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Associate Professor Ada Kritikos
Associate Professor

Ada Kritikos

+61 7 336 56408



Associate Professor Ada Kritikos is:
Available for supervision


Search Professor Ada Kritikos’s works on UQ eSpace

61 works between 2001 and 2024

21 - 40 of 61 works


Journal Article

Interfering ACE on comprehending embodied meaning in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences

Wang, Huili, Yan, Xiaoli, Cao, Shuo, Li, Linxi and Kritikos, Ada (2019). Interfering ACE on comprehending embodied meaning in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences. Language and Cognition, 11 (3), 1-20. doi: 10.1017/langcog.2019.29

Interfering ACE on comprehending embodied meaning in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences


Journal Article

Enhanced integration of multisensory body information by proximity to "habitual action space"

Dempsey-Jones, Harriet and Kritikos, Ada (2017). Enhanced integration of multisensory body information by proximity to "habitual action space". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43 (4), 770-782. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000338

Enhanced integration of multisensory body information by proximity to "habitual action space"


Journal Article

Pictures of disgusting foods and disgusted facial expressions suppress the tongue motor cortex

Vicario, Carmelo M., Rafal, Robert D., Borgomaneri, Sara, Paracampo, Riccardo, Kritikos, Ada and Avenanti, Alessio (2017). Pictures of disgusting foods and disgusted facial expressions suppress the tongue motor cortex. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12 (2), 352-362. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsw129

Pictures of disgusting foods and disgusted facial expressions suppress the tongue motor cortex


Journal Article

Handedness and graspability modify shifts of visuospatial attention to near-hand objects

Colman, Hayley A., Remington, Roger W. and Kritikos, Ada (2017). Handedness and graspability modify shifts of visuospatial attention to near-hand objects. PL o S One, 12 (1) e0170542, e0170542. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170542

Handedness and graspability modify shifts of visuospatial attention to near-hand objects


Journal Article

Pictures of you: dot stimuli cause motor contagion in presence of a still human form

Sparks, S., Sidari, M., Lyons, M. and Kritikos, A. (2016). Pictures of you: dot stimuli cause motor contagion in presence of a still human form. Consciousness and Cognition, 45, 135-145. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2016.08.004

Pictures of you: dot stimuli cause motor contagion in presence of a still human form


Journal Article

Grasping remaps the distribution of visuospatial attention and enhances competing action activation

Colman, Hayley, Remington, Roger and Kritikos, Ada (2016). Grasping remaps the distribution of visuospatial attention and enhances competing action activation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70 (9), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1214974

Grasping remaps the distribution of visuospatial attention and enhances competing action activation


Journal Article

Culture modulates implicit ownership-induced self-bias in memory

Sparks, Samuel, Cunningham, Sheila J. and Kritikos, Ada (2016). Culture modulates implicit ownership-induced self-bias in memory. Cognition, 153, 89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2016.05.003

Culture modulates implicit ownership-induced self-bias in memory


Journal Article

Verbal social primes alter motor contagion during action observation

Sparks, S., Douglas, T. and Kritikos, A. (2016). Verbal social primes alter motor contagion during action observation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69 (6), 1041-1048. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2015.1113304

Verbal social primes alter motor contagion during action observation


Journal Article

Top-down control and directed attention in self-reference effects: goal-directed movements and the SAN

Sparks, Samuel, Moodie, Rebecca and Kritikos, Ada (2015). Top-down control and directed attention in self-reference effects: goal-directed movements and the SAN. Cognitive Neuroscience, 7 (1-4), 1-2. doi: 10.1080/17588928.2015.1075488

Top-down control and directed attention in self-reference effects: goal-directed movements and the SAN


Journal Article

Are multisensory inputs integrated automatically in body-representation?: The effect of perceptual load on visuo-proprioceptive integration

Harriet, Dempsey-Jones and Ada, Kritikos (2015). Are multisensory inputs integrated automatically in body-representation?: The effect of perceptual load on visuo-proprioceptive integration. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2015.217.00201

Are multisensory inputs integrated automatically in body-representation?: The effect of perceptual load on visuo-proprioceptive integration


Journal Article

Object ownership and action: the influence of social context and choice on the physical manipulation of personal property

Constable, Merryn D., Kritikos, Ada, Lipp, Ottmar V. and Bayliss, Andrew P. (2014). Object ownership and action: the influence of social context and choice on the physical manipulation of personal property. Experimental Brain Research, 232 (12), 3749-3761. doi: 10.1007/s00221-014-4063-1

Object ownership and action: the influence of social context and choice on the physical manipulation of personal property


Journal Article

Higher-order cognitive factors affect subjective but not proprioceptive aspects of self-representation in the rubber hand illusion

Dempsey-Jones, Harriet and Kritikos, Ada (2014). Higher-order cognitive factors affect subjective but not proprioceptive aspects of self-representation in the rubber hand illusion. Consciousness and Cognition, 26 (1), 74-89. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2014.02.005

Higher-order cognitive factors affect subjective but not proprioceptive aspects of self-representation in the rubber hand illusion


Journal Article

Value learning modulates goal-directed actions

Painter, David R., Kritikos, Ada and Raymond, Jane E. (2013). Value learning modulates goal-directed actions. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67 (6), 1166-1175. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2013.848913

