2024 Journal Article Baudelaire's Paris looking at Africa, and vice versaRolls, Alistair and Johnson, Marguerite (2024). Baudelaire's Paris looking at Africa, and vice versa. Dix-Neuf, 28 (2), 196-207. doi: 10.1080/14787318.2024.2334112 |
2023 Journal Article Bitchy ladies: domestic violence against ornatrices in Latin poetry—protest femininity, toxic femininity?Johnson, Marguerite (2023). Bitchy ladies: domestic violence against ornatrices in Latin poetry—protest femininity, toxic femininity?. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 66 (2), 84-96. doi: 10.1093/bics/qbae020 |
2023 Journal Article Georges Cuvier’s autopsy report on Sara Baartman: a translation and commentaryJohnson, Marguerite and Rolls, Alistair (2023). Georges Cuvier’s autopsy report on Sara Baartman: a translation and commentary. Terrae Incognitae, 55 (2), 170-195. doi: 10.1080/00822884.2023.2227480 |
2021 Journal Article Teaching entangled Australian sexual histories: Pedagogy and approachesBennett, James and Johnson, Marguerite (2021). Teaching entangled Australian sexual histories: Pedagogy and approaches. History Compass, 19 (10) e12690, 1-9. doi: 10.1111/hic3.12690 |
2021 Journal Article Catullus’ fantastical memories – Poem 68 and writing traumaJohnson, Marguerite (2021). Catullus’ fantastical memories – Poem 68 and writing trauma. Antichthon, 55, 136-154. doi: 10.1017/ann.2021.8 |
2021 Journal Article Performing Theocritus's Pharmakeutria : Revealing Hellenistic WitchcraftJohnson, Marguerite and Kimball, Nicole (2021). Performing Theocritus's Pharmakeutria : Revealing Hellenistic Witchcraft. Arethusa, 54 (2), 163-184. |
2021 Journal Article IntroductionJohnson, Marguerite and O'Hearn, Leah (2021). Introduction. Antichthon, 55, 1-5. doi: 10.1017/ann.2021.11 |
2018 Journal Article Review of How to die: an ancient guide to the end of life by SenecaJohnson, Marguerite (2018). Review of How to die: an ancient guide to the end of life by Seneca. Australian Book Review, 404. |
2018 Journal Article Athens to Aotearoa: Greece and Rome in New Zealand Literature and Society & Pasture and Flock: New and Selected PoemsJohnson, Marguerite (2018). Athens to Aotearoa: Greece and Rome in New Zealand Literature and Society & Pasture and Flock: New and Selected Poems. International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 26 (3), 346-350. doi: 10.1007/s12138-018-0488-4 |
2018 Journal Article Athens to Aotearoa: Greece and Rome in New Zealand Literature and SocietyJohnson, Marguerite (2018). Athens to Aotearoa: Greece and Rome in New Zealand Literature and Society. The Journal of New Zealand Studies (NS26), 80-83. doi: 10.26686/jnzs.v0ins26.4847 |
2018 Journal Article Porphyry and ‘Neopythagorean’ exegesis in Cave of the Nymphs and elsewhereTarrant, Harold and Johnson, Marguerite (2018). Porphyry and ‘Neopythagorean’ exegesis in Cave of the Nymphs and elsewhere. Méthexis, 30 (1), 154-174. doi: 10.1163/24680974-03001009 |
2017 Journal Article Editor’s IntroductionJohnson, Marguerite (2017). Editor’s Introduction. Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies, 8. |
2017 Journal Article Picnic at Hanging Rock fifty years onJohnson, Marguerite (2017). Picnic at Hanging Rock fifty years on. Australian Book Review, 397. |
2016 Journal Article The Stripper Castrated, or how Leigh Redhead's "Peepshow" Stages the Art of 'Being BothRolls, Alistair and Johnson, Marguerite (2016). The Stripper Castrated, or how Leigh Redhead's "Peepshow" Stages the Art of 'Being Both. Clues: a Journal of Detection, 34 (2), 104-113. |
2015 Journal Article Getting under the skin to read the signs: the call of classical myths and mysteries in Leigh Redhead's 'Peepshow'Johnson, Marguerite and Rolls, Alistair (2015). Getting under the skin to read the signs: the call of classical myths and mysteries in Leigh Redhead's 'Peepshow'. The Australian Journal of Crime Fiction, 1 (2). |
2014 Journal Article Indigeneity and classical reception in the voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany BayJohnson, Marguerite (2014). Indigeneity and classical reception in the voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. Classical Receptions Journal, 6 (3), 402-425. doi: 10.1093/crj/clt027 |
2014 Journal Article Review of Stand in the trench, Achilles: classical receptions in British poetry of the Great WarJohnson, Marguerite (2014). Review of Stand in the trench, Achilles: classical receptions in British poetry of the Great War. Reviews in History. |
2014 Journal Article Fairytales and make-believe, or spinning stories about Poros and Penia in Plato's symposium: A literary and computational analysisJohnson, M. and Tarrant, H. (2014). Fairytales and make-believe, or spinning stories about Poros and Penia in Plato's symposium: A literary and computational analysis. Phoenix, 68 (3-4), 291-312. |
2014 Journal Article Boadicea and the British suffrage feministsJohnson, Marguerite (2014). Boadicea and the British suffrage feminists. Outskirts: feminisms along the edge. |