2015 Journal Article Can perceptions of environmental and climate change in island communities assist in adaptation planning locally?Aswani, Shankar, Vaccaro, Ismael, Abernethy, Kirsten, Albert, Simon and de Pablo, Javier Fernandez-Lopez (2015). Can perceptions of environmental and climate change in island communities assist in adaptation planning locally?. Environmental Management, 56 (6), 1487-1501. doi: 10.1007/s00267-015-0572-3 |
2015 Journal Article Supporting local and traditional knowledge with science for adaptation to climate change: lessons learned from participatory three-dimensional modeling in BoeBoe, Solomon IslandsLeon, Javier X., Hardcastle, James, James, Robyn, Albert, Simon, Kereseka, Jimmy and Woodroffe, Colin D. (2015). Supporting local and traditional knowledge with science for adaptation to climate change: lessons learned from participatory three-dimensional modeling in BoeBoe, Solomon Islands. Coastal Management, 43 (4), 424-438. doi: 10.1080/08920753.2015.1046808 |
2015 Journal Article Corals persisting in naturally turbid waters adjacent to a pristine catchment in Solomon IslandsAlbert, Simon, Fisher, Paul L., Gibbes, Badin and Grinham, Alistair (2015). Corals persisting in naturally turbid waters adjacent to a pristine catchment in Solomon Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 94 (1-2), 299-306. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.01.031 |
2015 Other Outputs Benthic and substrate cover data derived from photo-transect surveys in a Sub Set of Roviana Reef, Solomon Islands, 2013-05-05 to 2013-05-09Roelfsema, Christiaan M., Canto, Robert, Saunders, Megan, Leon, Javier X. (Leon Patino, Javier) and Albert, Simon (2015). Benthic and substrate cover data derived from photo-transect surveys in a Sub Set of Roviana Reef, Solomon Islands, 2013-05-05 to 2013-05-09. Pangaea. (Dataset) doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.840757 |
2015 Other Outputs Habitat map of Kadavu, Fiji derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.Roelfsema, Christiaan M., Phinn, Stuart R., Jupiter, Stacy, Comely, James and Albert, Simon (2015). Habitat map of Kadavu, Fiji derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.. Pangaea. (Dataset) doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.824953 |
2015 Book Chapter Change in Roviana Lagoon Coral Reef EthnobiologyAswani, Shankar and Albert, Simon (2015). Change in Roviana Lagoon Coral Reef Ethnobiology. Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs. (pp. 157-175) edited by Nemer Narchi and Lisa Leimar Price. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-23763-3_10 |
2015 Other Outputs Habitat map of Roviana Reef, Solomon Islands derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.Roelfsema, Christiaan M., Albert, Simon and Phinn, Stuart R. (2015). Habitat map of Roviana Reef, Solomon Islands derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.. Pangaea. (Dataset) doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.831039 |
2015 Other Outputs Habitat map of Kubulau, Fiji derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.Roelfsema, Christiaan M., Phinn, Stuart R., Jupiter, Stacy, Comely, James and Albert, Simon (2015). Habitat map of Kubulau, Fiji derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.. Pangaea. (Dataset) doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.830076 |
2014 Journal Article The contribution of nearshore fish aggregating devices (FADs) to food security and livelihoods in Solomon IslandsAlbert, Joelle A., Beare, Doug, Schwarz, Anne-Maree, Albert, Simon, Warren, Regon, Teri, James, Siota, Faye and Andrew, Neil L. (2014). The contribution of nearshore fish aggregating devices (FADs) to food security and livelihoods in Solomon Islands. PLoS ONE, 9 (12) e115386, 1-19. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115386 |
2014 Journal Article Baseline arsenic levels in marine and terrestrial resources from a pristine environment: Isabel Island, Solomon IslandsGrinham, Alistair, Kvennefors, Charlotte, Fisher, Paul L., Gibbes, Badin and Albert, Simon (2014). Baseline arsenic levels in marine and terrestrial resources from a pristine environment: Isabel Island, Solomon Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 88 (1-2), 354-360. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.08.018 |
2014 Journal Article Incorporating surrogate species and seascape connectivity to improve marine conservation outcomesOlds, Andrew D., Connolly, Rod M., Pitt, Kylie A., Maxwell, Paul S., Aswani, Shankar and Albert, Simon (2014). Incorporating surrogate species and seascape connectivity to improve marine conservation outcomes. Conservation Biology, 28 (4), 982-991. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12242 |
2014 Other Outputs Jejevo/Isabel B: project marine hydrodynamics baseline reportAlbert, Simon, Grinham, Alistair and Gibbes, Badin (2014). Jejevo/Isabel B: project marine hydrodynamics baseline report. Jejevo / Isabel B: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Brisbane, Australia: Sumitomo Metal Mining. |
2014 Journal Article CORRIGENDUMAlbert, Simon, Abernethy, Kirsten, Gibbes, Badin, Grinham, Alistair, Tooler, Nixon and Aswani, Shankar (2014). CORRIGENDUM. Weather Climate and Society, 6 (1), 154-154. doi: 10.1175/WCAS-D-13-00075.1 |
2014 Journal Article Indicators of coral reef ecosystem recovery following reduction in logging and implementation of community-based management schemes in the Solomon IslandsAlbert, S., Grinham, A., Gibbes, B., Tibbetts, I. and Udy, J. (2014). Indicators of coral reef ecosystem recovery following reduction in logging and implementation of community-based management schemes in the Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, 20 (1), 75-85. doi: 10.1071/pc140075 |
2014 Other Outputs Optimising SWRO concentrate discharge during 'Hot Standby' operation: draft field experiment reportGibbes, B., Grinham, A., Albert, S., Fisher, P., Cutts, N. and Gale, D. (2014). Optimising SWRO concentrate discharge during 'Hot Standby' operation: draft field experiment report. Not available: |
2013 Journal Article Mangrove-reef connectivity promotes the effectiveness of marine reserves across the western PacificOlds, Andrew D., Albert, Simon, Maxwell, Paul S., Pitt, Kylie A. and Connolly, Rod M. (2013). Mangrove-reef connectivity promotes the effectiveness of marine reserves across the western Pacific. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (9), 1040-1049. doi: 10.1111/geb.12072 |
2013 Journal Article Mapping coral reefs at reef to reef-system scales, 10s-1000s km(2), using object-based image analysisRoelfsema, Chris, Phinn, Stuart, Jupiter, Stacy, Comley, James and Albert, Simon (2013). Mapping coral reefs at reef to reef-system scales, 10s-1000s km(2), using object-based image analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (18), 6367-6388. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2013.800660 |
2013 Journal Article Marine protected areas and resilience to sedimentation in the Solomon IslandsHalpern, B. S., Selkoe, K. A., White, C., Albert, S., Aswani, S. and Lauer, M. (2013). Marine protected areas and resilience to sedimentation in the Solomon Islands. Coral Reefs, 32 (1), 61-69. doi: 10.1007/s00338-012-0981-1 |
2013 Journal Article Contrasts in social and ecological assessments of coral reef health in MelanesiaAlbert, S., Love, M. and Brewer, T. (2013). Contrasts in social and ecological assessments of coral reef health in Melanesia. Pacific Science, 67 (3), 409-424. doi: 10.2984/67.3.8 |
2013 Journal Article Globalization, Pacific Islands, and the paradox of resilienceLauer, Matthew, Albert, Simon, Aswani, Shankar, Halpern, Benjamin S., Campanella, Luke and La Rose, Douglas (2013). Globalization, Pacific Islands, and the paradox of resilience. Global Environmental Change, 23 (1), 40-50. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2012.10.011 |