2023 Book Chapter Hoaxes, imposture and the fabrication of literary selvesNolan, Maggie (2023). Hoaxes, imposture and the fabrication of literary selves. le vie del falso: storio, letteratura, arte. (pp. 361-376) edited by Andrea Comboni and Sandro La Barbera. Bologna, Italy: il Mulino. |
2021 Book Chapter Reading fiction, talking reconciliation: Australian book clubs, book talk and the politics of historyNolan, Maggie, Clarke, Robert and Brown, Rebekah (2021). Reading fiction, talking reconciliation: Australian book clubs, book talk and the politics of history. Über Bücher reden: Literaturrezeption in Lesegemeinschaften. (pp. 231-242) Goettingen, Germany: V & R Unipress GmbH. doi: 10.14220/9783737013239.231 |
2017 Book Chapter Teaching Kate Grenville's The Secret River in the United States: a studyNolan, Maggie (2017). Teaching Kate Grenville's The Secret River in the United States: a study. Teaching Australian and New Zealand literature. (pp. 199-209) New York, NY, United States: Modern Language Association of America. |
2009 Book Chapter Who's a weird mob? Imagining assimilation in postwar AustraliaNolan, Marguerite (2009). Who's a weird mob? Imagining assimilation in postwar Australia. Imagined Australia: reflections around the reciprocal construction of identity between Australia and Europe. (pp. 265-276) edited by Renata Summo-O'Connell. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. |
2009 Book Chapter Canvassing the issues: Indigenous Australians in higher educationNolan, Maggie (2009). Canvassing the issues: Indigenous Australians in higher education. Indigenous issues in Australian universities: research, teaching, support. (pp. 1-6) edited by Jack Frawley, Maggie Nolan and Nereda White. Darwin, NT, Australia: Charles Darwin University Press. |
2007 Book Chapter 'Bitin' Back': Indigenous writing in QueenslandNolan, Maggie (2007). 'Bitin' Back': Indigenous writing in Queensland. By the book: a literary history of Queensland. (pp. 259-277) edited by Patrick Buckridge and Belinda McKay. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: UQP. |
2005 Book Chapter Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identificationNolan, Marguerite (2005). Elizabeth Durack, Eddie Burrup and the art of identification. Fakes and forgeries. (pp. 135-146) Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. |
2003 Book Chapter Displacing Indigenous Australians: Freud's Totem and TabooMaggie Nolan (2003). Displacing Indigenous Australians: Freud's Totem and Taboo. History on the couch: essays in history and psychoanalysis. (pp. 60-72) edited by Joy Damousi and Robert Reynolds. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Melbourne University Press. |
2003 Book Chapter Identity crises and orphaned rewritingsNolan, Maggie (2003). Identity crises and orphaned rewritings. Mongrel signatures: reflections on the work of Mudrooroo. (pp. 107-128) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004486522_008 |
1998 Book Chapter Authenticity and betrayal: the subjection of MudroorooNolan, Marguerite (1998). Authenticity and betrayal: the subjection of Mudrooroo. Appreciating difference: writing postcolonial literary history. (pp. 201-210) Geelong, VIC, Australia: Deakin University Press. |