Dr Cheneal Puljevic is an ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow at the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame at the School of Public Health. Her current research focuses on the drivers and deterrents of illicit tobacco use. Her other research interests include smoking cessation among disadvantaged populations, drug checking (pill testing), alcohol-fuelled violence, and substance use harm reduction.
Cheneal is also the Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours (HLTH6014) program director and course convenor, a core research team member for the Global Drug Survey, an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Drug Policy, a Deputy Editor for Drug and Alcohol Review, and the Queensland Research Lead for The Loop Australia, a not-for-profit organisation aiming to implement drug checking (pill testing) services and partner operating organisation of CheQpoint, Queensland's first fixed-site drug checking service. She is the co-chair of the School of Public Health's Early Career Researcher committee.
Cheneal was previously employed as the Research Operations Manager for the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame (0.8FTE; 2021-2022) and as a Research Fellow (0.2FTE; 2018-2022) at the Centre for Health Services Research. In the latter role, she was the Program Manager for the Global Substance Use and Mental Health unit, where she conducted and managed a number of research projects related to substance use, including the Queensland evaluation of the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy (QUANTEM), a NIH-funded project on the impacts of roadside breath testing, and several projects using data from the Global Drug Survey (on topics such as changes in alcohol and cannabis use following COVID-19 restrictions, perceptions of alcohol warning labels, cannabis use patterns, and patterns of methamphetamine "cooking").
In 2024, Cheneal was awarded the School of Public Health's award for the top-performing Level C in a research-focused position; in 2023 she was awarded the School of Public Health's Rising Star award, and in 2022, she was awarded the School's prize for the top performing Level B academic in a research-focused position. In 2020, she was awarded the Australasian Professional Society for Alcohol and Other Drugs (APSAD)'s Early Career Award. In 2019, she was awarded the Centre for Health Services Research's Outstanding Early Career Researcher award.
Cheneal completed her PhD in 2018 at Griffith Criminology Institute at Griffith University, with her thesis focusing on smoking cessation among people who have experienced incarceration. She completed an Honours degree in Psychology at the University of Cape Town in 2011, with her thesis focusing on screening and brief interventions for alcohol-related injuries at an emergency centre.
Cheneal is available to supervise honours, Masters and HDR students on a variety of topics; please get in touch to discuss.
- Dr Cheneal Puljevic is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
- Bachelor (Honours), University of Cape Town
- Doctor of Philosophy, Griffith University
Search Professor Cheneal Puljevic’s works on UQ eSpace
Conference Publication
Relapse to tobacco smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland
Puljevic, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart A., De Andrade, Dominique and Coomber, Ross (2017). Relapse to tobacco smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland. APSAD 2017 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12–15 November 2017. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Conference Publication
Prescribed Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Following Release from Prison
Puljevic, Cheneal, De Andrade, Dominique, Carroll, Megan, Spittal, Matthew J. and Kinner, Stuart (2016). Prescribed Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Following Release from Prison. Australia and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) conference, Hobart, TAS Australia, 29 November - 2 December 2016.
Conference Publication
Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners
Puljević, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart and De Andrade, Dominique (2016). Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners . Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 18-19 February 2016.
Conference Publication
Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners
Puljevic, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart and De Andrade, Dominique (2015). Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners. ACSO International Criminal Justice Conference, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 21-23 October 2015.
Journal Article
A field evaluation of the Eye-Closure interview with witnesses of serious crimes
Vredeveldt, Annelies, Tredoux, Colin G., Nortje, Alicia, Kempen, Kate, Puljevic, Cheneal and Labuschagne, Gerard N. (2015). A field evaluation of the Eye-Closure interview with witnesses of serious crimes. Law and Human Behavior, 39 (2), 189-197. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000113
Journal Article
Substance abuse prevention in Cape Town's peri-urban settlements: local health trainers' perspectives
Puljevic, Cheneal and Learmonth, Despina (2014). Substance abuse prevention in Cape Town's peri-urban settlements: local health trainers' perspectives. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 2 (1), 183-197. doi: 10.1080/21642850.2013.878659
Conference Publication
Substance abuse prevention in Cape Town’s peri-urban settlements: local health trainers’ perspectives
Puljevic, Cheneal and Learmonth, Despina (2013). Substance abuse prevention in Cape Town’s peri-urban settlements: local health trainers’ perspectives. European Health Psychology Society Conference, Bordeaux, France, 16-20 July 2013.
- Dr Cheneal Puljevic is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Analysis and harmonisation of data from the Global Drug Survey, the world’s largest drug survey
We have data on 1 million+ peoples’ drug use, spanning 11 years. There are multiple options for projects using this dataset; including harmonising the annual dataset (provides experience in ‘big data’ analysis) or using quantitative data analysis to explore current niche drug-related topics such as experiences of psychedelic use, how much people pay for their drugs, and what strange and unusual drugs people use around the world. Co-supervised with Prof Jason Ferris and others
Exploring the impacts of drug checking/pill testing
Drug checking is a harm reduction-oriented service that enables people who use drugs to have samples of illicit substances analysed and receive timely individualised feedback regarding the contents of their samples and the associated risks of using them. The implementation of drug checking/pill testing services has been a controversial topic in Australian media over recent years. This is an opportunity to analyse data from Queensland’s first drug checking service (CheQpoint), including from the service’s fixed sites in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and music festivals. There are multiple options for this project based on the candidate's experience and interests, including quantitative data analysis, media analyses, and/or stakeholder interviews.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding drivers and deterrents of Australia's illicit tobacco market
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Coral Gartner
Doctor Philosophy
The Illicit Tobacco Market in Australia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Coral Gartner
Doctor Philosophy
The availability and use of illicit tobacco and nicotine vaping products in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Coral Gartner
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Hepatitis C Virus Treatment among People Transitioning from Correctional Facilities in South-East Queensland
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Andrew Smirnov
Contact Dr Cheneal Puljevic directly for media enquiries about:
- Alcohol-related violence
- Cannabis
- Drug checking
- Illicit drug use
- Illicit tobacco
- Pill testing
- Prison health
- Prison smoking bans
- Psychedelics
- Smoking among socio-economically disadvantaged people
- Tobacco smoking
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