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Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens
Associate Professor

Elizabeth Stephens

+61 7 336 52135



Elizabeth Stephens is an Associate Professor of Cultural Studies in the School of Communication and Arts. She was previously an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (UQ, 2017-2021), Associate Dean Research at Southern Cross University (2014-2017), and an ARC Australian Research Fellow in the Centre for the History of European Discourses (UQ, 2010-2014). Her background is in gender and sexuality studies, and her current research focuses on three interconnected themes:

  • popular histories and representations of science, medicine and technology
  • collaborations between the arts and sciences
  • the critical medical humanities

Elizabeth is author of over 100 publications, including three monographs: A Critical Genealogy of Normality (University of Chicago Press, 2017), co-authored with Peter Cryle; Anatomy as Spectacle: Public Exhibitions of the Body from 1700 to the Present (Liverpool University Press, 2011), and Queer Writing: Homoeroticism in Jean Genet's Fiction (Palgrave 2009). She has published over 75 research articles and chapters, as well as non-traditional outputs including catalogue essays and curated exhibitions.

She welcomes inquiries from potential PhD students, and can offer supervision in the following areas:

  • cultural studies of science, medicine and/or technology
  • art/science collaboration
  • medical humanities
  • digital cultures
  • gender and sexuality studies


Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Research interests

  • Collaboration between the arts and sciences

  • History of science, technology and medicine

  • Gender and sexuality studies

  • Science and technology studies


Search Professor Elizabeth Stephens’s works on UQ eSpace

107 works between 1997 and 2024

81 - 100 of 107 works


Book Chapter

Queer monsters: Technologies of self-transformation in Bulwer's Anthropometamorphosis and Braidotti's Metamorphoses

Stephens, Elizabeth A. (2009). Queer monsters: Technologies of self-transformation in Bulwer's Anthropometamorphosis and Braidotti's Metamorphoses. Somatechnics: Queering the technologisation of bodies. (pp. 171-186) edited by Nikki Sullivan and Samantha Murray. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315609867-13

Queer monsters: Technologies of self-transformation in Bulwer's Anthropometamorphosis and Braidotti's Metamorphoses


Book Chapter

Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity

Stephens, Elizabeth (2009). Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity. Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity. (pp. 96-+) BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE. doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_4

Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity


Book Chapter

What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing

Stephens, Elizabeth (2009). What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing. What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing. (pp. 24-+) BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE. doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_2

What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing



Queer writing: Homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction

Stephens, Elizabeth A. (2009). Queer writing: Homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Queer writing: Homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction


Book Chapter

Flesh machines: self-making and the postmodern body

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Flesh machines: self-making and the postmodern body. Cultural Theory in Everyday Practice. (pp. 114-121) edited by Anderson, N. and Schlunke, K.. Melbourne: Oxford Journals, Oxford University Press.

Flesh machines: self-making and the postmodern body


Journal Article

Pathologizing Leaky Male Bodies: Spermatorrhea in Nineteenth-Century British Medicine and Popular Anatomical Museums

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Pathologizing Leaky Male Bodies: Spermatorrhea in Nineteenth-Century British Medicine and Popular Anatomical Museums. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 17 (3), 421-438. doi: 10.1353/sex.0.0023

Pathologizing Leaky Male Bodies: Spermatorrhea in Nineteenth-Century British Medicine and Popular Anatomical Museums


Book Chapter

Anatomies of Desire: Photographic Exhibitions of Female Bodies in Fin-de-Siecle Anatomical Museums

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Anatomies of Desire: Photographic Exhibitions of Female Bodies in Fin-de-Siecle Anatomical Museums. Sexuality at the Fin de Siècle: The Makings of a "Central Problem". (pp. 25-41) edited by P. M. Cryle and C. E. Forth. Newark, Delaware, USA: University of Delaware Press.

Anatomies of Desire: Photographic Exhibitions of Female Bodies in Fin-de-Siecle Anatomical Museums


Book Chapter

Redefining Sexual Excess as a Medical Disorder: Fin-de-Siecle Representations of Hysteria and Spermatorrhoea

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Redefining Sexual Excess as a Medical Disorder: Fin-de-Siecle Representations of Hysteria and Spermatorrhoea. Pleasure and Pain in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture. (pp. 201-212) edited by Evans, D. and Griffiths, K.. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Redefining Sexual Excess as a Medical Disorder: Fin-de-Siecle Representations of Hysteria and Spermatorrhoea


Journal Article

Inventing the bodily interior: Écorché figures in early modern anatomy and von Hagens' Body Worlds

Stephens, Elizabeth A. (2007). Inventing the bodily interior: Écorché figures in early modern anatomy and von Hagens' Body Worlds. Social Semiotics, 17 (3), 313-326. doi: 10.1080/10350330701448611

Inventing the bodily interior: Écorché figures in early modern anatomy and von Hagens' Body Worlds


Journal Article

Male bodies: An introduction

Stephens, E. and Lorentzen, J. (2007). Male bodies: An introduction. Men and Masculinities, 10 (1), 5-8. doi: 10.1177/1097184X07299325

Male bodies: An introduction


Journal Article

The spectacularized penis - Contemporary representations of the phallic male body

Stephens, Elizabeth (2007). The spectacularized penis - Contemporary representations of the phallic male body. Men and Masculinities, 10 (1), 85-98. doi: 10.1177/1097184X07299332

The spectacularized penis - Contemporary representations of the phallic male body


