Suman is a senior lecturer in Finance. He holds a PhD (Finance) from Cranfield University, United Kingdom.
Suman’s research interests include environmental finance, investor behaviour, initial public offerings (IPOs), emerging markets finance, and corporate governance. Suman’s research has been published in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, and British Journal of Management. He has also been a recipient of several international, national, and internal grants including grants from the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. Suman received Pro Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award in the early career research category in 2016. He has presented his papers at national and international conferences.
Suman is currently the postgraduate coordinator for the finance PhD program. He currently teaches Advanced Studies in Finance (FINM4401) and Corporate Finance (FINM7402).
- Dr Suman Neupane-Joshi is:
- Available for supervision
- Doctor of Philosophy, Cranfield University
Research interests
Investor Behaviour
Climate Finance
Emerging Markets
Search Professor Suman Neupane-Joshi’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Domestic and foreign institutional investors' investment in IPOs
Neupane, Suman, Neupane, Biwesh, Paudyal, Krishna and Thapa, Chandra (2016). Domestic and foreign institutional investors' investment in IPOs. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 39, 197-210. doi: 10.1016/j.pacfin.2016.06.011
Journal Article
Market liquidity risks of foreign exchange derivatives and cross-country equity portfolio allocations
Thapa, Chandra, Neupane, Suman and Marshall, Andrew (2016). Market liquidity risks of foreign exchange derivatives and cross-country equity portfolio allocations. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 34, 46-64. doi: 10.1016/j.mulfin.2016.01.001
Journal Article
Firm quality or market sentiment: what matters more for IPO investors?
Neupane, Suman, Paudyal, Krishna and Thapa, Chandra (2014). Firm quality or market sentiment: what matters more for IPO investors?. Journal of Banking & Finance, 44 (1), 207-218. doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2014.04.010
Journal Article
Access to information and international portfolio allocation
Thapa, Chandra, Paudyal, Krishna and Neupane, Suman (2013). Access to information and international portfolio allocation. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37 (7), 2255-2267. doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2013.01.011
Journal Article
Underwriter reputation and the underwriter-investor relationship in IPO markets
Neupane, Suman and Thapa, Chandra (2013). Underwriter reputation and the underwriter-investor relationship in IPO markets. Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, 24 (1), 105-126. doi: 10.1016/j.intfin.2012.11.005
Journal Article
Transparency in IPO mechanism: retail investors' participation, IPO pricing and returns
Neupane, Suman and Poshakwale, Sunil S. (2012). Transparency in IPO mechanism: retail investors' participation, IPO pricing and returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36 (7), 2064-2076. doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2012.03.010
Journal Article
Does ownership structure effect IPO underpricing: Evidence from Thai IPOs
Venkatesh, Sunder and Neupane, Suman (2005). Does ownership structure effect IPO underpricing: Evidence from Thai IPOs. Corporate Ownership and Control, 3 (2 A), 106-115. doi: 10.22495/cocv3i2p11
Past funding
- Dr Suman Neupane-Joshi is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Three Essays on Corporate Toxic Emissions
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kelvin Tan
Doctor Philosophy
International Evidence on the Relationship between Telecommunication Infrastructure and IPO Underpricing
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Dewan Rahman
Doctor Philosophy
Technology Spillovers, Information Environment, and Corporate Outcomes
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Dewan Rahman
Doctor Philosophy
Climate Change and its impact on Indian Financial Markets
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jacquelyn Humphrey
Doctor Philosophy
Climate Change and its impact on Indian Financial Markets
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jacquelyn Humphrey
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Three Essays on Corporate Toxic Emissions
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kelvin Tan
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