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Associate Professor Anita Parbhakar-Fox
Associate Professor

Anita Parbhakar-Fox

+61 7 336 55941



Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox is a Principal Research Fellow in Mine Waste Geoscience at the W.H Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre within the Sustainable Minerals Institute. She is the founding leader of Australia's premier secondary prospectivity research group- Mine Waste Transformation through Characterisation (MIWATCH). Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox is also a deputy director in the Critical Resources for the Future ARC ITTC (collaborating with UWA, ANU and UoA).

Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox's research is focussed on mine waste characterisation to improve mine planning and waste management practices. , Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox has worked with mining industry, METS sector and government stakeholders. Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox has developed new tests and protocols for improving waste characterisation and has led projects looking for innovative solutions to remediate abandoned/ historical mine sites. Most recently, Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox has led major government and industry funded projects characterising a range of mine waste materials to evaluate their economic potential in the context of critical metals.

Before completing her PhD in 2012 at the Centre for Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences (CODES), Anita obtained a 1st class MSc (Hons) degree from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College (University of London) in Environmental Geology (2005). Professionally, she has worked as an environmental consultant (2005-06) and as a research assistant for the AMIRA P843 geometallurgy project (2006-07). She worked part-time as a Junior Research Fellow for the Cooperative Research Centre for Optimising Resource Extraction (CRC ORE; 2011-2012) and then went on to become a postdoctoral research fellow in the Environmental Indicators program (2012-2015). Next, Anita was appointed as a postdoctoral research fellow for the ARC TMVC Research Hub (2015-2019) where she serves as the deputy leader of Theme 3 (minimising geoenvironmental risks) and the leader (2016-2018) of Program 2 (Geometallurgy, Geoenvironment and Mining) at CODES.


Associate Professor Anita Parbhakar-Fox is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tasmania

Research interests

  • Geometallurgy

  • Environmental Geochemistry

  • Mineralogy

  • Solid waste management

  • Tailings and slag characterisation

  • Drill core characterisation

Research impacts

Industry, Government and Service

Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox has regular contact with mineral companies, state government and geoenvironmental consultancies to develop and undertake research projects focussed on improving mine waste characterisation. She has also served as a member of the Victorian Government Technical Review Board for Mine Rehabilitation and the Tasmanian Acid Mine Drainage Guidelines Steering Committee. Between 2017-2019, Anita was also an Assistant Editor of Minerals Engineering. Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox is currently editing a new Springer Book on Mine Waste (due for publication in early 2025) and has co-chaired many international conference sessions in sustainable mining/geometallurgy and next will be involved in Goldschmidt 2025. Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox also regularly delivers keynote and plenary lectures (2024- includes IAGS- Adelaide, Process Mineralogy- South Africa, Planning for Closure- Chile).


Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox is an Adjunct Senior Researcher at the University of Tasmania (2019-2022) and in this role continues to co-supervise honours and PhD students. Anita is also the co-chief investigator on a QUEX funded project (making tailings safe) with researchers based at the University of Exeter.

Teaching and Outreach

Associate Professor Parbhakar-Fox has extensive honours and PhD research supervision and lecturing experience having been unit co-ordinator of Geometallurgy and Environmental Geology units at the University of Tasmania. She welcomes interested PhD and MSc students in the area of mine waste to contact her to discuss project opportunities. Dr Parbhakar-Fox has also participated in a number of media outreach activities on TV, local radio and at public events (e.g., 'Mining: Dinosaur or Deliverer?' 2017; 'Pint of Science' 2018).

Key Publications

Parbhakar-Fox A, Edraki M, Walters S, Bradshaw D, 'Development of a textural index for the prediction of acid rock drainage', Minerals Engineering, 24, (12) pp. 1277-1287. ISSN 0892-6875 (2011) DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.04.019

Parbhakar-Fox A, Lottermoser BG, 'A critical review of acid rock drainage prediction methods and practices', Minerals Engineering, 82 pp. 107-124. ISSN 0892-6875 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.03.015

Parbhakar-Fox A, Glen J, Raimondo R, 'A geometallurgical approach to tailings management: an example from the Savage River Fe-ore mine, Western Tasmania', Minerals, 8 Article 454. ISSN 2075-163X (2018) DOI: 10.3390/min8100454

