2022 Journal Article Liveweight gain and metabolisable energy requirements of young entire male Australian Rangeland goats in response to supplementationLeo-Penu, C. L. O., Beasley, A. M., Poppi, D. P., Norton, B. W., Eyre, K. E., McLennan, S. R. and Quigley, S. P. (2022). Liveweight gain and metabolisable energy requirements of young entire male Australian Rangeland goats in response to supplementation. Animal Production Science, 62 (11), 1020-1028. doi: 10.1071/an21509 |
2010 Journal Article Effects of Leucaena Condensed Tannins on Nitrogen Digestibility and Performance in Broiler ChickensKariuki, I. W. and Norton, B. W. (2010). Effects of Leucaena Condensed Tannins on Nitrogen Digestibility and Performance in Broiler Chickens. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 76 (2), 61-66. |
2008 Journal Article Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazyme® G2 Liquid, on milk production in pasture fed dairy cowsMiller, D. R., Granzin, B. C., Elliott, R. and Norton, B. W. (2008). Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazyme® G2 Liquid, on milk production in pasture fed dairy cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145 (1-4), 194-208. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2007.05.049 |
2008 Journal Article Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazyme (R) G2, on intake, digestion and utilisation of sorghum and barley grain-based diets by beef steersMiller, D. R., Elliott, R. and Norton, B. W. (2008). Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazyme (R) G2, on intake, digestion and utilisation of sorghum and barley grain-based diets by beef steers. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145 (1-4), 159-181. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2007.05.045 |
2008 Journal Article The digestion of dietary protein bound by condensed tannins in the gastro-intestinal tract of sheepKariuki, I. W. and Norton, B. W. (2008). The digestion of dietary protein bound by condensed tannins in the gastro-intestinal tract of sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 142 (3-4), 197-209. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2007.08.006 |
2008 Journal Article Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazymeo (R) G2 liquid, on digestion and utilisation of barley and sorghum grain-based diets by ewe lambsMiller, D. R., Elliou, R. and Norton, B. W. (2008). Effects of an exogenous enzyme, Roxazymeo (R) G2 liquid, on digestion and utilisation of barley and sorghum grain-based diets by ewe lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 140 (1-2), 90-109. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2007.02.008 |
2008 Journal Article Influence of biotin supplementation on hoof growth and integrity in long-fed F1 Wagyu/Black Angus feedlot steers of known genotypeLawrence, R. J., Elliott, R., Norton, B. W., Thoefner, M. B., Loxton, I. and Webber, G. (2008). Influence of biotin supplementation on hoof growth and integrity in long-fed F1 Wagyu/Black Angus feedlot steers of known genotype. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48 (5), 615-620. doi: 10.1071/EA07010 |
2007 Journal Article Effect of biotin supplementation on meat quality of F1 Wagyu/Black Angus feedlot steers of known genotypeLawrence, R. J., Doyle, J. C., Elliott, R., Norton, B. W. and Loxton, I (2007). Effect of biotin supplementation on meat quality of F1 Wagyu/Black Angus feedlot steers of known genotype. Meat Science, 77 (2), 228-237. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2007.03.013 |
2006 Journal Article The efficacy of a vitamin D-3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattleLawrence, R. W., Doyle, J., Elliott, R., Loxton, I., McMeniman, J. P., Norton, B. W., Reid, D. J. and Tume, R. W. (2006). The efficacy of a vitamin D-3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattle. Meat Science, 72 (1), 69-78. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2005.06.005 |
2000 Journal Article The nutritive value of Tipuana tipu and Calliandra calothyrsus as supplements to low-quality straw for goatsNorton, B. W. and Waterfall, M. H. (2000). The nutritive value of Tipuana tipu and Calliandra calothyrsus as supplements to low-quality straw for goats. Small Ruminant Research, 38 (2), 175-182. doi: 10.1016/S0921-4488(00)00147-4 |
2000 Journal Article The influence of long term supplementation with biotin on the prevention of lameness in pasture fed dairy cowsFitzgerald, T., Norton, B. W., Elliott, R., Podlich, H. and Svendsen, O. L. (2000). The influence of long term supplementation with biotin on the prevention of lameness in pasture fed dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 83 (2), 338-344. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(00)74884-3 |
1996 Journal Article Utilization of endogenous and dietary urea in the large intestine of the mature horseMartin, R. G., Mcmeniman, N. P., Norton, B. W. and Dowsett, K. F. (1996). Utilization of endogenous and dietary urea in the large intestine of the mature horse. British Journal of Nutrition, 76 (3), 373-386. doi: 10.1079/BJN19960043 |
1995 Journal Article Nitrogen balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs fed on raw or heat-treated field peas (Pisum sativum)Van Barneveld, R. J., Skingle, D. C., Batterham, E. S. and Norton, B. W. (1995). Nitrogen balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs fed on raw or heat-treated field peas (Pisum sativum). British Journal of Nutrition, 73 (2), 259-273. doi: 10.1079/BJN19950028 |
1995 Journal Article Melatonin and fleece growth in Australian cashmere goatsKlören, W. R.L. and Norton, B. W. (1995). Melatonin and fleece growth in Australian cashmere goats. Small Ruminant Research, 17 (2), 179-185. doi: 10.1016/0921-4488(95)00659-9 |
1995 Journal Article Alternative management strategies for maximising productivity in beef cattle in the subtropicsPeiris, H., Elliott, R., Hales, J. W. and Norton, B. W. (1995). Alternative management strategies for maximising productivity in beef cattle in the subtropics. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 35 (3), 317-324. doi: 10.1071/EA9950317 |
1995 Journal Article Effect of genotype and plane of nutrition on carcass characteristics of Thai native and Anglo-Nubian X Thai native male goatsPralomkarn, W., Saithanoo, S., Kochapakdee, S. and Norton, B. W. (1995). Effect of genotype and plane of nutrition on carcass characteristics of Thai native and Anglo-Nubian X Thai native male goats. Small Ruminant Research, 16 (1), 21-25. doi: 10.1016/0921-4488(94)00042-6 |
1994 Journal Article The effect of heat on amino acids for growing pigsVan Barneveld, R.J., Batterham, E.S. and Norton, B.W. (1994). The effect of heat on amino acids for growing pigs. British Journal of Nutrition, 72 (2), 243-256. doi: 10.1079/BJN19940027 |
1994 Journal Article The effect of heat on amino acids for growing pigsVan Barneveld, R. J., Batterham, Late E. and Norton, B. W. (1994). The effect of heat on amino acids for growing pigs. British Journal of Nutrition, 72 (2), 257-275. doi: 10.1079/BJN19940028 |
1993 Journal Article Intake and digestibility of sorghum silage by goatsTjandraatmadja, M., MacRae, I. C. and Norton, B. W. (1993). Intake and digestibility of sorghum silage by goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 41 (3), 171-179. doi: 10.1016/0377-8401(93)90010-H |
1993 Journal Article Digestion by sheep of silages prepared from mixtures of tropical grasses and legumesMacrae, I. C. and Norton, B. W. (1993). Digestion by sheep of silages prepared from mixtures of tropical grasses and legumes. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 120 (3), 407-415. doi: 10.1017/S0021859600076577 |