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Conference Publication

Experimental VUV shock layer radiation measurements for 13 and 14 km/s high speed earth re-entry conditions

Lock, S., Liu, Y., Morgan, R., James, C. and McIntyre, T. (2023). Experimental VUV shock layer radiation measurements for 13 and 14 km/s high speed earth re-entry conditions. 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Daegu, South Korea, 16-21 July 2023.

Experimental VUV shock layer radiation measurements for 13 and 14 km/s high speed earth re-entry conditions


Conference Publication

Preliminary results for CO2 recombination for low velocity, high density mars aerocapture conditions

Singh, M., Liu, Y., James, C.M., Morgan, R.G., Temme, N. and McIntyre, T.J. (2023). Preliminary results for CO2 recombination for low velocity, high density mars aerocapture conditions. 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Daegu, South Korea, 16-21 July 2023.

Preliminary results for CO2 recombination for low velocity, high density mars aerocapture conditions


Conference Publication

Measurements of Free stream Density Fluctuations in the T4 Stalker Tube

Ananthapadmanaban, Ramprakash, Veeraragavan, Ananthanarayanan, McIntyre, Timothy, Wheatley, Vincent and Mee, David (2023). Measurements of Free stream Density Fluctuations in the T4 Stalker Tube. 25th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Karnataka, India, 28 May - 1 June 2023. Reston, VA United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-3031

Measurements of Free stream Density Fluctuations in the T4 Stalker Tube


Conference Publication

Ultrahigh-speed emission spectroscopy for flow analysis in laboratory environments

Lu, Nathan, Andrianatos, Andreas, James, Christopher M., Jacobs, Carolyn and McIntyre, Timothy (2022). Ultrahigh-speed emission spectroscopy for flow analysis in laboratory environments. AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum, Chicago, IL United States, 27 June - 1 July 2022. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-3419

Ultrahigh-speed emission spectroscopy for flow analysis in laboratory environments


Conference Publication

Experimental measurements of total heat flux for superorbital earth reentry with magnetohydrodynamic flow control

Lefevre, Alexis, Gildfind, David E., Gollan, Rowan J., Jacobs, Peter A., James, Christopher M. and McIntyre, Timothy J. (2022). Experimental measurements of total heat flux for superorbital earth reentry with magnetohydrodynamic flow control. AIAA SCITECH Forum, San Diego, CA, United States & Virtual, 3-7 January 2022. Reston, VA, United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-0828

Experimental measurements of total heat flux for superorbital earth reentry with magnetohydrodynamic flow control


Conference Publication

Measurements of density fluctuations in a scramjet combustor

Ramprakash, A., McIntyre, T. J., Wheatley, V. and Mee, D. J. (2021). Measurements of density fluctuations in a scramjet combustor. Australian Combustion Symposium, Toowoomba, QLD Australia, 21-24 November 2021. Sydney, NSW Australia: Australia and New Zealand Combustion Institute.

Measurements of density fluctuations in a scramjet combustor


Conference Publication

Radiative heat flux measurements for superorbital earth re-entry experiments in an expansion tube

Lefevre, Alexis, Gildfind, David E., Gollan, Rowan J., Jacobs, Peter A., McIntyre, Timothy J. and James, Christopher M. (2021). Radiative heat flux measurements for superorbital earth re-entry experiments in an expansion tube. Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery conference, ASCEND 2021, Las Vegas, NV, United States and Virtual, 15-17 November 2021. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2021-4142

Radiative heat flux measurements for superorbital earth re-entry experiments in an expansion tube


Conference Publication

Self-absorption and electron number density measurements on Saturn entry radiation

Liu, Yu, James, Christopher M., Morgan, Richard G. and McIntyre, Timothy (2021). Self-absorption and electron number density measurements on Saturn entry radiation. AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, Virtual, 11–15 and 19–21 January 2021. Reston, VA USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2021-0209

Self-absorption and electron number density measurements on Saturn entry radiation


Conference Publication

Using aerothermodynamic similarity to experimentally study nonequilibrium giant planet entry

Liu, Yu, James, Christopher M., Morgan, Richard G. and McIntyre, Timothy J. (2020). Using aerothermodynamic similarity to experimentally study nonequilibrium giant planet entry. Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States, 25-29 June 2018. Reston, VA, United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/1.a34713

Using aerothermodynamic similarity to experimentally study nonequilibrium giant planet entry


Conference Publication

Performance analysis of FLDI technique using turbulent jets

Ananthapadmanaban, Ramprakash, McIntyre, Timothy J., Wheatley, Vincent and Mee, David J. (2019). Performance analysis of FLDI technique using turbulent jets. IX Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2-4 December 2019.

