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Journal Article

Mechanical and structural properties of native and alkali-treated bacterial cellulose produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC53524

McKenna, Brigid A., Mikkelsen, Deirdre, Wehr, J. Bernhard, Gidley, Michael J. and Menzies, Neal W. (2009). Mechanical and structural properties of native and alkali-treated bacterial cellulose produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC53524. Cellulose, 16 (6) 1047, 1047-1055. doi: 10.1007/s10570-009-9340-y

Mechanical and structural properties of native and alkali-treated bacterial cellulose produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC53524


Journal Article

Probing the archaeal diversity of a mixed thermophilic bioleaching culture by TGGE and FISH

Mikkelsen, Deirdre, Kappler, Ulrike, McEwan, Alastair G. and Sly, Lindsay I. (2009). Probing the archaeal diversity of a mixed thermophilic bioleaching culture by TGGE and FISH. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 32 (7), 501-513. doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2009.06.001

Probing the archaeal diversity of a mixed thermophilic bioleaching culture by TGGE and FISH


Journal Article

Influence of different carbon sources on bacterial cellulose production by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC 53524

Mikkelsen, D., Flanagan, B. M., Dykes, G. A. and Gidley, M. J. (2009). Influence of different carbon sources on bacterial cellulose production by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC 53524. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107 (2), 576-583. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2009.04226.x

Influence of different carbon sources on bacterial cellulose production by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC 53524


Conference Publication

Arabinoxylan improves indices of gut health and reduces DNA damage in pigs consuming a high risk “Western diet”: a pilot study

Gidley, M. J., Williams, B. A., Zhang, D., Gunness, P., Mikkelsen, D., Gorham, B., Keates, H., Bryden, W. L., Belobrajdic, D., Conlon, M. A., Kang, S., McSweeney, C., Bird, A. R. and Topping, D. L. (2009). Arabinoxylan improves indices of gut health and reduces DNA damage in pigs consuming a high risk “Western diet”: a pilot study. American Association of Cereal Chemists International 2009 Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, United States, 13-16 September 2009.

Arabinoxylan improves indices of gut health and reduces DNA damage in pigs consuming a high risk “Western diet”: a pilot study


Journal Article

Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas species isolated from the oral cavity of Australian marsupials

Mikkelsen, D., Milinovich, G. J., Burrell, P. C., Huynh, S. C., Pettett, L. M., Blackall, L. L., Trott, D. J. and Bird, P. S. (2008). Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas species isolated from the oral cavity of Australian marsupials. Environmental microbiology, 10 (9), 2425-2432. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01668.x

Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas species isolated from the oral cavity of Australian marsupials


Conference Publication

Biodeuteration as a tool to study cellulose and hemicellulose interactions in plant cell walls with contrast variation SANS

Garvey, C. J., Mikkelsen, D., Dykes, G. A. and Gidley, M. J. (2008). Biodeuteration as a tool to study cellulose and hemicellulose interactions in plant cell walls with contrast variation SANS. AANSS 2008: 7th AINSE/ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia, 8-10 December, 2008.

Biodeuteration as a tool to study cellulose and hemicellulose interactions in plant cell walls with contrast variation SANS


Conference Publication

Novel Porphyromonas species isolated from oral cavity of marsupials

Mikkelsen, D., Milinovich, G. J., Burrell, P. C., Huynh, S. C., Pettett, L. M., Blackall, L. L., Trott, D. J. and Bird, P. S. (2008). Novel Porphyromonas species isolated from oral cavity of marsupials. 48th Australian and New Zealand International Association of Dental Research (ANZ IADR) Annual Meeting, Perth, Australia, 1 - 3 October 2008.

Novel Porphyromonas species isolated from oral cavity of marsupials


Conference Publication

Bacterial cellulose composites: Models for primary plant cell walls of cereals and grasses

Mikkelsen, D., Flanagan, B., Dykes, G. and Gidley, M. (2008). Bacterial cellulose composites: Models for primary plant cell walls of cereals and grasses. ASM 2008: Annual Scientific Meeting & Exhibition of the Australian Society for Microbiology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 6-10 July 2008. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australian Society for Microbiology.

