Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Integration and Common Research Projects. (pp. 121-138) edited by Christi Favor, Gerald F. Gaus and Julian Lamont. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. |
2010 Book Chapter IntroductionFavor, Christi, Gaus, Gerald and Lamont, Julian (2010). Introduction. Essays on philosophy, politics & economics : Integration & common research projects. (pp. 1-11) edited by Christi Favor, Gerald Gaus and Julian Lamont. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. |
2004 Book Chapter Distributive JusticeLamont, J. (2004). Distributive Justice. Handbook of Political Theory. (pp. 223-238) edited by G F Gaus and C Kukathas. London: Sage. |
2003 Book Chapter More solutions to the puzzle of when death harms its victims?Lamont, J. (2003). More solutions to the puzzle of when death harms its victims?. Death and Anti-Death Volume 1 One Hundred Years after N.F. Federov (1829-1903). (pp. 377-396) edited by Tandy and Charles. California: Ria University Pres. |