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Journal Article

Using a balanced scorecard to improve the management of natural resources: experiences from Baden-Wuerttemberg

Herbohn, Kathleen, Herbohn, John, Hartebrodt, Cristoph and Smith, Carl (2013). Using a balanced scorecard to improve the management of natural resources: experiences from Baden-Wuerttemberg. Society and Natural Resources, 26 (8), 865-882. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2012.719999

Using a balanced scorecard to improve the management of natural resources: experiences from Baden-Wuerttemberg


Conference Publication

Work-lifestyle choices in professional accountancy firms: The road to partnership

Gammie, E., Herbohn, K.F. and Whiting, R. (2013). Work-lifestyle choices in professional accountancy firms: The road to partnership. 2013 Asia-Pacific Inter-Disciplinary Research in Accounting (APIRA) Conference, Singapore, 26-28 July 2013.

Work-lifestyle choices in professional accountancy firms: The road to partnership


Journal Article

Climate change policy in Australia: Organisational responses and influences

Herbohn, Kathleen, Dargusch, Paul and Herbohn, John (2012). Climate change policy in Australia: Organisational responses and influences. Australian Accounting Review, 22 (2), 208-222. doi: 10.1111/j.1835-2561.2012.00171.x

Climate change policy in Australia: Organisational responses and influences


Journal Article

Women in accountancy: prospects for partnership

Gammie, Elizabeth, Herbohn, Kathleen and Whiting, Rosalind (2010). Women in accountancy: prospects for partnership. CA Magazine, 114 (1253), 79-81.

Women in accountancy: prospects for partnership


Journal Article

Changes in unrecognised deferred tax accruals from carry-forward losses: earnings management or signalling?

Herbohn, Kathleen, Tutticci, Irene and Khor, Pui See (2010). Changes in unrecognised deferred tax accruals from carry-forward losses: earnings management or signalling?. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 37 (7-8), 763-798. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5957.2010.02207.x

Changes in unrecognised deferred tax accruals from carry-forward losses: earnings management or signalling?



Issues in financial accounting

Henderson, Scott, Peirson, Graham and Herbohn, Kathy (2010). Issues in financial accounting. 14th ed. ed. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson Australia Group.

Issues in financial accounting


Conference Publication

Missing pre-tax earnings benchmarks: Does the market care?

Herbohn, Kathleen, Tan, Johanan and Tutticci, Irene (2010). Missing pre-tax earnings benchmarks: Does the market care?. 2010 AFAANZ Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 4-6 July 2010. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ).

Missing pre-tax earnings benchmarks: Does the market care?


Conference Publication

Implementing the fair value accounting in the agricultural sector: IAS41 and the comparability of corporate farm accounting practice in Australia, France and the UK

Elad, C. and Herbohn, K. F. (2010). Implementing the fair value accounting in the agricultural sector: IAS41 and the comparability of corporate farm accounting practice in Australia, France and the UK. Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference : 14th Annual Conference, Bristol, UK, 1-2 July 2010. FARSIG website: British Accounting Association (Financial Accounting and Reporting Special Interest Group (FARSIG)).

Implementing the fair value accounting in the agricultural sector: IAS41 and the comparability of corporate farm accounting practice in Australia, France and the UK


Journal Article

Market's perception of deferred tax accruals

Chang, Cheryl, Herbohn, Kathleen and Tutticci, Irene (2009). Market's perception of deferred tax accruals. Accounting and Finance, 49 (4), 645-673. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2009.00307.x

Market's perception of deferred tax accruals


Journal Article

A preliminary investigation of the reporting of forest assets under international financial reporting standards. Eine erste studie zur rechnungslegung forstwirtschaftlicher vermogenswerte nach internationalen rechnungslegungstandards

Herbohn, K. (2009). A preliminary investigation of the reporting of forest assets under international financial reporting standards. Eine erste studie zur rechnungslegung forstwirtschaftlicher vermogenswerte nach internationalen rechnungslegungstandards. Centralblatt fuer das Gesamte Forstwesen, 126 (1-2), 21-37.

A preliminary investigation of the reporting of forest assets under international financial reporting standards. Eine erste studie zur rechnungslegung forstwirtschaftlicher vermogenswerte nach internationalen rechnungslegungstandards


Journal Article

Multidimensional performance measurement systems – A promising approach for the management of enterprises and administrations in the forest sector? – Results of a case study in comparison with findings in US-American administrations

Hartebrodt, C., Herbohn, K. F. and Herbohn, J. L. (2009). Multidimensional performance measurement systems – A promising approach for the management of enterprises and administrations in the forest sector? – Results of a case study in comparison with findings in US-American administrations. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung (Journal for Forestry and Forest Science ), 180 (1-2), 22-35.

Multidimensional performance measurement systems – A promising approach for the management of enterprises and administrations in the forest sector? – Results of a case study in comparison with findings in US-American administrations


Journal Article

IFRS: Irritating, frustrating and really silly?

Herbohn, K. F., Ke, Y. and Tutticci, I. (2008). IFRS: Irritating, frustrating and really silly?. Intheblack, 60-62.

IFRS: Irritating, frustrating and really silly?


Journal Article

Auditor reporting and earnings management: Some additional evidence

Herbohn, K. and Ragunathan, V. (2008). Auditor reporting and earnings management: Some additional evidence. Accounting and Finance, 48 (4), 575-601. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629x.2007.00256.x

Auditor reporting and earnings management: Some additional evidence


Conference Publication

Changes in unrecognised deferred tax accruals from carry-forward losses: Opportunism or signalling?

Herbohn, K., Tutticci, I. and Khor, P. S. (2008). Changes in unrecognised deferred tax accruals from carry-forward losses: Opportunism or signalling?. 2008 AFAANZ/IAAR Conference, Sydney, Australia, 6-8 July 2008. Sydney, Australia: The Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.

Changes in unrecognised deferred tax accruals from carry-forward losses: Opportunism or signalling?



Sustainability reporting in local government: systemic change or greenwash?

Herbohn, Kathleen and Griffiths, Andrew (2008). Sustainability reporting in local government: systemic change or greenwash?. Melbourne, Australia: CPA Australia.

Sustainability reporting in local government: systemic change or greenwash?



Issues in Financial Accounting

Henderson, S., Peirson, G. and Herbohn, K. (2008). Issues in Financial Accounting. 13th ed. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Education Australia.

Issues in Financial Accounting


Journal Article

The horse has bolted: Revisiting the market reaction to going concern modifications of audit reports

Herbohn, K. F., Ragunathan, V. and Garsden, R. (2007). The horse has bolted: Revisiting the market reaction to going concern modifications of audit reports. Accounting and Finance, 47 (3), 473-493. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629x.2007.00216.x

The horse has bolted: Revisiting the market reaction to going concern modifications of audit reports


Conference Publication

Non-Financial performance measures in the Black Forest

Hartebrodt, C., Herbohn, J. L. and Herbohn, K. F. (2007). Non-Financial performance measures in the Black Forest. Fifth Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting (APIRA) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 8-10 July 2007.

Non-Financial performance measures in the Black Forest



Issues in Financial Accounting

Henderson, S., Peirson, G. and Herbohn, K. F. (2006). Issues in Financial Accounting. 12th ed. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Prentice-Hall.

Issues in Financial Accounting


Conference Publication

The market's perception of the reliability of deferred tax accruals

Chang, Cheryl, Herbohn, Kathleen and Tutticci, Irene (2006). The market's perception of the reliability of deferred tax accruals. AFAANZ 2006 Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-4 July 2006. Melbourne, VIC Australia: AFAANZ.

The market's perception of the reliability of deferred tax accruals