Bacterial cellulose composites: Models for primary plant cell walls of cereals and grasses


Journal Article

Visualisation of pyrite leaching by selected thermophilic archaea: nature of microorganism-ore interactions during bioleaching

Mikkelsen, D., Kappler, U., Webb, R. I., Rasch, R., McEwan, A. G. and Sly, L. I. (2007). Visualisation of pyrite leaching by selected thermophilic archaea: nature of microorganism-ore interactions during bioleaching. Hydrometallurgy, 88 (1-4), 143-153. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2007.02.013

Visualisation of pyrite leaching by selected thermophilic archaea: nature of microorganism-ore interactions during bioleaching


Conference Publication

Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis-like species isolated from the oral cavity of Australian marsupials

Bird, P. S., Mikkelsen, D., Huynh, S. C., Milinovich, G. J., Burrell, P. C., Pettett, L. M., Trott, D. J. and et al (2007). Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis-like species isolated from the oral cavity of Australian marsupials. Australian Society for Microbiology, Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 9-13 July, 2007.

Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis-like species isolated from the oral cavity of Australian marsupials


Journal Article

Archaeal diversity in two thermophilic chalcopyrite bioleaching reactors

Mikkelsen, Deirdre, Kappler, Ulrike, McEwan, Alastair G. and Sly, Lindsay I. (2006). Archaeal diversity in two thermophilic chalcopyrite bioleaching reactors. Environmental Microbiology, 8 (11), 2050-2055. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.01115.x

Archaeal diversity in two thermophilic chalcopyrite bioleaching reactors


Conference Publication

Biodeuteration and small angle neutron scattering as tools to understand the roles of cellulose and hemicelluloses as load bearing polymers in plant cell walls

Garvey, J., Mikkelsen, D., Dykes, G. A. and Gidley, M. (2006). Biodeuteration and small angle neutron scattering as tools to understand the roles of cellulose and hemicelluloses as load bearing polymers in plant cell walls. ANSE/ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium, Lucas Heights, 11-13 December 2006. Lucas Heights, Australia: AINSE.

Biodeuteration and small angle neutron scattering as tools to understand the roles of cellulose and hemicelluloses as load bearing polymers in plant cell walls


Conference Publication

Biodeuteration as a tool to study cellulose and hemicellulose interactions in plant cell walls with contrast variation SANS

Mikkelsen, D., Garvey, C. J., Dykes, G. A. and Gidley, M. J. (2006). Biodeuteration as a tool to study cellulose and hemicellulose interactions in plant cell walls with contrast variation SANS. AANSS 2006: 5th AINSE/ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia, 11-13 December 2006. Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia: Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE); (Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG).

Biodeuteration as a tool to study cellulose and hemicellulose interactions in plant cell walls with contrast variation SANS


Conference Publication

Investigation of pyrite bioleaching by thermophilic microorganisms

Mikkelsen, D., Webb, R. I. and Rasch, R. (2004). Investigation of pyrite bioleaching by thermophilic microorganisms. Australian Microbeam Analysis Society 8th Biennial Conference (AMAS 8), University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, February 2005.

Investigation of pyrite bioleaching by thermophilic microorganisms


Conference Publication

Development of molecular methods for monitoring thermophilic chalcopyrite bioleaching cultures

Mikkelsen, D., Kappler, U., McEwan, A. and Sly, L. (2004). Development of molecular methods for monitoring thermophilic chalcopyrite bioleaching cultures. Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM) Annual Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Sydney, Australia, 26th Sep – 1st Oct 2004.

Development of molecular methods for monitoring thermophilic chalcopyrite bioleaching cultures


Other Outputs

The development and use of molecular phylogenetic and microscopy methods to study thermophilic bioleaching cultures

Mikkelsen, D. (2004). The development and use of molecular phylogenetic and microscopy methods to study thermophilic bioleaching cultures. PhD Thesis, School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/107280

The development and use of molecular phylogenetic and microscopy methods to study thermophilic bioleaching cultures


Journal Article

Oral disease in animals: The Australian perspective. Isolation and characterisation of black-pigmented bacteria from the oral cavity of marsupials

Bird, Philip S., Huynh, Sharnan C., Davis, Deirdre, Love, Daria N., Blackall, Linda L. and Seymour, Gregory J. (2002). Oral disease in animals: The Australian perspective. Isolation and characterisation of black-pigmented bacteria from the oral cavity of marsupials. Anaerobe, 8 (2), 79-87. doi: 10.1006/anae.2002.0412

Oral disease in animals: The Australian perspective. Isolation and characterisation of black-pigmented bacteria from the oral cavity of marsupials