Cracknell MJ, Parbhakar-Fox A, Jackson L, Savinova E, 'Automated acid rock drainage indexing from drill core imagery', Minerals, 8, (12) Article 571. ISSN 2075-163X (2018) DOI: 10.3390/min8120571

Dominy SC, O'Connor L, Parbhakar-Fox A, Glass HJ, Purevgerel S, 'Geometallurgy - A Route to More Resilient Mine Operations', Minerals, 8, (12) Article 560. ISSN 2075-163X (2018) DOI: 10.3390/min8120560


Anita is leading research projects funded by several state governments and Geoscience Australia. Additionly she works with,mining companies ( Regeneration Enterprises. Glencore, Grange Resources). Previously, she has been involved in CRC ORE's Environmental Indicators program (2011-2015) and the ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC; 2015-2019).


Search Professor Anita Parbhakar-Fox’s works on UQ eSpace

158 works between 2007 and 2024

1 - 20 of 158 works


Other Outputs

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia’s mine waste: examples from the Nackara Arc - Waukaringa goldfields and Paratoo

Colombi, Francesco, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Secondary prospectivity of South Australia’s mine waste: examples from the Nackara Arc - Waukaringa goldfields and Paratoo. Adelaide, SA, Adelaide: Geological Survey of South Australia.

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia’s mine waste: examples from the Nackara Arc - Waukaringa goldfields and Paratoo


Conference Publication

Identifying resources of critical metals in Queensland's mine waste - The MIWATCH approach

Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Jackson, Laura, Blannin, Rosie, Colombi, Francesco, Gomes, Allan and K'ng, Lexi (2024). Identifying resources of critical metals in Queensland's mine waste - The MIWATCH approach. Digging Deeper, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 20 November 2024.

Identifying resources of critical metals in Queensland's mine waste - The MIWATCH approach


Conference Publication

Hyperaccumulator plants as a circular economy tool: metal extraction from Queensland mine waste

Ridgeway, Rose, Wang, Sijia, Colombi, Francesco and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Hyperaccumulator plants as a circular economy tool: metal extraction from Queensland mine waste. Digging Deeper, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 20 November 2024.

Hyperaccumulator plants as a circular economy tool: metal extraction from Queensland mine waste


Other Outputs

Mine waste sampling and analysis: Port Pirie former uranium and rare earth treatment plants tailings, South Australia

Colombi, Francesco, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Mine waste sampling and analysis: Port Pirie former uranium and rare earth treatment plants tailings, South Australia. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Geoscience Australia.

Mine waste sampling and analysis: Port Pirie former uranium and rare earth treatment plants tailings, South Australia


Other Outputs

Mine waste sampling and characterisation in Western Australia - Nifty site report [DRAFT]

Blannin, Rosie and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Mine waste sampling and characterisation in Western Australia - Nifty site report [DRAFT]. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Mine waste sampling and characterisation in Western Australia - Nifty site report [DRAFT]


Other Outputs

Mt Isa Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Elements Research Centre

Forbes, Liza, Evans, Tom, Nell, Kristy, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Blannin, Rosie, Arslan, Unzile Yenial, Mejias, Olivia, Anasah, Eric O. and Valenta, Rick (2024). Mt Isa Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Elements Research Centre. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.

Mt Isa Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Elements Research Centre


Other Outputs

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Kanmantoo Cu, Au & Ag mine

Colombi, Francesco, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Kanmantoo Cu, Au & Ag mine. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Geological Survey of South Australia.

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Kanmantoo Cu, Au & Ag mine


Conference Publication

Critical metal signatures of mine wastes produced from Australian volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits

Blannin, Rosie, Gomes, Allan Silva, Bhowany, Kam, Ng, Lexi K., Jackson, Laura, Mejias, Olivia and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Critical metal signatures of mine wastes produced from Australian volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. International Applied Geochemistry Symposium 30th Edition, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 14-18 October 2024.

