2017 Book Chapter Cross-cultural adaptation: an identity approachLiu, Shuang (2017). Cross-cultural adaptation: an identity approach. Intercultural communication. (pp. 437-455) edited by Ling Chen. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. doi: 10.1515/9781501500060-020 |
2016 Book Chapter Migration and AgingLiu, Shuang and Simpson Reeves, Laura (2016). Migration and Aging. Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. (pp. 1-7) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_292-1 |
2024 Book Chapter Biculturalism and bicultural identity negotiationLiu, Shuang and Gallois, Cindy (2024). Biculturalism and bicultural identity negotiation. The Routledge handbook of cultural discourse studies. (pp. 124-136) Oxford, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9781003207245-11 |
2017 Book Chapter Intercultural communication study in AustraliaLiu, Shuang and Simpson Reeves, Laura (2017). Intercultural communication study in Australia. The international encyclopedia of intercultural communication. (pp. 1-9) edited by Young Yun Kim. Hoboken, NJ, United States: John Wiley and Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118783665.ieicc0078 |
2017 Book Chapter Intergroup communication: Asia/AustralasiaLiu, Shuang (2017). Intergroup communication: Asia/Australasia. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication. (pp. 1-12) edited by Howard Giles and Jake Harwood. New York, United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.384 |
2017 Book Chapter Identity, bicultural and multiculturalLiu, Shuang (2017). Identity, bicultural and multicultural. The international encyclopedia of intercultural communication. (pp. 1-9) edited by Young Yun Kim. Hoboken, NJ, United States: John Wiley and Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118783665.ieicc0034 |
2015 Book Chapter Intercultural Relations and GlobalizationLiu, Shuang and Gallois, Cindy (2015). Intercultural Relations and Globalization. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence. (pp. 517-521) edited by Janet Marie Bennett. Thousand Oaks, CA United States: Sage. |
2014 Book Chapter Loving diversity: living in intercultural couple relationshipsHiew, Danika N., Halford, W. Kim and Liu, Shuang (2014). Loving diversity: living in intercultural couple relationships. Contemporary issues in family studies: global perspectives on partnerships, parenting and support in a changing world. (pp. 87-99) edited by Angela Abela and Janet Walker. New York, NY, United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118320990.ch7 |
2011 Book Chapter Theories of health and risk communication劉雙 Liu, Shuang (2011). Theories of health and risk communication. 傳播理論. (pp. 339-374) edited by 陳國明 Guo-Ming Chen. Taipei, Taiwan: Wunan Publishing. |
2010 Book Chapter Social surveys and the statistical analysis of dataLiu, Shuang (2010). Social surveys and the statistical analysis of data. An introduction to communication and social change. (pp. 39-54) edited by Pradip Thomas and Michael Bromley. Brisbane (UQ): UQP Print on Demand. |
2009 Book Chapter 中国の合弁企業における対立管理方式の評価Liu, Shuang and Chen, Guo-ming (2009). 中国の合弁企業における対立管理方式の評価. 共生社会の異文化間コミュニケーション: 新しい理解を求めて. (pp. 314-339) edited by ベイツ・ホッファ (Bates L. Hoffer), 本名 信行 (Nobuyuki Honna) and 竹下 裕子 (Yūko Takeshita). Toyko, Japan: Sanshūsha Publishing Company. |
2008 Book Chapter Online media and traditional mediaLiu, Shuang and Wu, Qiangian (2008). Online media and traditional media. Research on internet media in China. (pp. 157-175) edited by M. Wu, S. Liu, S.H. Xie and X. Long. Beijing, China: China National Defence Industry Press. |
2007 Book Chapter From the centre to the periphery: Multiple paths to social change in communitiesServaes, J. E. J. and Liu, S. (2007). From the centre to the periphery: Multiple paths to social change in communities. Moving Targets: Mapping the Paths Between Communication, Technology and Social Change in Communities. (pp. 1-9) edited by J. E. J. Servaes and S. Liu. Malaysia: Southbound. |
2004 Book Chapter Hierarchy and Chinese organizational communicationLiu, S. (2004). Hierarchy and Chinese organizational communication. Theories and principles of Chinese communication. (pp. 231-244) edited by G.Chen. Taipei: Wunan Publishing Ltd. |
2004 Book Chapter 层级结构与华人组织传播劉雙 (2004). 层级结构与华人组织传播. 中华传播理论与原则. (pp. 231-244) edited by 陳國明 [Chen Guo-Ming]. Taipei, Taiwan: Wunan Publishing Ltd. |
2002 Book Chapter Collaboration over avoidance: Conflict management strategies in state-owned enterprises in ChinaLiu, S. and Chen, G. (2002). Collaboration over avoidance: Conflict management strategies in state-owned enterprises in China. Chinese Conflict Management and Resolution. (pp. 163-182) edited by G. Ching and R. Ma. Westport, CT, USA: Ablex Publishing. |