Book Chapter

Queer writing: homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction

Stephens, Elizabeth (2007). Queer writing: homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction. Queer sexualities in French and Francophone literature and film. (pp. 129-144) edited by James Day. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Editions Rodopi. doi: 10.1163/9789401204903_011

Queer writing: homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction


Journal Article

Bodies in translation: French feminist influences on anglophone feminist theory: Review article

Stephens, E. A. (2006). Bodies in translation: French feminist influences on anglophone feminist theory: Review article. Australian Feminist Studies, 21 (49), 107-111. doi: 10.1080/08164640500470727

Bodies in translation: French feminist influences on anglophone feminist theory: Review article


Book Chapter

Corporeographies: The dancing body in 'adame Miroir and Un chant d'amour

Stephens, E. A. (2006). Corporeographies: The dancing body in 'adame Miroir and Un chant d'amour. Genet: Politics and Performance. (pp. 159-168) edited by C. Finburgh, C. Lavery and M. Shevtsova. London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230595439

Corporeographies: The dancing body in 'adame Miroir and Un chant d'amour


Journal Article

Cultural fixions of the freak body: Coney Island and the postmodern sideshow

Stephens, Elizabeth (2006). Cultural fixions of the freak body: Coney Island and the postmodern sideshow. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 20 (4), 485-498. doi: 10.1080/10304310600988286

Cultural fixions of the freak body: Coney Island and the postmodern sideshow


Book Chapter

Un mur qui ne serait jamais abattu: Le bagne du desir dans Un chant d'amour

Stephens, E. A. (2005). Un mur qui ne serait jamais abattu: Le bagne du desir dans Un chant d'amour. Aimez-vous le queer?. (pp. 131-139) edited by Lawrence R Schehr. New York, U.S.A.: Rodopi. doi: 10.1163/9789004333024_010

Un mur qui ne serait jamais abattu: Le bagne du desir dans Un chant d'amour


Book Chapter

Je suis un mensonge qui dit toujours la verite: Genet's Queer Subjectivities

Stephens, E. A. (2005). Je suis un mensonge qui dit toujours la verite: Genet's Queer Subjectivities. Soi-disant: Life-Writing in French. (pp. 41-52) edited by de Nooy, Juliana, Hardwick, Joe and Hanna, Barbara E.. Newark, USA: University of Delaware Press.

Je suis un mensonge qui dit toujours la verite: Genet's Queer Subjectivities


Journal Article

Twenty First Century freak show: Recent transformations in the exhibition of non-normative bodies

Stephens, Elizabeth (2005). Twenty First Century freak show: Recent transformations in the exhibition of non-normative bodies. Disability Studies Quarterly, 25 (3 (Summer)), 1-8. doi: 10.18061/dsq.v25i3.580

Twenty First Century freak show: Recent transformations in the exhibition of non-normative bodies


Journal Article

Disseminating phallic masculinity: Seminal fluidity in Genet's fiction

Stephens, E. (2004). Disseminating phallic masculinity: Seminal fluidity in Genet's fiction. Paragraph, 27 (2), 85-97. doi: 10.3366/para.2004.27.2.85

Disseminating phallic masculinity: Seminal fluidity in Genet's fiction


Journal Article

Hadow/Stuart Short Story Award: Judge's report

Stephens, E. A. (2003). Hadow/Stuart Short Story Award: Judge's report. Martinata, 3, 8-8.

Hadow/Stuart Short Story Award: Judge's report


Current funding

  • 2021 - 2025
    A cultural and intellectual history of automated labour (ARC Discovery Project administered by University of Western Australia)
    University of Western Australia
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2017 - 2022
    Understanding Collaboration Between the Arts and Science
    ARC Future Fellowships
    Open grant
  • 2012
    ResTeach Funding 2012 0.1 FTE School of LCCS
    UQ ResTeach
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2013
    The cultural impact of biotechnologies: Critical and creative perspectives
    UWA-UQ Bilateral Research Collaboration Award
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2012
    Uses of New Medical Imaging Technologies in Clinical, Commercial and Cultural Contexts
    UQ Foundation Research Excellence Awards - DVC(R) Funding
    Open grant
  • 2007
    Practices of Exhibiting Human Bodies in Anatomy, Anthropology, and Ethnographic Collections at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History
    UQ Travel Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2005
    From Monsters to Freaks: Theories and Representations of Non-Normative Bodies From the Early Modern Period to the Present
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2004
    Metamorphosing Masculinties: Transformations in Contemproary Representations of the Male Body
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    There Is No Outside: Art-Science Collaborations with Nonhumans

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Amelia Barikin

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Detrans geographies: an exploration or borders and belonging

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Karin Sellberg

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Affective digital labour and FemTech

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Nicholas Carah

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Vibes, Flows, Feelings: Investigating the algorithmic techniques of affective capitalism

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Nicholas Carah

  • Master Philosophy

    With Colleagues Like These: AI in the Workplace, On and Off Screen

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Jason Jacobs

  • Master Philosophy

    "The Problem of Living"; and "Sense and Insensibility: Pain, Trauma and the Limits of First-Person Narrative in Creative Non-Fiction"

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Tom Doig

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Representations of Sexual Trauma in American Women's Life Writing

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Karin Sellberg

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Sexual Science, Medicine, and Healthy Ageing in Historical Perspective (c. 1880-1970)

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Peter Cryle

Completed supervision



Contact Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens directly for media enquiries about:

  • Gender and digital culture
  • Health and medical humanities
  • Histories of science medicine and technology
  • Popular cultures of science and medicine

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