2023 Journal Article Can we buffer them? Supporting healthy levels of stress and anxiety in first year international studentsSlaughter, Lee, Sie, Lintje, Breakey, Noreen, Macionis, Niki and Zhang, Jingru (2023). Can we buffer them? Supporting healthy levels of stress and anxiety in first year international students. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 32 100438, 100438. doi: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2023.100438 |
2022 Conference Publication Minimising stress and anxiety in the ‘next normal’ learning environment: a case of first semester EAL students studying tourism hospitality and event coursesSlaughter, Lee , Macionis, Niki , Breakey, Noreen , Zhan, Jingru and Sie, Lintje (2022). Minimising stress and anxiety in the ‘next normal’ learning environment: a case of first semester EAL students studying tourism hospitality and event courses. The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), Online, 7-9 February 2022. |
2019 Journal Article Understanding travel risks in a developing country: a bottom up approachLenggogeni, Sari, Ritchie, Brent W. and Slaughter, Lee (2019). Understanding travel risks in a developing country: a bottom up approach. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (8), 941-955. doi: 10.1080/10548408.2019.1661329 |
2007 Conference Publication Trust and new technologies: Looking at issues from the perspective of the young touristHenderson, D., Slaughter, L-J. and Pegg, S. (2007). Trust and new technologies: Looking at issues from the perspective of the young tourist. e-Case 2007, Hong Kong, 15-17 August 2007. Taipei, Taiwan: Knowledge Association of Taiwan. |
2007 Journal Article Using action learning to improve assessment: A case study from an undergraduate tourism management courseSlaughter, L. and Ruhanen, L. M. (2007). Using action learning to improve assessment: A case study from an undergraduate tourism management course. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 7 (2), 1-20. doi: 10.1300/J172v07n02_01 |
2005 Conference Publication Tourist railways: A staffing dilemmaSlaughter, L. and Slater, K. (2005). Tourist railways: A staffing dilemma. CAUTHE 2005: Sharing Tourism Knowledge, Alice Springs, Australia, 1-5 February 2005. Darwin, NT, Australia: Charles Darwin University. |
2004 Conference Publication Tourism Motives and Youth: An Analysis of Holiday Motivations of Visitors to Contiki Great Keppel Island Resort, AustraliaSlaughter, L., Carr, N. S. and Oxley, L. (2004). Tourism Motives and Youth: An Analysis of Holiday Motivations of Visitors to Contiki Great Keppel Island Resort, Australia. Asia Pacific Tourism Association Tenth Annual Conference, Nagasaki, Japan, 4-7 July 2004. Hong Kong: Asia Pacific Tourism Association. |
2004 Journal Article Motivations of Long Term Volunteers: Human Services Vs EventsSlaughter, L. and Home, R. (2004). Motivations of Long Term Volunteers: Human Services Vs Events. UNLV Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Science (HTL Science), 2, 1-12. |
2004 Conference Publication ELICOS Students - an International student travel market overlooked?Slaughter, L. and Suwannachote, P. (2004). ELICOS Students - an International student travel market overlooked?. CAUTHE: Creating Tourism Knowledge, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, 10-13 February 2004. Altona Victoria: University of Queensland. |
2004 Book Chapter Profiling the International Backpacker Market in AustraliaSlaughter, L. (2004). Profiling the International Backpacker Market in Australia. The Global Nomad - Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice. (pp. 168-179) edited by G. Richards and J. Wilson. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. doi: 10.21832/9781873150788-012 |
2003 Conference Publication Event Management Education in FinlandSlaughter, Lee, Reid, Sacha and Arcodia, Charles (2003). Event Management Education in Finland. Advances in Convention, Exhibition & Event Research, Convention and Expo Summit, Hong Kong, 29-31 August, 2003. Hong Kong: The Honk Kong Polytechnic University. |
2002 Conference Publication Coastal Cruising: Targeting the Backpacker Market in the Whitsunday Region, AustraliaReid, S. L., Slaughter, L. and Prideaux, B. R. (2002). Coastal Cruising: Targeting the Backpacker Market in the Whitsunday Region, Australia. CAUTHE 2002, Perth, Australia, 6-9 February 2002. Perth, Australia: Promaco. |
2002 Conference Publication Motivations of long tern volunteers at eventsSlaughter, L. (2002). Motivations of long tern volunteers at events. EAPM: Building Destinations and Communities through Events, Sydney, Australia, 15-16 July 2002. Sydney: UTS: Australian Centre for Event Management. |
2002 Conference Publication Backpackers - a source of income for rural communitiesSlaughter, L. (2002). Backpackers - a source of income for rural communities. Tourism and Well-Being 2nd Tourism Industry and Education Symposium, Jyvaskyla Paviljonki, Finland, 16-18 May 2002. Jyvaskyla Polytechnic, Finland: Jyvaskyla Polytechnic, Finland. |
2001 Conference Publication International backpackers' preferences for long distanceSlaughter, L. (2001). International backpackers' preferences for long distance. Capitalising on Research, Canberra, 7-10 Feb 2001. Canberra: Uni of Canberra. |
2001 Conference Publication Managing the backpacker market in AustraliaSlaughter, L. (2001). Managing the backpacker market in Australia. Makati, Philippines, La Consolacion College, Lyceum of the Philippines, 4-7 July 2001. Philippines: Asia Pacific Tourism Assoc. |
2000 Journal Article Tourism ManagementSlaughter, L. (2000). Tourism Management. Australian Journal of Hospitality Management, 7 (1), 45-46. |