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Professor Jason Lodge

Jason Lodge

+61 7 336 56506



Jason Lodge is a chef by trade, a psychological scientist by training, and an educator by profession. For over 20 years, Jason has worked to better understand learning to enhance education, particularly via digital technologies.

Jason is Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of the Learning, Instruction, and Technology Lab in the School of Education at The University of Queensland (UQ). With the lab team, Jason explores the cognitive, metacognitive, and emotional aspects of learning, particularly in higher education and with digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI). He and his team have a particular interest in self- and co-regulated learning.

Recently, Jason has been focused on the evolving role of AI in education. He serves as an expert advisor to the OECD and Australian National Task Force on Artificial Intelligence in Education and led the Assessment Experts Forum in partnership with the Australian Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). The resulting resource, Assessment Reform for the Age of Artificial Intelligence, is being used across education sectors in Australia and around the world to rethink assessment in light of the emergence of generative AI. His most recent work in partnership with the Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (ACSES) has been on developing a national framework for AI in higher education, a translation of the Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Schools.

Jason holds fellowships with the Psychonomic Society (US) and the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). He has received numerous teaching awards, including the Australian Psychological Society’s Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Education and was an inaugural winner of the ASCILITE and CAULLT Award for Outstanding Leadership in Digital Learning in Higher Education in 2023. Additionally, Jason is an editor of Student Success and until recently served as the Lead Editor of Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.


Professor Jason Lodge is:
Not available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Psychology, James Cook University
  • Bachelor (Honours), James Cook University
  • Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching, James Cook University
  • Masters (Coursework) of Higher Education, Macquarie University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, James Cook University
  • Graduate Certificate in Business (Management), Monash University
  • Masters (Coursework), University of Sydney

Research interests

  • Educational psychology

  • Educational technology

  • Higher education

  • Learning sciences

  • Artificial intelligence


Search Professor Jason Lodge’s works on UQ eSpace

157 works between 2010 and 2025

61 - 80 of 157 works


Journal Article

Productive uncertainty: the pedagogical benefits of co‐creating research in the design studio

McLaughlan, Rebecca, Pert, Alan and Lodge, Jason M. (2021). Productive uncertainty: the pedagogical benefits of co‐creating research in the design studio. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 40 (1), 184-200. doi: 10.1111/jade.12344

Productive uncertainty: the pedagogical benefits of co‐creating research in the design studio


Journal Article

AJET in 2021: change, bibliometrics and future directions

Thompson, Kate, Corrin, Linda, Hwang, Gwo-Jen and Lodge, Jason M. (2021). AJET in 2021: change, bibliometrics and future directions. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 37 (1), 1-7. doi: 10.14742/ajet.7010

AJET in 2021: change, bibliometrics and future directions


Book Chapter

Online Education by Design: Using Evidence and Course Analytics to Achieve Best Online Teaching and Learning Practice

Lodge, Jason M. (2020). Online Education by Design: Using Evidence and Course Analytics to Achieve Best Online Teaching and Learning Practice. Tertiary Online Teaching and Learning: TOTAL Perspectives and Resources for Digital Education. (pp. 3-11) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-8928-7_1

Online Education by Design: Using Evidence and Course Analytics to Achieve Best Online Teaching and Learning Practice


Book Chapter

The Application of Design Thinking to Convert an On-Campus Course for Online Students

Broadbent, Jaclyn and Lodge, Jason M. (2020). The Application of Design Thinking to Convert an On-Campus Course for Online Students. Tertiary Online Teaching and Learning: TOTAL Perspectives and Resources for Digital Education. (pp. 299-308) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-8928-7_30

The Application of Design Thinking to Convert an On-Campus Course for Online Students


Conference Publication

Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgement

Khosravi, Hassan, Gyamfi, George , Hanna, Barbara and Lodge, Jason (2020). Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgement. University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World, Online, 19-20 October 2020.

Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgement


Book Chapter

Digital learning environments, the science of learning, and the relationship between the teacher and the learner

Lodge, Jason M., Kennedy, Gregor and Lockyer, Lori (2020). Digital learning environments, the science of learning, and the relationship between the teacher and the learner. Learning under the lens. (pp. 154-168) edited by Annemaree Carroll, Ross Cunnington and Annita Nugent. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429027833-11

Digital learning environments, the science of learning, and the relationship between the teacher and the learner


Journal Article

2020 vision: What happens next in education technology research in Australia

Thompson, Kate and Lodge, Jason (2020). 2020 vision: What happens next in education technology research in Australia. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36 (4), 1-8. doi: 10.14742/ajet.6593

2020 vision: What happens next in education technology research in Australia


Conference Publication

Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system

Khosravi, Hassan, Gyamii, George, Hanna, Barbara E. and Lodge, Jason (2020). Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system. LAK 2020: the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, 23 - 27 March 2020. New York, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3375462.3375532

Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system


Conference Publication

Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences

Srivastava, Namrata, Nawaz, Sadia, Lodge, Jason M., Velloso, Eduardo, Erfani, Sarah and Bailey, James (2020). Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences. TenthInternational Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, 23-27 March 2020. New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3375462.3375514

Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences


Book Chapter

Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online and computer-mediated learning environments

Broadbent, Jaclyn, Panadero, Ernesto, Lodge, Jason M. and de Barba, Paula (2020). Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online and computer-mediated learning environments. Handbook of Research in Educational Communications and Technology: Learning Design. (pp. 37-52) edited by M. J. Bishop, Elizabeth Boling, Jan Elen and Vanessa Svihla. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36119-8_3

Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online and computer-mediated learning environments


Journal Article

Understanding the pedagogical practices of biochemistry and molecular biology academics

Espinosa, Allen A., Verkade, Heather, Mulhern, Terrence D. and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Understanding the pedagogical practices of biochemistry and molecular biology academics. AER: Australian Educational Researcher, 47 (5), 839-856. doi: 10.1007/s13384-019-00369-5

Understanding the pedagogical practices of biochemistry and molecular biology academics


Journal Article

Understanding value in the student experience through student–staff partnerships

Dollinger, Mollie and Lodge, Jason (2019). Understanding value in the student experience through student–staff partnerships. Higher Education Research and Development, 39 (5), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1695751

Understanding value in the student experience through student–staff partnerships


Journal Article

Teacher and student interactions in the first year of university

Rivera Munoz, Claudia A., Baik, Chi and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Teacher and student interactions in the first year of university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44 (8), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/0309877x.2019.1664731

Teacher and student interactions in the first year of university


Journal Article

Student-staff co-creation in higher education: an evidence-informed model to support future design and implementation

Dollinger, Mollie and Lodge, Jason (2019). Student-staff co-creation in higher education: an evidence-informed model to support future design and implementation. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42 (5), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/1360080x.2019.1663681

Student-staff co-creation in higher education: an evidence-informed model to support future design and implementation


Journal Article

Working together in learning analytics towards the co-creation of value

Dollinger, Mollie, Liu, Danny, Arthars, Natasha and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Working together in learning analytics towards the co-creation of value. Journal of Learning Analytics, 6 (2), 10-26. doi: 10.18608/jla.2019.62.2

Working together in learning analytics towards the co-creation of value


Journal Article

What learning analytics can learn from students as partners

Dollinger, Mollie and Lodge, Jason (2019). What learning analytics can learn from students as partners. Educational Media International, 56 (3), 218-232. doi: 10.1080/09523987.2019.1669883

What learning analytics can learn from students as partners


Journal Article

The role of attention in learning in the digital age

Lodge, Jason M. and Harrison, William J. (2019). The role of attention in learning in the digital age. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 92 (1), 21-28.

The role of attention in learning in the digital age


Book Chapter

Refocusing threshold concepts: surfacing and attending to student misconceptions as a necessary (and safer) form of liminal learning

Lewis, Melinda, Lodge, Jason M. and Quinnell, Rosanne (2019). Refocusing threshold concepts: surfacing and attending to student misconceptions as a necessary (and safer) form of liminal learning. Theory and method in higher education research. (pp. 31-47) edited by Jeroen Huisman and Malcolm Tight. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. doi: 10.1108/s2056-375220180000004004

Refocusing threshold concepts: surfacing and attending to student misconceptions as a necessary (and safer) form of liminal learning



Learning Analytics in the Classroom: Translating Learning Analytics Research for Teachers

Jason M. Lodge, Jared Cooney Horvath and Linda Corrin eds. (2019). Learning Analytics in the Classroom: Translating Learning Analytics Research for Teachers. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Learning Analytics in the Classroom: Translating Learning Analytics Research for Teachers


Book Chapter

Learning analytics and teaching: a conceptual framework for translation and application

Donoghue, Gregory M., Horvath, Jared Cooney and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Learning analytics and teaching: a conceptual framework for translation and application. Learning analytics in the classroom: translating learning analytics research for teachers. (pp. 11-21) edited by Jason M. Lodge, Jared Cooney Horvath and Linda Corrin. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Learning analytics and teaching: a conceptual framework for translation and application


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Understanding the drivers of success in secondary-to-tertiary transitions
    Education Horizon
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2027
    Implementing integrated psychological and physical care for Australians after road traffic injury
    NHMRC MRFF Clinician Researchers: Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Grant
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2022
    Modes of delivery in higher education
    Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment
    Open grant



Professor Jason Lodge is:
Not available for supervision

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    A meta-model of self-regulated learning to facilitate transition to higher education

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The influence of learning strategy instruction on academic self-concept development in enabling students

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Do we learn differently from print and digital text?

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Kate McLay

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Understanding why students do not use effective learning techniques and how universities can better encourage them to

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Louise Ainscough

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Impact of learning modes and physical proximity on self-regulated learning and university transition in a digital and AI-driven world

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Inquiry learning vs. teacher directed instruction: A critical synthesis and analysis

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Jodie Miller

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Study Strategies in Health Professions Education

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Allison Mandrusiak, Dr Roma Forbes

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Personalising the First Year Experience: Using co-regulation pedagogical strategies to enhance student sense of autonomy, competence and connectedness

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Stephanie Macmahon

  • Doctor Philosophy

    A meta-model of self-regulated learning to facilitate transition to higher education

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Engaging Senior Citizens with Cyber Safety through Educational Games

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Marie Boden, Dr Hassan Khosravi, Dr Nell Baghaei

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Shifting and Evolving Practice of Design: (Re)conceptualising Design Facilitation

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Cara Wrigley

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Self-deception and Learning: Implications for Educators

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Peter Ellerton

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Jason Lodge directly for media enquiries about:

  • Educational psychology
  • Educational technology
  • Emotion in learning
  • Higher education
  • Learning
  • Learning sciences
  • Science of learning

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