Critical metal signatures of mine wastes produced from Australian volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits


Journal Article

Review on developments in technologies for critical metal recovery from mining and processing wastes

Villa Gomez, Denys, Whitworth, Anne J., Vaughan, James, Sultana, Ummul, Ledezma, Pablo and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Review on developments in technologies for critical metal recovery from mining and processing wastes. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/08827508.2024.2408015

Review on developments in technologies for critical metal recovery from mining and processing wastes


Other Outputs

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Mount Gunson mining area

Colombi, Francesco, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Mount Gunson mining area. Adelaide, SA Australia: Geological Survey of South Australia.

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Mount Gunson mining area


Conference Publication

Indium in mine wastes: geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology

Mejías, Olivia, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Indium in mine wastes: geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology. SEG 2024 Conference: Sustainable Mineral Exploration and Development, Windhoek, Namibia, 27-30 September 2024.

Indium in mine wastes: geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology


Other Outputs

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Kanmantoo Cu, Ay & Ag mine

Colombi, Francesco, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Kanmantoo Cu, Ay & Ag mine. Adelaide, SA Australia: Geological Survey of South Australia.

Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: Kanmantoo Cu, Ay & Ag mine


Other Outputs

Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in north Queensland: Thalanga mine [DRAFT]

Blannin, Rosie, Silva Gomes, Alla and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in north Queensland: Thalanga mine [DRAFT]. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in north Queensland: Thalanga mine [DRAFT]


Other Outputs

Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in north Queensland: Jumna mine [DRAFT]

Blannin, Rosie and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in north Queensland: Jumna mine [DRAFT]. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in north Queensland: Jumna mine [DRAFT]


Other Outputs

Mine waste sampling and analysis: Golden Range tailings, Western Australia [DRAFT]

Blannin, Rosie, Bhowany, Kam, Jackson, Laura, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Patias, Daniel and Thorne, Jane (2024). Mine waste sampling and analysis: Golden Range tailings, Western Australia [DRAFT]. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Mine waste sampling and analysis: Golden Range tailings, Western Australia [DRAFT]


Journal Article

Impact of Pyrite Textures Prevalence on Flotation Performance in Mount Isa Copper Orebodies

Jefferson Montoya, M., Jones, T.R, Curtis-Morar, C., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Forbes, G. and Forbes, E. (2024). Impact of Pyrite Textures Prevalence on Flotation Performance in Mount Isa Copper Orebodies. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/08827508.2024.2349204

Impact of Pyrite Textures Prevalence on Flotation Performance in Mount Isa Copper Orebodies


Conference Publication

Antimony in Mount Bonnie and Iron Blow mine wastes, Northern Territory

Silva Gomes, Allan, Bhowany, Kam, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2024). Antimony in Mount Bonnie and Iron Blow mine wastes, Northern Territory. AGES 2024, Alice Springs, NT, Australia, 16-17 April 2024. Darwin, NT, Australia: Northern Territory Geological Survey.

Antimony in Mount Bonnie and Iron Blow mine wastes, Northern Territory


Other Outputs

Mt Isa Tailings Reprocessing Study Initiation- Phase A1 Stream 1 report

Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Fox, Nathan, Jackson, Laura and Blannin, Rosie (2024). Mt Isa Tailings Reprocessing Study Initiation- Phase A1 Stream 1 report. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Mt Isa Tailings Reprocessing Study Initiation- Phase A1 Stream 1 report


Conference Publication

Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation Performance

Jefferson Montoya, Mayra, Yenial Arslan, Unzile, Evans, Cathy, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, O'Donnell, Roxanne, Curtis Morar, Catherine and Forbes, Liza (2024). Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation Performance. Australasian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Terrigal, NSW Australia, 4 - 7 February 2024.

Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation Performance


Conference Publication

Indium cycling and mobility in mine waste and acid mine drainage environments

Mejías, Olivia, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Jackson, Laura (2024). Indium cycling and mobility in mine waste and acid mine drainage environments. Australian Mine Waste Symposium (AMWS), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 6-7 February 2024.

