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Book Chapter

Hoaxes, imposture and the fabrication of literary selves

Nolan, Maggie (2023). Hoaxes, imposture and the fabrication of literary selves. le vie del falso: storio, letteratura, arte. (pp. 361-376) edited by Andrea Comboni and Sandro La Barbera. Bologna, Italy: il Mulino.

Hoaxes, imposture and the fabrication of literary selves


Book Chapter

Reading fiction, talking reconciliation: Australian book clubs, book talk and the politics of history

Nolan, Maggie, Clarke, Robert and Brown, Rebekah (2021). Reading fiction, talking reconciliation: Australian book clubs, book talk and the politics of history. Über Bücher reden: Literaturrezeption in Lesegemeinschaften. (pp. 231-242) Goettingen, Germany: V & R Unipress GmbH. doi: 10.14220/9783737013239.231

Reading fiction, talking reconciliation: Australian book clubs, book talk and the politics of history


Book Chapter

Teaching Kate Grenville's The Secret River in the United States: a study

Nolan, Maggie (2017). Teaching Kate Grenville's The Secret River in the United States: a study. Teaching Australian and New Zealand literature. (pp. 199-209) New York, NY, United States: Modern Language Association of America.

Teaching Kate Grenville's The Secret River in the United States: a study


Book Chapter

Who's a weird mob? Imagining assimilation in postwar Australia

Nolan, Marguerite (2009). Who's a weird mob? Imagining assimilation in postwar Australia. Imagined Australia: reflections around the reciprocal construction of identity between Australia and Europe. (pp. 265-276) edited by Renata Summo-O'Connell. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Who's a weird mob? Imagining assimilation in postwar Australia


Book Chapter

Canvassing the issues: Indigenous Australians in higher education

Nolan, Maggie (2009). Canvassing the issues: Indigenous Australians in higher education. Indigenous issues in Australian universities: research, teaching, support. (pp. 1-6) edited by Jack Frawley, Maggie Nolan and Nereda White. Darwin, NT, Australia: Charles Darwin University Press.

Canvassing the issues: Indigenous Australians in higher education


Book Chapter

'Bitin' Back': Indigenous writing in Queensland

Nolan, Maggie (2007). 'Bitin' Back': Indigenous writing in Queensland. By the book: a literary history of Queensland. (pp. 259-277) edited by Patrick Buckridge and Belinda McKay. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: UQP.

'Bitin' Back': Indigenous writing in Queensland


Book Chapter

Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identification

Nolan, Marguerite (2005). Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identification. Fakes and forgeries. (pp. 135-146) Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identification


Book Chapter

Displacing Indigenous Australians: Freud's Totem and Taboo

Maggie Nolan (2003). Displacing Indigenous Australians: Freud's Totem and Taboo. History on the couch: essays in history and psychoanalysis. (pp. 60-72) edited by Joy Damousi and Robert Reynolds. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Melbourne University Press.

Displacing Indigenous Australians: Freud's Totem and Taboo


Book Chapter

Identity crises and orphaned rewritings

Nolan, Maggie (2003). Identity crises and orphaned rewritings. Mongrel signatures: reflections on the work of Mudrooroo. (pp. 107-128) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004486522_008

Identity crises and orphaned rewritings


Book Chapter

Authenticity and betrayal: the subjection of Mudrooroo

Nolan, Marguerite (1998). Authenticity and betrayal: the subjection of Mudrooroo. Appreciating difference: writing postcolonial literary history. (pp. 201-210) Geelong, VIC, Australia: Deakin University Press.

Authenticity and betrayal: the subjection of Mudrooroo