Performance analysis of FLDI technique using turbulent jets


Conference Publication

Evaluation of electrically insulating coatings for magnetohydrodynamic aerobraking experimentation

Gildfind, David, Smith, Daniel, Thompson, Owen, Jacobs, Peter, Morgan, Richard, Kelly, Rory and McIntyre, Tim (2019). Evaluation of electrically insulating coatings for magnetohydrodynamic aerobraking experimentation. 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW32), Singapore, 14-19 July 2019. Singapore: Research Publishing Services. doi: 10.3850/978-981-11-2730-4_0014-cd

Evaluation of electrically insulating coatings for magnetohydrodynamic aerobraking experimentation


Conference Publication

Hypersonic shock impingement on a heated surface in the T4 free-piston driven shock tunnel

Chang, Eric W. K. , Chan, Wilson Y.K., McIntyre, Timothy J. and Veeraragavan, Ananthanarayanan (2019). Hypersonic shock impingement on a heated surface in the T4 free-piston driven shock tunnel. 32nd International Symposium on Shockwaves, Singapore, 14 - 19 July 2019. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE.

Hypersonic shock impingement on a heated surface in the T4 free-piston driven shock tunnel


Conference Publication

Magnetohydrodynamic drag force measurements in expansion tubes using an accelerometer

Smith, Daniel R., Gildfind, David E. , James, Christopher M., Andrianatos, Andreas, Mee, David J. and McIntyre, Timothy J. (2019). Magnetohydrodynamic drag force measurements in expansion tubes using an accelerometer. 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Singapore, 14-19 July 2019. Singapore: Research Publishing Services. doi: 10.3850/978-981-11-2730-4_0145-cd

Magnetohydrodynamic drag force measurements in expansion tubes using an accelerometer


Conference Publication

Theoretical and experimental study of helium-neon substitution for Saturn entry radiation

Liu, Yu, James, Christopher M., Morgan, Richard G. and McIntyre, Timothy (2019). Theoretical and experimental study of helium-neon substitution for Saturn entry radiation. AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, Dallas, TX United States, 17-21 June 2019. Reston, VA United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2019-3134

Theoretical and experimental study of helium-neon substitution for Saturn entry radiation


Conference Publication

Zeeman effect in radiating magnetohydrodynamic flow

Thompson, O., Gildfind, D. E., Smith, D. R., Kelly, R. and McIntyre, T. J. (2019). Zeeman effect in radiating magnetohydrodynamic flow. Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2019), Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 4-6 December 2019.

Zeeman effect in radiating magnetohydrodynamic flow


Conference Publication

Generating high speed earth re-entry test conditions in an expansion tube

James, Christopher, Lewis, Steven, Gildfind, David, Morgan, Richard and McIntyre, Timothy (2019). Generating high speed earth re-entry test conditions in an expansion tube. 8th International Workshop on Radiation of High Temperature Gases, Madrid, Spain, 25-29 March 2019.

Generating high speed earth re-entry test conditions in an expansion tube


Conference Publication

Detecting shock arrival in expansion tubes and shock tunnels using high frequency photodiodes

James, C.M., Cox, D., Komonen, A., Barltrop, L., Wikner, D.R. and McIntyre, T.J. (2019). Detecting shock arrival in expansion tubes and shock tunnels using high frequency photodiodes. 11th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Gold Coast, Australia, 4-6 December 2019. Gold Coast, Australia: Engineers Australia.

Detecting shock arrival in expansion tubes and shock tunnels using high frequency photodiodes


Conference Publication

Expansion tube experiments of graphite ablation and radiation in hypervelocity earth-entry flows

Ravichandran, R., Lewis, S.W., James, C.M., Morgan, R.G. and McIntyre, T.J. (2019). Expansion tube experiments of graphite ablation and radiation in hypervelocity earth-entry flows. 8th International Workshop on Radiation of High Temperature Gases, Madrid, Spain, 25-29 March 2019.

Expansion tube experiments of graphite ablation and radiation in hypervelocity earth-entry flows


Conference Publication

Progress with Magnetohydrodynamics Experiments at the University of Queensland

Gildfind, David E., Smith, Daniel R., Lefevre, Alexis, Thompson, Owen, Jacobs, Peter A., Lewis, Steven W., Chia, Yu Shen, Kelly, Rory and McIntyre, Timothy J. (2019). Progress with Magnetohydrodynamics Experiments at the University of Queensland. Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2019), Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 4-6 December 2019.

Progress with Magnetohydrodynamics Experiments at the University of Queensland


Conference Publication

Multidimensional effects and self- absorption on spectroscopic observations of Saturn entry radiation

Liu, Yu, Toniato, Pierpaolo, James, Chris, Morgan, Richard and McIntyre, T.J. (2019). Multidimensional effects and self- absorption on spectroscopic observations of Saturn entry radiation. 11th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Gold Coast, Australia, 4-6 December 2019. Gold Coast, Australia: Engineers Australia.

Multidimensional effects and self- absorption on spectroscopic observations of Saturn entry radiation