2005 Book Six Easy Sonattas: Fur Viola da Gamba und Basso continuo oder andere Instrumente. Sonaten IV-VICarl Friedrich Abel, Michael O'Loghlin and Angela Koppenwallner eds. (2005). Six Easy Sonattas: Fur Viola da Gamba und Basso continuo oder andere Instrumente. Sonaten IV-VI. Heidelberg, Germany: Edition Güntersberg. |
2005 Book Chapter IntroductionO'Loghlin, Michael (2005). Introduction. Konzert für Violine, Viola da Gamba und Orchester. (pp. 6-7) edited by Johann Gottlieb Graun, Günter von Zadow, Leonore von Zadow and Angela Koppenwallner. Heidelberg, Germany: Edition Güntersberg. |
2005 Book Sonate G-Moll: Wq 88, Helm 510. Fur Violine und CembaloMichael O'Loghlin and Angela Koppenwallner eds. (2005). Sonate G-Moll: Wq 88, Helm 510. Fur Violine und Cembalo. Heidelberg, Germany: Edition Güntersberg. |
2005 Book Six Easy Sonattas: Fur Traversflote und Basso continuo. Sonaten I-IIICarl Friedrich Abel, Michael O'Loghlin and Angela Koppenwallner eds. (2005). Six Easy Sonattas: Fur Traversflote und Basso continuo. Sonaten I-III. Heidelberg, Germany: Edition Güntersberg. |
2005 Book Chapter A brief polemic about the early music movementO'Loghlin, Michael (2005). A brief polemic about the early music movement. Aesthetics and experience in music performance. (pp. 49-54) edited by Elizabeth Mackinlay, Denis Collins and Samantha Owens. Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Press. |
2004 Journal Article Christoph SchaffrathO'Loghlin, Michael (2004). Christoph Schaffrath. Chelys Australis, 4, 6-9. |
2003 Journal Article Peter Wollny and Andreas Glockner (eds.), Carl Heinrich Graun, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Christoph Altnickol [?], Johann Kuhnau [?]: Passionskantate, Wer ist der, so von Edom kommt (Pasticcio)O'Loghlin, Michael (2003). Peter Wollny and Andreas Glockner (eds.), Carl Heinrich Graun, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Christoph Altnickol [?], Johann Kuhnau [?]: Passionskantate, Wer ist der, so von Edom kommt (Pasticcio). Musicology Australia, 26 (1), 148-152. doi: 10.1080/08145857.2003.10416516 |
2003 Book Chapter Einfuhrung. IntroductionO'Loghlin, Michael (2003). Einfuhrung. Introduction. Christoph Schaffrath: Sonate A-Dur für obligates Cembalo (Hammerklavier) und Viola da Gamba. (pp. 2-3) edited by Johann Gottlieb Graun, Günter von Zadow, Leonore von Zadow and Angela Koppenwallner. Heidelberg, Germany: Edition Güntersberg. |
2002 Other Outputs The Viola da Gamba Music of the Berlin School, 1732-1772O'Loghlin, Michael Andrew (2002). The Viola da Gamba Music of the Berlin School, 1732-1772. PhD Thesis, School of Music, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/157961 |
1998 Journal Article Ludwig Christian Hesse and the Berlin Virtuoso StyleO'Loghlin, Michael (1998). Ludwig Christian Hesse and the Berlin Virtuoso Style. Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society of America, 35, 35-73. |