2017 Other Outputs A murky cauldron – modern witchcraft and the spell on TrumpJohnson, Marguerite (2017, 03 12). A murky cauldron – modern witchcraft and the spell on Trump The Conversation |
2017 Journal Article Editor’s IntroductionJohnson, Marguerite (2017). Editor’s Introduction. Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies, 8. |
2017 Edited Outputs Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies: Special Issue: Australasian PractitionersPractitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies: Special Issue: Australasian Practitioners. (2017). 8 |
2017 Journal Article Picnic at Hanging Rock fifty years onJohnson, Marguerite (2017). Picnic at Hanging Rock fifty years on. Australian Book Review, 397. |
2016 Other Outputs Guide to the classics: Ovid’s Metamorphoses and reading rapeJohnson, Marguerite (2016, 09 13). Guide to the classics: Ovid’s Metamorphoses and reading rape The Conversation |
2016 Other Outputs Should academics cite those who have breached moral and humane borders?Johnson, Marguerite (2016, 06 21). Should academics cite those who have breached moral and humane borders? The Conversation |
2016 Book Chapter Storytelling and authority: critical poetics in Plato’s symposiumBenitez, Rick and Johnson, Marguerite (2016). Storytelling and authority: critical poetics in Plato’s symposium. Reflections on Plato’s poetics. (pp. 171-190) edited by Rick Benitez and Keping Wang. Berrima, NSW Australia: Academic Printing and Publishing. doi: 10.2307/j.ctv10kmfwd.17 |
2016 Journal Article The Stripper Castrated, or how Leigh Redhead's "Peepshow" Stages the Art of 'Being BothRolls, Alistair and Johnson, Marguerite (2016). The Stripper Castrated, or how Leigh Redhead's "Peepshow" Stages the Art of 'Being Both. Clues: a Journal of Detection, 34 (2), 104-113. |
2015 Other Outputs Friday essay: virgin mothers and miracle babiesJohnson, Marguerite (2015, 12 17). Friday essay: virgin mothers and miracle babies The Conversation |
2015 Other Outputs Toil and trouble: the myth of the witch is no myth at allJohnson, Marguerite (2015, 06 16). Toil and trouble: the myth of the witch is no myth at all The Conversation |
2015 Other Outputs Game of Thrones has reignited the Greek tale of IphigeneiaJohnson, Marguerite (2015, 06 11). Game of Thrones has reignited the Greek tale of Iphigeneia The Conversation |
2015 Other Outputs A feminist nightmare: how fear of women haunts our earliest mythsJohnson, Marguerite (2015, 02 25). A feminist nightmare: how fear of women haunts our earliest myths The Conversation |
2015 Other Outputs An experiment in collaborative writing: day tenJohnson, Marguerite (2015, 01 05). An experiment in collaborative writing: day ten The Conversation |
2015 Journal Article Getting under the skin to read the signs: the call of classical myths and mysteries in Leigh Redhead's 'Peepshow'Johnson, Marguerite and Rolls, Alistair (2015). Getting under the skin to read the signs: the call of classical myths and mysteries in Leigh Redhead's 'Peepshow'. The Australian Journal of Crime Fiction, 1 (2). |
2014 Other Outputs Harking back: the ancient pagan festivities in our Christmas ritualsJohnson, Marguerite (2014, 12 07). Harking back: the ancient pagan festivities in our Christmas rituals The Conversation |
2014 Journal Article Indigeneity and classical reception in the voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany BayJohnson, Marguerite (2014). Indigeneity and classical reception in the voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. Classical Receptions Journal, 6 (3), 402-425. doi: 10.1093/crj/clt027 |
2014 Other Outputs Reader beware: the nasty new edition of the Brothers GrimmJohnson, Marguerite (2014, 11 24). Reader beware: the nasty new edition of the Brothers Grimm The Conversation |
2014 Journal Article Review of Stand in the trench, Achilles: classical receptions in British poetry of the Great WarJohnson, Marguerite (2014). Review of Stand in the trench, Achilles: classical receptions in British poetry of the Great War. Reviews in History. |
2014 Other Outputs When statues get frocked up, art is in rude healthJohnson, Marguerite (2014, 09 08). When statues get frocked up, art is in rude health The Conversation |
2014 Journal Article Fairytales and make-believe, or spinning stories about Poros and Penia in Plato's symposium: A literary and computational analysisJohnson, M. and Tarrant, H. (2014). Fairytales and make-believe, or spinning stories about Poros and Penia in Plato's symposium: A literary and computational analysis. Phoenix, 68 (3-4), 291-312. |