2011 Journal Article The global voice of the symphony orchestraO'Loghlin, Michael (2011). The global voice of the symphony orchestra. Bravo!, 3, 6-7. |
2011 Journal Article Music at German Courts, 1715-1760: Changing Artistic Priorities, eds Samantha Owens, Barbara M. Reul and Janice B. Stockigt (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2011)O'Loghlin, Michael (2011). Music at German Courts, 1715-1760: Changing Artistic Priorities, eds Samantha Owens, Barbara M. Reul and Janice B. Stockigt (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2011). Context : Journal of Music Research (35/36), 197-200. |
2010 Journal Article Franz Xaver Hammer (1741–1817). The last gambist: Sonatas for viola da gambaO'Loghlin, Michael (2010). Franz Xaver Hammer (1741–1817). The last gambist: Sonatas for viola da gamba. Eighteenth-Century Music, 7 (1), 148-150. doi: 10.1017/S1478570609990650 |
2008 Journal Article A Viola da Gamba Miscellanea: Articles From and Inspired by Viol Symposiums Organized by the Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, France. Ed. Susan Orlando. Book reviewO'Loghlin, Michael (2008). A Viola da Gamba Miscellanea: Articles From and Inspired by Viol Symposiums Organized by the Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, France. Ed. Susan Orlando. Book review. Chelys Australis, 7, 23-26. |
2005 Journal Article Joseph Benedikt Zyka. Trios for violin, bass viol and cello in two volumesO'Loghlin, Michael (2005). Joseph Benedikt Zyka. Trios for violin, bass viol and cello in two volumes. Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society of America, 42, 93-98. |
2005 Journal Article Musical GermanO'Loghlin, Michael (2005). Musical German. Bridging the World, 35. |
2004 Journal Article Christoph SchaffrathO'Loghlin, Michael (2004). Christoph Schaffrath. Chelys Australis, 4, 6-9. |
2003 Journal Article Peter Wollny and Andreas Glockner (eds.), Carl Heinrich Graun, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Christoph Altnickol [?], Johann Kuhnau [?]: Passionskantate, Wer ist der, so von Edom kommt (Pasticcio)O'Loghlin, Michael (2003). Peter Wollny and Andreas Glockner (eds.), Carl Heinrich Graun, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Christoph Altnickol [?], Johann Kuhnau [?]: Passionskantate, Wer ist der, so von Edom kommt (Pasticcio). Musicology Australia, 26 (1), 148-152. doi: 10.1080/08145857.2003.10416516 |
1998 Journal Article Ludwig Christian Hesse and the Berlin Virtuoso StyleO'Loghlin, Michael (1998). Ludwig Christian Hesse and the Berlin Virtuoso Style. Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society of America, 35, 35-73. |