Indium cycling and mobility in mine waste and acid mine drainage environments


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    UQ Gold Analysis
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2027
    Defining Queensland's Secondary Prospectivity - Module 1 - Sub-project A - pyrite resources
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2027
    Optimising future copper production in the NW Mineral Province -Stage 1 scoping
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2025
    Mineralogical characterisation of polymetallic tailings - NW Minerals Province, QLD
    Mount Isa Mines Limited
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2029
    ARC Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future (ARC ITRP administered by The University of Western Australia)
    University of Western Australia
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    Mine waste sampling and characterisation in Western Australia
    Western Australia Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    M4mining: Multi-scale, Multi-sensor Mapping and dynamic Monitoring for sustainable extraction and safe closure in Mining environments (Horizon Europe grant led by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre)
    NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2025
    Critical Metals from Source to Waste - National Data Infrastructure
    AuScope Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2025
    Expanding exploration opportunities of new economy metals in Queensland's mine waste
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2025
    Metal extraction pilot study
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2027
    Ore deposit characterisation in the Read-Rosebery District: Implications for Metallogenesis, Exploration and Geometallurgy
    MMG Australia Limited
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2027
    Improved prediction, remediation and closure of acid and neutral metalliferous drainage (AMD/NMD) sites by examination of mine waste behaviour at the Meso-scale
    CRC TIME Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2025
    PhD study on forecasting the geo-environmental properties of the Quebrada Blanca porphyry Cu-Mo mine wastes (tailings and waste rock) using available hyperspectral mineralogy
    Teck Resources Limited
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2024
    Geometallurgical characterisation of the Challenger tailings
    Barton Gold Holdings Limited
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Cobalt identification in mineralogically complex historical tailings using XANES: A pathway to transforming mine waste into resources
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Characterisation of Cannington mine tailings- assessing reuse options
    South32 Group Operations Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2024
    MIM Tailings Reprocessing Study Initiation
    Glencore Australia Holdings Pty Limited
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2024
    Geometallurgical characterisation of tailings - from sampling to metal extraction
    Regeneration Enterprises, Inc
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Geometallurgical characterisation of the Bobadil tailings
    MMG Australia Limited
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Extracting environmental indices from drill core - applications for Queensland's ore deposits
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2022
    Tracking the distribution of strategic metals (Co, Cu, Ni) during bioleaching of Princess Creek Tailings, Tasmania; transforming a waste into a resource.
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    NSW Mine Waste - Sampling, Analysis and Reporting
    NSW Mining Exploration & Geoscience
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Secondary Prospectivity of Mine Waste
    Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
    Open grant
  • 2022
    Drones4waste - A multi-scale, ground-to-air characterisation of waste and rehabilitation, Hercules mine site, Tasmania (304MMGHDRONE)
    MMG Australia Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2024
    Cobalt recovery from tailings of copper mines in Queensland, Australia
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Review of arsenic treatment technologies
    MMG Australia Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Geoenvironmental characterisation of mine waste material, Red Chris Mine, Canada (304-NCRCTAIL)
    NewCrest Mining Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Geometallurgical characterisation of Cadia mine tailings - assessing reuse options (304-NCCADIARU)
    NewCrest Mining Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021
    Evaluation of the application of 'relative sulphur concentration' factor for waste rock domaining
    Grange Resources (Tasmania) Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2024
    Mine Waste Sampling and Analysis
    Commonwealth Government Geoscience Australia
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2023
    Geometallurgical characterisation of the Old Tailings Dam (OTD) for the recovery of Cobalt
    Grange Resources (Tasmania) Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Optimized X-ray ore sorting technologies and materials handling concepts for historic tungsten mine waste transformation
    Cronimet Australia Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Identifying reuse options for goethite waste
    SMI International Centre of Excellence in Chile (SMI-ICE-Chile)
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    Exploration of new economy metals in Queensland's mine waste
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Application of new technologies to rapidly evaluate critical metals in drill core and waste materials
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Assessing Recommercialisation Potential at the Mary Kathleen mine, Queensland
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2021
    Cobalt and other critical metals in tailings of major mineral deposits in North Queensland
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2019
    Hellyer Gold Mines
    Hellyer Gold Mines Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Unlocking the value of mining wastes at abandoned mines of Queensland
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Geometallurgical characterisation work
    SolGold PLC
    Open grant



Associate Professor Anita Parbhakar-Fox is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Geometallurgy of mine waste

