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Conference Publication

A polynomial-time algorithm for simple undirected graph isomorphism

He, Jing, Chen, Jinjun, Huang, Guangyan, Cao, Jie, Zhang, Zhiwang, Zheng, Hui, Zhang, Peng, Zarei, Roozbeh, Sansoto, Ferry, Wang, Ruchuan, Ji, Yimu, Fan, Weibei, Xie, Zhijun, Wang, Xiancheng, Guo, Mengjiao, Chi, Chi-Hung, de Souza, Paulo A., Zhang, Jiekui, Li, Youtao, Chen, Xiaojun, Shi, Yong, Green, David, Kersi, Taraporewalla and Van Zundert, André (2021). A polynomial-time algorithm for simple undirected graph isomorphism. Cloud‐Edge Computing and Communications (CECC2018). Distributed and Concurrent Algorithms for Cyber Physical System (DCCPS2018), Unknown, Unknown. Oxford, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/cpe.5484

A polynomial-time algorithm for simple undirected graph isomorphism


Conference Publication

A fuzzy theory based topological distance measurement for undirected multigraphs

He, Jing, Chen, Jinjun, Huang, Guangyan, Guo, Mengjiao, Zhang, Zhiwang, Zheng, Hui, Li, Yunyao, Wang, Ruchuan, Fan, Weibei, Chi, Chi-Huang, Ding, Weiping, De Souza, Paulo A., Chen, Bin, Li, Runwei, Shang, Jie and Van Zundert, Andre (2020). A fuzzy theory based topological distance measurement for undirected multigraphs. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Online, 19-24 July 2020. Piscataway, NJ United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/FUZZ48607.2020.9177559

A fuzzy theory based topological distance measurement for undirected multigraphs


Conference Publication

Does Cefazolin Prophylaxis During Elective Bariatric Surgery Achieve Therapeutic Concentrations in Plasma and Interstitial Fluid?

Ryan, R., Jackson, D. , Eley, V. A., Christensen, R., van Zundert, A ., Wallis, S., Lipman, J. and Roberts, J. (2018). Does Cefazolin Prophylaxis During Elective Bariatric Surgery Achieve Therapeutic Concentrations in Plasma and Interstitial Fluid?. The National Scientific Congress of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia, 7-10th October. New South Wales, Australia: The Australian Society of Anaesthetists.

Does Cefazolin Prophylaxis During Elective Bariatric Surgery Achieve Therapeutic Concentrations in Plasma and Interstitial Fluid?


Conference Publication

Does Cefazolin Prophylaxis During Elective Bariatric Caesarean Section Achieve Therapeutic Concentrations in Plasma and Interstitial Fluid?

Christensen, R., Eley, V. A., Smith, M., Jackson, D., Ryan, R., van Zundert, A., Wallis, S., Lipman, J. and Roberts, J. (2018). Does Cefazolin Prophylaxis During Elective Bariatric Caesarean Section Achieve Therapeutic Concentrations in Plasma and Interstitial Fluid?. The National Scientific Congress of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia, 7-10th October 2017. New South Wales, Australia: Australian Society of Anaesthetists.

Does Cefazolin Prophylaxis During Elective Bariatric Caesarean Section Achieve Therapeutic Concentrations in Plasma and Interstitial Fluid?


Conference Publication

Skin-to-epidural space distance in pregnancy: stronger association with body mass index than abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness

Eley, V. A., Chin, A., Sekar, R., Donovan, T., Krepska, A., Bell, S., Lawrence, M., McGrath, S., Robinson, A., Webb, L., van Zundert, A. and Marquart, L. (2018). Skin-to-epidural space distance in pregnancy: stronger association with body mass index than abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness. The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Sydney, NSW Australia, 7-11 May 2018. Australia: The Australian Society of Anaesthetists.