Value learning modulates goal-directed actions


Conference Publication

Handedness and the weighting of visual- proprioceptive information in position estimation: the effect of illusory visual position information

Dempsey-Jones, H. and Kritikos, A. (2013). Handedness and the weighting of visual- proprioceptive information in position estimation: the effect of illusory visual position information. VSS 2013 Symposia, Naples, FL United States, 10-15 May 2013. Rockville, MD, United States: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. doi: 10.1167/13.9.877

Handedness and the weighting of visual- proprioceptive information in position estimation: the effect of illusory visual position information


Journal Article

Self-generated cognitive fluency as an alternative route to preference formation

Constable, Merryn D., Bayliss, Andrew P., Tipper, Steven P. and Kritikos, Ada (2013). Self-generated cognitive fluency as an alternative route to preference formation. Consciousness and Cognition, 22 (1), 47-52. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2012.11.006

Self-generated cognitive fluency as an alternative route to preference formation


Journal Article

Reward and punishment: investigating cortico-bulbar excitability to disclose the value of goods

Vicario, Carmelo M., Kritikos, Ada, Avenanti, Alessio and Rafal, Robert (2013). Reward and punishment: investigating cortico-bulbar excitability to disclose the value of goods. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 (FEB) article 39, 39.1-39.4. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00039

Reward and punishment: investigating cortico-bulbar excitability to disclose the value of goods


Journal Article

"Gaze Leading": initiating simulated joint attention influences eye movements and choice behavior

Bayliss, Andrew P., Murphy, Emily, Naughtin, Claire K., Kritikos, Ada, Schilbach, Leonhard and Becker, Stefanie I. (2013). "Gaze Leading": initiating simulated joint attention influences eye movements and choice behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, 142 (1), 76-92. doi: 10.1037/a0029286

"Gaze Leading": initiating simulated joint attention influences eye movements and choice behavior


Journal Article

Make a lasting impression: the neural consequences of re-encountering people who emote inappropriately

Bayliss, Andrew P., Naughtin, Claire K., Lipp, Ottmar V., Kritikos, Ada and Dux, Paul E. (2012). Make a lasting impression: the neural consequences of re-encountering people who emote inappropriately. Psychophysiology, 49 (12), 1571-1578. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2012.01481.x

Make a lasting impression: the neural consequences of re-encountering people who emote inappropriately


Journal Article

Event coding and motor priming: How attentional modulation may influence binding across action properties

Ocampo, Brenda, Painter, David R. and Kritikos, Ada (2012). Event coding and motor priming: How attentional modulation may influence binding across action properties. Experimental Brain Research, 219 (1), 139-150. doi: 10.1007/s00221-012-3073-0

Event coding and motor priming: How attentional modulation may influence binding across action properties


Journal Article

Something in the way she moves me: Morphology and motion of observed goal-directed and pantomimed actions

Kritikos, A., McTaggart, L., Painter, D. R. and Bayliss, A. P. (2012). Something in the way she moves me: Morphology and motion of observed goal-directed and pantomimed actions. Attention Perception and Psychophysics, 74 (1), 36-42. doi: 10.3758/s13414-011-0228-1

Something in the way she moves me: Morphology and motion of observed goal-directed and pantomimed actions


Past funding

  • 2013 - 2017
    Yours and mine: Development of the concept of ownership in typical children and those on the autism spectrum
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2013
    A brain stimulation and portable eye-tracking suite for human behavioural research
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2011
    An eye-tracking and neuro-stimulation laboratory for cognitive neuroscience research
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2010
    A computer laboratory and data storage for behavioural research
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2010
    UQ Travel Awards Category 1, Stephen Tipper
    UQ Travel Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2008
    User-friendly equipment for central nervous and cardiovascular psychopshysiology
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2007 - 2008
    The multisensory components of gesture comprehension and proudction
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Associate Professor Ada Kritikos is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • the sense of self in bereavement

    We are seeking to supervise a PhD project on the sense of self, memory self-reference effects, and bereavement.

    The topic will involve investigating the theory of autobiographical memory, construction of the sense of self and emotion.

    The potential candidate should have a specific interest in cognitive science and cognitive processes, and a solid foundation and familiarity with statistics.

    We anticipate that the candidate would apply for a UQ HDR scholarship in February 2024 to commence candidature in July (RQ2) of 2024.

  • In- and out-group identity and the mewmory self-reference effect

    We are seeking to supervise a PhD project on the sense of self, memory self-reference effects, and in- / out-group identificaion.

    The topic will involve investigating the theory of autobiographical memory, construction of the sense of self and identification with a specific group.

    The potential candidate should have a specific interest in cognitive science and cognitive processes, and a solid foundation and familiarity with statistics.

    We anticipate that the candidate would apply for a UQ HDR scholarship in February 2024 to commence candidature in July (RQ2) of 2024.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Impact of Self and Reward on Cognitive Processes

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Catherine Haslam

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The efficacy of multisensory cues in orienting and sustaining attention.

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Mick Zeljko

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The investigation of communicating through non-verbal music conducting of children on the autism spectrum

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Mary Broughton

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The origin of non-redundant crossmodal correspondence

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Mick Zeljko

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Social and Contextual Determinants of Pain Recognition

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Jess Taubert

Completed supervision



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