    The process of mining is not only concerned with commodity extraction but also moving and managing waste. Globally, up to 30 Gt of waste material per annum is removed, handled and placed into final repositories or landforms, based on engineering design criteria informed by geochemical parameters, where it remains indefinitely unless another use for it is identified. If inadequately managed, waste materials can pose a range of physical (i.e., dam failures) and chemical (i.e., acid and metalliferous drainage; AMD) geoenvironmental risks. The challenge remains for the mining industry to identify the mechanisms by which to cost effectively forecast and manage these potential risks at the earliest possible stage in a mine’s life. If adequately performed, then appropriate funding and environmental management strategies can be developed and embedded into the mine plan to enable better closure outcomes. Whilst the industry is cognisant of this, another major challenge is finding the right toolbox to facilitate early stage waste characterisation. For example, chemical (i.e., static and kinetic) tests have dominated how AMD properties have been measured since the late 1970s, but with AMD remaining an ongoing global issue (even at young mines), there is a necessity for innovation. With an explosion of new tools and technologies for ore characterisation, there has never been a more opportunistic time to follow a geoenvironmental matrix approach whereby the ‘environmental geometallurgy’ toolkit is used for waste characterisation. The toolkit includes application of hyperspectral technologies to derive geoenvironmental domaining index values, improved used of handheld tools and chemical tests, data mining, and developing applications for µCT and 3D XRF drill core scanners. As we approach the next decade, the industry has the unique opportunity to embed the environmental geometallurgy toolkit into their operations and improve the management of geoenvironmental risk.

    I am seeking students to work with me in projects in this area.

  • Geometallurgy of existing/abandoned mine wastes

    Never before have the challenges of mine waste management been so important to ensure ongoing progress and development of mining operations with licence to operate now ranked as the number 1 business risk facing the mining and metals industry (Ernest Young, 2019). Societal expectations increasingly demand the sector to commit and contribute to community, government, employees and environment needs beyond the life-of-mine. This includes realistic planning for the ongoing management of mine waste storage facilities and their eventual closure. Too few global examples of successful mine closure exist for a myriad of reasons, the most important of which is the poor approach to the chemical and physical characterisation of mine waste (e.g., waste rock, tailings, slag and spent heap leach materials). Ultimately, these data inform the engineering design for the long-term storage of these waste materials. If they are not well designed then there is strong potential to induce acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) whereby sulphides contained in mine waste oxidise (Dold, 2017) or catastrophic structural failures can occur as demonstrated at the Brumadinho Dam, Brazil in January 2019. AMD is characterised by low pH, high sulphate and metals which negatively impact on the water quality of the receiving environment (Dold, 2017; Naidu et al, 2019). Once AMD generation has started, stopping and managing it is technically challenging, costing mining operations and government bodies many millions of dollars to actively manage (Naidu et al., 2019). For example, the mining industry in Tasmania was established in the late 1800s with activities focussed in the west and north east of the state with a range of commodities sought including gold, copper, lead, zinc, silver and tin (Walshe and Heithersay, 1995). Today, hundreds of historic mine waste features remaining on the land surface many of which require ongoing management. But, maps of historic mine locations should not be viewed as only conveying the distribution of acid forming materials, they also provide the location of concentrated outcrops of, often fine grained, sulphides. When considering the advances made in metallurgical processing technologies since the deposition of historical (ie late 1800s) waste and the changing thirst for commodities (ie increased demands for cobalt, lithium and REEs; Grandell et al, 2016) there is strength in the business case for processing mining waste. By adopting a geometallurgical characterisation approach to assessing mine waste its commodity potential can be defined.

    I am seeking experienced students to work with me in projects in this area.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Multi-scale geometallurgical characterisation of legacy tailings for sustainable critical metal valorisation: A case study exploring the secondary prospectivity of cobalt

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Rick Valenta

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Multi-scale geometallurgical characterisation of legacy tailings for sustainable critical metal valorisation: A case study exploring the secondary prospectivity of cobalt

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Rick Valenta

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Geometallurgical studies aimed at managing mining waste

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Rick Valenta, Dr Laura Jackson

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Evaluation of the environmental reactivity of porphyry copper ore and gangue before and after mining and processing

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Gordon Forbes, Dr Nathan Fox

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Relationship of pyrite textures and composition on flotation performance in the Mount Isa copper deposit

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Gordon Forbes, Associate Professor Liza Forbes

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Developing Orebody Knowledge of VHMS Systems in the Rosebery Mineral Field, Tasmania

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Rick Valenta, Dr Nathan Fox



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