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Journal Article

Managing difficult relationships: the case of foreign correspondents in Nigeria, state officials, and senior editors in overseas media

Obijiofor, Levi and M’Balla-Ndi Oelgemoeller, Marie (2023). Managing difficult relationships: the case of foreign correspondents in Nigeria, state officials, and senior editors in overseas media. Journalism Studies, 25 (3), 319-336. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2023.2297784

Managing difficult relationships: the case of foreign correspondents in Nigeria, state officials, and senior editors in overseas media


Journal Article

Journalism education, research, and practice in Africa: toward a transformative approach

Obijiofor, Levi and M’Balla-Ndi Oelgemoeller, Marie (2022). Journalism education, research, and practice in Africa: toward a transformative approach. International Communication Gazette, 85 (6), 1-20. doi: 10.1177/17480485221126344

Journalism education, research, and practice in Africa: toward a transformative approach


Journal Article

Conflict, COVID-19, climate change: The emergence and possible evolution of peace journalism

Navuku, Kylie and Obijiofor, Levi (2021). Conflict, COVID-19, climate change: The emergence and possible evolution of peace journalism. Australian Journalism Review, 43 (2), 211-225. doi: 10.1386/ajr_00069_1

Conflict, COVID-19, climate change: The emergence and possible evolution of peace journalism


Journal Article

Coping with change in India’s media: struggles of English-language journalists in an evolving mediascape

Obijiofor, Levi and Singh, Shailendra B. (2020). Coping with change in India’s media: struggles of English-language journalists in an evolving mediascape. Pacific Journalism Review: Te Koakoa, 26 (2), 261-278. doi: 10.24135/pjr.v26i2.1076

Coping with change in India’s media: struggles of English-language journalists in an evolving mediascape


Journal Article

Media freedom in Melanesia: the challenges of researching the impact of national security legislation

Oelgemoller, Marie M'Balla-Ndi and Obijiofor, Levi (2020). Media freedom in Melanesia: the challenges of researching the impact of national security legislation. Pacific Journalism Review, 26 (1), 75-85. doi: 10.24135/pjr.v26i1.1087

Media freedom in Melanesia: the challenges of researching the impact of national security legislation


Journal Article

Methodological and ethical challenges in partnering for refugee research: evidence from two Australian studies

Obijiofor, Levi, Colic-Peisker, Val and Hebbani, Aparna (2018). Methodological and ethical challenges in partnering for refugee research: evidence from two Australian studies. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 16 (3), 217-234. doi: 10.1080/15562948.2016.1250977

Methodological and ethical challenges in partnering for refugee research: evidence from two Australian studies


Journal Article

Refugee parents’ communication and relations with their children: development and application of the refugee parent-child relational communication scale

Khawaja, Nigar G., Hebbani, Aparna, Obijiofor, Levi and Gallois, Cindy (2017). Refugee parents’ communication and relations with their children: development and application of the refugee parent-child relational communication scale. Journal of Family Communication, 17 (4), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2017.1362409

Refugee parents’ communication and relations with their children: development and application of the refugee parent-child relational communication scale


Journal Article

Changes in journalism in two post-authoritarian non-Western countries

Obijiofor, Levi, Murray, Richard and Singh, Shailendra B. (2017). Changes in journalism in two post-authoritarian non-Western countries. International Communication Gazette, 79 (4), 379-399. doi: 10.1177/1748048516682147

Changes in journalism in two post-authoritarian non-Western countries


Journal Article

Africa in the Australian press: does distance matter?

Obijiofor, Levi and MacKinnon, Mairead (2016). Africa in the Australian press: does distance matter?. African Journalism Studies, 37 (3), 41-60. doi: 10.1080/23743670.2016.1210017

Africa in the Australian press: does distance matter?


Journal Article

African journalists as an endangered breed

Obijiofor, Levi (2015). African journalists as an endangered breed. African Journalism Studies, 36 (1), 122-128. doi: 10.1080/23743670.2015.1008178

African journalists as an endangered breed


Journal Article

Internationalization as de-westernization of the curriculum: the case of journalism at an Australian university

Breit, Rhonda, Obijiofor, Levi and Fitzgerald, Richard (2013). Internationalization as de-westernization of the curriculum: the case of journalism at an Australian university. Journal of Studies in International Education, 17 (2), 119-135. doi: 10.1177/1028315312474897

Internationalization as de-westernization of the curriculum: the case of journalism at an Australian university


Journal Article

Acculturation challenges that confront Sudanese former refugees in Australia

Hebbani, Aparna Girish, Obijiofor, Levi and Bristed, Helen (2012). Acculturation challenges that confront Sudanese former refugees in Australia. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 28 (28).

Acculturation challenges that confront Sudanese former refugees in Australia


Journal Article

Peace and conflict reporting: Strategies for knowledge sharing in Africa and the Pacific

Obijiofor, Levi (2011). Peace and conflict reporting: Strategies for knowledge sharing in Africa and the Pacific. The Journal of Pacific Studies, 31 (2), 241-258.

Peace and conflict reporting: Strategies for knowledge sharing in Africa and the Pacific


Journal Article

Press coverage of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and the socio-cultural barriers that inhibit media coverage

Obijiofor, Levi (2010). Press coverage of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and the socio-cultural barriers that inhibit media coverage. China Media Research, 6 (4), 24-31.

Press coverage of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and the socio-cultural barriers that inhibit media coverage


Journal Article

Intercultural communication challenges confronting female Sudanese former refugees in Australia

Hebbani, Aparna, Obijiofor, Levi and Bristed, Helen (2010). Intercultural communication challenges confronting female Sudanese former refugees in Australia. The Australasian Review of African Studies (ARAS), 31 (1), 37-61.

Intercultural communication challenges confronting female Sudanese former refugees in Australia


Journal Article

Mapping theoretical and practical issues in the relationship between ICTs and Africa's socioeconomic development

Obijiofor, Levi M. (2009). Mapping theoretical and practical issues in the relationship between ICTs and Africa's socioeconomic development. Telematics and Informatics, 26 (1), 32-43. doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2007.12.002

Mapping theoretical and practical issues in the relationship between ICTs and Africa's socioeconomic development


Journal Article

Journalism in the digital age: The Nigerian press framing of the Niger Delta conflict

Obijiofor, Levi M. (2009). Journalism in the digital age: The Nigerian press framing of the Niger Delta conflict. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 30 (2), 175-203. doi: 10.3368/ajs.30.2.175

Journalism in the digital age: The Nigerian press framing of the Niger Delta conflict


Journal Article

Generational differences faced by Sudanese refugee women settling in Australia

Aparna Hebbani, Obijiofor, Levi M. and Bristed, Helen (2009). Generational differences faced by Sudanese refugee women settling in Australia. Intercultural Communication Studies, XVIII (1), 66-82.

Generational differences faced by Sudanese refugee women settling in Australia


Journal Article

Is bad news from Africa good news for Western media?

Obijiofor, Levi (2009). Is bad news from Africa good news for Western media?. Journal of Global Mass Communication, 2 (3/4), 38-54.

Is bad news from Africa good news for Western media?


Journal Article

Theoretical and practical issues in team-teaching a large undergraduate class

Hanusch, Folker, Obijiofor, Levi M. and Volcic, Zala (2009). Theoretical and practical issues in team-teaching a large undergraduate class. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21, 66-74.

Theoretical and practical issues in team-teaching a large undergraduate class