Skin-to-epidural space distance in pregnancy: stronger association with body mass index than abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness


Conference Publication

What is the failure rate of extending epidural analgesia to anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section in women with a body mass index ≥ 40 compared with women with a body mass index ≤ 30? A prospective two-centre cohort study

Eley, V. A., Chin, A., Tham, I., Poh, J ., Aujla, P., Glasgow, E., Brown, H., Steele, K., Webb, L. and van Zundert, A. (2018). What is the failure rate of extending epidural analgesia to anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section in women with a body mass index ≥ 40 compared with women with a body mass index ≤ 30? A prospective two-centre cohort study. The Australian Society of Anaesthetists 2017 National Scientific Congress, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia, 7-10th October 2017. New South Wales, Australia: The Australian Society of Anaesthetists.

What is the failure rate of extending epidural analgesia to anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section in women with a body mass index ≥ 40 compared with women with a body mass index ≤ 30? A prospective two-centre cohort study


Conference Publication

Increased abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness measured by ultrasound at 18-22 weeks gestation is associated with adverse maternal pregnancy outcomes

Eley, Victoria A., Chin, Adrian , Sekar, Renuka , Donovan, Tim , Krepska, Amy , Bell, Sheridan , Lawrence, Mitchell , McGrath, Shaun , Robinson, Alex , Webb, Lachlan and van Zundert, Andre (2017). Increased abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness measured by ultrasound at 18-22 weeks gestation is associated with adverse maternal pregnancy outcomes. 2017 Joint Scientific Meetings of the Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society (ADIPS) & the Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ), Canberra, ACT Australia, 20-22 October 2017.

Increased abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness measured by ultrasound at 18-22 weeks gestation is associated with adverse maternal pregnancy outcomes


Conference Publication

“Early epidural analgesia”: Practice guidelines are interpreted variably by specialist anaesthetists caring for obese parturients

Eley, Victoria , Callaway, Leonie , van Zundert, Andre , Lipman, Jeffrey and Gallois, Cindy (2016). “Early epidural analgesia”: Practice guidelines are interpreted variably by specialist anaesthetists caring for obese parturients. Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand, April 30- May 4th 2016.

“Early epidural analgesia”: Practice guidelines are interpreted variably by specialist anaesthetists caring for obese parturients


Conference Publication

Does ultrasound measurement of maternal abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness at 20 weeks gestation predict the difficulty of epidural insertion at term? A pilot study

Eley, Victoria , Chin, Adrian , Crooke, Ben , Lu, Peter , Glasgow, Emma , McGrath, Shaun and van Zundert, Andre (2016). Does ultrasound measurement of maternal abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness at 20 weeks gestation predict the difficulty of epidural insertion at term? A pilot study. Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland New Zealand, April 30- May 4th 2016.

Does ultrasound measurement of maternal abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness at 20 weeks gestation predict the difficulty of epidural insertion at term? A pilot study


Conference Publication

Building the computational virtual reality environment for anaesthetists' training and practice

He, Jing, Zarei, Roozbeh, Cao, Jie, Taraporewalla, Kersi, Steyn, Michale, van Zundert, Andre, Huang, Guangyan, Zhang, Haolan and Chi, Chi-Hung (2015). Building the computational virtual reality environment for anaesthetists' training and practice. 12th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), New York, New York, USA, 27 June - 02 July 2015. New York, NY United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/SCC.2015.41

Building the computational virtual reality environment for anaesthetists' training and practice


Conference Publication

Morphological contributions to knowledge of physiopathology of PDPH

Reina, M. A., De Andres, J., Prats-Galinao, A., Arriazu, R. and van Zundert, A. (2012). Morphological contributions to knowledge of physiopathology of PDPH. 31st Annual European Society of Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA) Congress 2012, Bordeaux, France, 5-8 September 2012. Philadelphia, PA United States: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0b013e31826a8366

