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Dr Russell Manfield

Russell Manfield




I have an engineering background, earning my mechanical engineering degree from UQ and beginning my career in the mining and telecommunication sectors, before starting new ventures in technology, agri-tech & workplace training domains. I leverage this background in my teaching for courses covering entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy. I have built online courses covering corporate innovation, service innovation culture, innovation strategy for quantum technology and navigating the demands of 21st century workskills: some purposed towards scale (attracting large learner enrolments) and others towards geographic dispersion (gaining access to learners who I would never come into contact with). I have a particular interest in the impact strategies for new ventures & new technologies to craft sustainable value frameworks, so welcome entrepreneurial research opportunities that target emerging economies, fast-evolving technology domains and design thinking pedagogy for new generations of innovators.


Dr Russell Manfield is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Innovation strategy

    how strategies emerge from innovative approaches to addressing outlier conditions | as an Associate Investigator for EQUS (Engineered Quantum Systems) I have a particular interest in emerging quantum & quantum-adjacent technologies

  • Entrepreneurial opportunities

    the forming or discovery of opportunities and how these lead to capable new ventures | especially as these impact historically overlooked social sectors, developing economies or emerging technologies & capabilities

  • Design thinking pedagogy

    learning to embrace irreducible uncertainty in creating novel & sustainable solutions for persistent problems as these draw on innovations in leadership & resource allocations

Research impacts

I am currently undertaking research projects to impact online learning pedagoy, innovation strategies for quantum technologies and entrepreneurial education. As an Associate Investigator for the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS), I am able to combine my interests across these 3 impact arcs for emerging innovations.


Search Professor Russell Manfield’s works on UQ eSpace

11 works between 2014 and 2024

1 - 11 of 11 works


Conference Publication

A space of one's own: crafting entrepreneurial opportunities for Omani Women

Al Rahbi, Hanan and Manfield, Russell (2024). A space of one's own: crafting entrepreneurial opportunities for Omani Women. 40th EGOS Colloquium: The experience of space and place in extreme contexts, Milan, Italy, 4-6 July 2024. European Group for Organizational Studies.

A space of one's own: crafting entrepreneurial opportunities for Omani Women


Other Outputs

The three Cs of the 21st-century workplace: cognition, character and career

Seevaratnam, Vijayakumari and Manfield, Russell (2023, 10 03). The three Cs of the 21st-century workplace: cognition, character and career Times Higher Education

The three Cs of the 21st-century workplace: cognition, character and career


Conference Publication

Educating decision makers on resource allocations for quantum technologies

Manfield, Russell, Harvey, Michael and White, Andrew (2023). Educating decision makers on resource allocations for quantum technologies. Seventeenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2023, Cocoa Beach, FL, United States, 15-18 May 2023. Bellingham, WA, United States: SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2668765

Educating decision makers on resource allocations for quantum technologies


Other Outputs

Dynamic entrepreneurship education: leveraging student learning through engaged assessment design

Manfield, Russell, Seevaratnam, Vijayakumari and Mitchell, Sean (2021). Dynamic entrepreneurship education: leveraging student learning through engaged assessment design. 2021/16. UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Dynamic entrepreneurship education: leveraging student learning through engaged assessment design


Conference Publication

Heuristics to survive firm collapse

Manfield, Russell and Newey, Lance (2019). Heuristics to survive firm collapse. Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 9-13 August 2019. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.16064abstract

Heuristics to survive firm collapse


Conference Publication

Navigating Trouble: The emergence of heuristics with unstable resources

Manfield, Russell, Eberl, Martina, Newey, Lance and Eberl, Peter (2019). Navigating Trouble: The emergence of heuristics with unstable resources. EGOS 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3-6 July 2019. Sage.

Navigating Trouble: The emergence of heuristics with unstable resources



Guide for Australian Entrepreneurs - A supplement to New Venture Creation 2nd edition

Manfield, Russell (2018). Guide for Australian Entrepreneurs - A supplement to New Venture Creation 2nd edition. Macmillan Education UK.

Guide for Australian Entrepreneurs - A supplement to New Venture Creation 2nd edition


Journal Article

Resilience as an entrepreneurial capability: integrating insights from a cross-disciplinary comparison

Manfield, Russell Charles and Newey, Lance Richard (2017). Resilience as an entrepreneurial capability: integrating insights from a cross-disciplinary comparison. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 24 (7), 1155-1180. doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-11-2016-0368

Resilience as an entrepreneurial capability: integrating insights from a cross-disciplinary comparison


Other Outputs

Organizational resilience: a dynamic capabilities approach

Manfield, Russell (2016). Organizational resilience: a dynamic capabilities approach. PhD Thesis, UQ Business School, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2016.203

Organizational resilience: a dynamic capabilities approach


Journal Article

Escaping the collapse trap: remaining capable without capabilities

Manfield, Russell and Newey, Lance (2015). Escaping the collapse trap: remaining capable without capabilities. Strategic Change, 24 (4), 373-387. doi: 10.1002/jsc.2016

Escaping the collapse trap: remaining capable without capabilities


Conference Publication

Utilities: microfoundations of capability dismantling and rebuilding

Manfield, Russell and Newey, Lance (2014). Utilities: microfoundations of capability dismantling and rebuilding. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2014), Philadelphia, PA, United States, 1-5 August 2014. Commerce, TX, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.14738abstract

Utilities: microfoundations of capability dismantling and rebuilding



Dr Russell Manfield is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Master Philosophy

    Business Model Innovations for Necessity Entrepreneurs

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Henri Burgers

  • Doctor Philosophy

    An Empirical Study on Entrepreneurial Orientation and Entrepreneurial Learning Programmes in Shaping Female Entrepreneurs Efficacy in Oman

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Lance Newey



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