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Conference Publication

Sanctions and the applicable jurisdiction in trade finance

Davidson, Alan (2024). Sanctions and the applicable jurisdiction in trade finance. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Singapore Trade Finance Compliance, Singapore, Singapore, 10 May 2024.

Sanctions and the applicable jurisdiction in trade finance


Conference Publication

international acceptance of the implied negative stipulation exception: allocation of risk

Davidson, Alan (2024). international acceptance of the implied negative stipulation exception: allocation of risk. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Singapore Guarantee and Standby Conference, Singapore, Singapore, 8 May 2024.

international acceptance of the implied negative stipulation exception: allocation of risk


Conference Publication

The UK’s Electronic Trade Documents Act and MLETR Activities

Davidson, Alan (2024). The UK’s Electronic Trade Documents Act and MLETR Activities. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Hong Kong Letter of Credit Conference, Hong Kong, 6 May 2024.

The UK’s Electronic Trade Documents Act and MLETR Activities


Conference Publication

“nitial coin offerings: securities’ issues and pitfalls

Alan davidson (2024). “nitial coin offerings: securities’ issues and pitfalls. Tokenisation for the Real World: Compliance, Business and Digital Trade – 2024 Conference, Virtual, 30 January 2024.

“nitial coin offerings: securities’ issues and pitfalls


Conference Publication

Switched Bills of Lading and the issuing bank’s operations and obligations

Davidson, Alan (2024). Switched Bills of Lading and the issuing bank’s operations and obligations. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Singapore Letter of Credit Conference, Singapore, Singapore, 9 May 2024.

Switched Bills of Lading and the issuing bank’s operations and obligations


Conference Publication

Drafting - Principles in Automated Contracting

Davidson, Alan (2023). Drafting - Principles in Automated Contracting. UNCITRAL Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce), Vienna, Austria, 16-18 October 2023.

Drafting - Principles in Automated Contracting


Conference Publication

Drafting - Contract provisions for Data Contracting

Davidson, Alan (2023). Drafting - Contract provisions for Data Contracting. UNCITRAL Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) 66th Session, Vienna, Austria, 19-20 October 2023.

Drafting - Contract provisions for Data Contracting


Conference Publication

Consultation - Electronic Transactions Legislation to the Government of Tuvalu

Davidson, Alan (2023). Consultation - Electronic Transactions Legislation to the Government of Tuvalu. UNCITRAL Technical Assistance to Tuvalu Government, Government House Funafuti, Tuvalu, 5 July 2023.

Consultation - Electronic Transactions Legislation to the Government of Tuvalu


Conference Publication

Sanction Clauses and Trade Compliance

Davidson, Alan (2023). Sanction Clauses and Trade Compliance. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Trade Compliance, Singapore, 12 May 2023.

Sanction Clauses and Trade Compliance


Conference Publication

Digital Solutions in International Trade from a Legal Perspective

Davidson, Alan (2023). Digital Solutions in International Trade from a Legal Perspective. JP Morgan Chase Bank In-House Consultations, Singapore (and Hong Kong), 12 May 2023.

Digital Solutions in International Trade from a Legal Perspective


Conference Publication

Non-bank Issuers and the Wrongful Dishonour

Davidson, Alan (2023). Non-bank Issuers and the Wrongful Dishonour. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Letters of Credit, Sinagpore, 10-11 May 2023.

Non-bank Issuers and the Wrongful Dishonour


Conference Publication

Judicial Pronouncements on Sham Transactions in Letter of Credit Practice

Davidson, Alan (2023). Judicial Pronouncements on Sham Transactions in Letter of Credit Practice. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Letters of Credit, Singapore, 10-11 May 2023.

Judicial Pronouncements on Sham Transactions in Letter of Credit Practice


Conference Publication

Independence and Dependence of Bank Guarantees: Misnomers and Practice

Davidson, Alan (2023). Independence and Dependence of Bank Guarantees: Misnomers and Practice. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Independent Guarantees, Singapore, 9-10 May 2023.

Independence and Dependence of Bank Guarantees: Misnomers and Practice


Conference Publication

International Sanction Clauses in Letters of Credit; The Law, Advantages and Pitfalls

Davidson, Alan (2023). International Sanction Clauses in Letters of Credit; The Law, Advantages and Pitfalls. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Letters of Credit, Hong Kong, 8 May 2023.

International Sanction Clauses in Letters of Credit; The Law, Advantages and Pitfalls


Conference Publication

Drafting - Rules on Data Provision Contracts

Davidson, Alan (2023). Drafting - Rules on Data Provision Contracts. UNCITRAL Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce), New York, United States, 10-12 April 2023.

Drafting - Rules on Data Provision Contracts


Conference Publication

Drafting - Provisions on Automated Contracting

Davidson, Alan (2023). Drafting - Provisions on Automated Contracting. UNCITRAL Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) 65th Session, New York, United States, 13-14 April 2023.

Drafting - Provisions on Automated Contracting


Conference Publication

Drafting - Legal Issues Related to Automated Contracting

Davidson, Alan (2022). Drafting - Legal Issues Related to Automated Contracting. UNCITRAL Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce), Vienna, Austria, 31 October - 4 November 2022.

Drafting - Legal Issues Related to Automated Contracting


Conference Publication

Postgraduate programs in the 21st century

Davidson, Alan (2022). Postgraduate programs in the 21st century. SOLAIR Conference (Society, Law, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics), International - Online, 10-11 September 2022.

Postgraduate programs in the 21st century


Conference Publication

Jurisdictional Issues in Letters of Credit due to a SWIFT communication from the branch of the Confirming Bank

Davidson, Alan (2022). Jurisdictional Issues in Letters of Credit due to a SWIFT communication from the branch of the Confirming Bank. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Letters of Credit, Singapore, 25-26 July 2022 (Day 2).

Jurisdictional Issues in Letters of Credit due to a SWIFT communication from the branch of the Confirming Bank


Conference Publication

Striking out a claims for negligence against the beneficiary of a letter of credit

Davidson, Alan (2022). Striking out a claims for negligence against the beneficiary of a letter of credit. Institute of International Banking Law and Practice Annual Conference on Letters of Credit, Singapore, 25-26 July 2022.

Striking out a claims for negligence against the beneficiary of a letter of credit