Morphological contributions to knowledge of physiopathology of PDPH


Conference Publication

The anatomy of the thoracic spinal canal in different postures: An MRI investigation

van Zundert, T., Lee, R., Botha, C., van Zundert, A. and Weringa, P. (2009). The anatomy of the thoracic spinal canal in different postures: An MRI investigation. EUROANAESTHESIA 2009, Milan, Italy, 6-9 June 2009. London, United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

The anatomy of the thoracic spinal canal in different postures: An MRI investigation


Conference Publication

Face and initial construct validity of the Mediseus epidural simulator

Van Zundert, T., Lee, R., van Zundert, A., van Koesveld, J. and Stolke, R. (2009). Face and initial construct validity of the Mediseus epidural simulator. EUROANAESTHESIA 2009, Milan, Italy, 6-9 June 2009. London, United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Face and initial construct validity of the Mediseus epidural simulator


Conference Publication

Videolaryngoscopy - Making intubation more successful

van Zundert, André A.J., Maassen, R. L.J.G., Hermans, B. and Lee, R. A. (2008). Videolaryngoscopy - Making intubation more successful.

Videolaryngoscopy - Making intubation more successful


Conference Publication

A comparison of the quality of intubation conditions in 300 patients using three video-laryngoscopes.

van Zundert, A., Maasen, R., Lee, R. and Willems, R. (2008). A comparison of the quality of intubation conditions in 300 patients using three video-laryngoscopes.. ESA 2008, x, x. London, United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

A comparison of the quality of intubation conditions in 300 patients using three video-laryngoscopes.


Conference Publication

Effect of the mode of administration of inhaled anaesthetics on the interpretation of Fa/F1 curve - Gasman simulation.

Van Zundert, T., Carette, R., Hendrikx, J., van Zundert, A. and de Wolf, A. (2008). Effect of the mode of administration of inhaled anaesthetics on the interpretation of Fa/F1 curve - Gasman simulation.. ESA 2008, x, x. London, United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Effect of the mode of administration of inhaled anaesthetics on the interpretation of Fa/F1 curve - Gasman simulation.


Conference Publication

The centennial of intravenous regional anaesthesia - a historic review

Goerig, Michael, Roiss, Michael and van Zundert, Andre (2008). The centennial of intravenous regional anaesthesia - a historic review. The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Meeting, Orlando, FL United States, 18-22 October 2008. Philadelphia, PA United States: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

The centennial of intravenous regional anaesthesia - a historic review


Conference Publication

Video-assisted laryngoscopy provides better intubation conditions in morbidly obese patients - A comparison of three new video-laryngoscopes

Lee, R., Maassen, R. and van Zundert, A. (2008). Video-assisted laryngoscopy provides better intubation conditions in morbidly obese patients - A comparison of three new video-laryngoscopes. ESA 2008, x, x. London, United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Video-assisted laryngoscopy provides better intubation conditions in morbidly obese patients - A comparison of three new video-laryngoscopes


Conference Publication

The relationship between burnout, psychosomatic health symptoms and job satisfaction among Dutch anaesthesia assistants.

Meeusen, V., van Dam, K., Brown-Mahoney, C., Knape, H. and van Zundert, A. (2008). The relationship between burnout, psychosomatic health symptoms and job satisfaction among Dutch anaesthesia assistants.. ESA 2008, x, x. London, United Kingdom: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

The relationship between burnout, psychosomatic health symptoms and job satisfaction among Dutch anaesthesia assistants.


Conference Publication

The use of autologous platelet-leukocyte gels to enhance the healing process in surgery, a review

Everts, P. A., Overdevest, E. P., Jakimowicz, J. J., Oosterbos, C. J., Schönberger, J. P., Knape, J. T. and Van Zundert, A. (2007). The use of autologous platelet-leukocyte gels to enhance the healing process in surgery, a review. doi: 10.1007/s00464-007-9293-x

The use of autologous platelet-leukocyte gels to enhance the healing process in surgery, a review