Ian Hesketh is Associate Professor of History in the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry at the University of Queensland. Most broadly, his research considers the relationship between history, science, and religion with a focus on nineteenth-century Britain. More specifically, he has written extensively on the Darwinian Revolution, nineteenth-century physics, and large-scale forms of history from the nineteenth century to the present. His latest books include A History of Big History (Cambridge University Press, 2023) and, the edited collection, Imagining the Darwinian Revolution: Historical Narratives of Evolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022). He is currently writing a monograph entitled "The Making of Darwin, Darwinians, and Darwinism."
He teaches courses on historiography (HIST2312; HUMN6600), revolutions in history (HIST2024), American history (HIST2023), and British history (HIST2417).
- Associate Professor Ian Hesketh is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Arts, Okanagan University College
- Masters (Coursework), York University
- Doctor of Philosophy, York University
Research interests
History of Science
Darwin and Darwinism; John Tyndall and Victorian physics
History of large-scale forms of history-writing (e.g. Big History)
Victorian Britain
History of Victorian ideas
Science and Religion
Search Professor Ian Hesketh’s works on UQ eSpace
Book Chapter
William Crookes and the Imagined History of Thallium
Hesketh, Ian (2024). William Crookes and the Imagined History of Thallium. Reckoning with History: Essays on the Uses of the Past. (pp. 180-202) edited by K. J. Kesselring and Matthew Neufeld. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queens University Press.
Journal Article
Review of Scientific History: Experiments in History and Politics from the Bolshevik Revolution to the End of the Cold War. By Elena Aronova. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021.
Hesketh, Ian (2024). Review of Scientific History: Experiments in History and Politics from the Bolshevik Revolution to the End of the Cold War. By Elena Aronova. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021. . Journal of Modern History, 96 (3), 695-697. doi: 10.1086/730039
Book Chapter
Without a Darwinian clue? Henry Thomas Buckle and the naturalization of history
Hesketh, Ian (2024). Without a Darwinian clue? Henry Thomas Buckle and the naturalization of history. Victorian interdisciplinarity and the sciences: rethinking the specialization thesis. (pp. 81-96) edited by Bernard Lightman and Efram Sera-Shriar. Pittsburgh, PA, United States: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Other Outputs
Commemorating Darwin: global perspectives on evolutionary science, religion and politics
Barnes, Joel and Hesketh, Ian (2024, 04 16). Commemorating Darwin: global perspectives on evolutionary science, religion and politics International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society
Journal Article
Down under Darwin: Australasian perspectives on Darwin studies
Hesketh, Ian, Barton, Ruth and Richards, Evelleen (2024). Down under Darwin: Australasian perspectives on Darwin studies. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 103, 69-76. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2023.11.004
A History of Big History
Hesketh, Ian (2023). A History of Big History. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009036399
Journal Article
Disciplining the Anthropocene
Hesketh, Ian (2022). Disciplining the Anthropocene. History and Theory, 61 (3), 482-491. doi: 10.1111/hith.12267
Imagining the Darwinian Revolution: Historical Narratives of Evolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present
Hesketh, Ian ed. (2022). Imagining the Darwinian Revolution: Historical Narratives of Evolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Pittsburgh, PA United States: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Book Chapter
Imagining the Darwinian Revolution in the Nineteenth Century
Hesketh, Ian (2022). Imagining the Darwinian Revolution in the Nineteenth Century. Imagining the Darwinian Revolution: Historical Narratives of Evolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. (pp. 21-36) edited by Hesketh, Ian. Pittsburgh, PA United States: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Journal Article
The Psychic Force Serialized: William Crookes and The Quarterly Journal of Science, 1870-1874
Hesketh, Ian (2022). The Psychic Force Serialized: William Crookes and The Quarterly Journal of Science, 1870-1874. Aries, 22 (1), 13-41. doi: 10.1163/15700593-02201002
Journal Article
What Big History misses
Hesketh, Ian (2021). What Big History misses. Aeon.
Journal Article
Joshua Bennett, God and Progress: Religion and History in British Intellectual Culture, 1845-1914
Hesketh, Ian (2021). Joshua Bennett, God and Progress: Religion and History in British Intellectual Culture, 1845-1914. The American Historical Review, 126 (4), 1685-1686. doi: 10.1093/ahr/rhab626
Journal Article
Narratives of Charles Darwin down under
Hesketh, Ian (2021). Narratives of Charles Darwin down under. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 88, 303-311. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2021.06.007
Other Outputs
Guide to the classics: Darwin’s The Descent of Man 150 years on — sex, race and our ‘lowly’ ape ancestry
Hesketh, Ian and Meiring, Henry-James (2021, 02 25). Guide to the classics: Darwin’s The Descent of Man 150 years on — sex, race and our ‘lowly’ ape ancestry The Conversation
Journal Article
The making of John Tyndall's Darwinian Revolution
Hesketh, Ian (2020). The making of John Tyndall's Darwinian Revolution. Annals of Science, 77 (4), 524-548. doi: 10.1080/00033790.2020.1808243
Other Outputs
How a 150-year-old experiment with a beam of light showed germs exist – and that a face mask can help filter them out
Hesketh, Ian (2020, 04 20). How a 150-year-old experiment with a beam of light showed germs exist – and that a face mask can help filter them out The Conversation
Journal Article
The first Darwinian: Alfred Russel Wallace and the meaning of Darwinism
Hesketh, Ian (2020). The first Darwinian: Alfred Russel Wallace and the meaning of Darwinism. Journal of Victorian Culture, 25 (2), 171-184. doi: 10.1093/jvcult/vcz042
Other Outputs
How Darwin’s sexual selection theory co-stars in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’
Hesketh, Ian (2020, 01 29). How Darwin’s sexual selection theory co-stars in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ The Conversation 1-1.
Journal Article
Technologies of the Scientific Self: John Tyndall and His Journal
Hesketh, Ian (2019). Technologies of the Scientific Self: John Tyndall and His Journal. Isis, 110 (3), 460-482. doi: 10.1086/704672
Book Chapter
From Copernicus to Darwin to you: history and the meaning(s) of evolution
Hesketh, Ian (2019). From Copernicus to Darwin to you: history and the meaning(s) of evolution. Rethinking history, science, and religion: an exploration of conflict and the complexity principle. (pp. 191-205) edited by Bernard Lightman. Pittsburgh, PA, United States: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Past funding
- Associate Professor Ian Hesketh is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Female Troubles: Reproductive 'Dysfunction' and Medical Control in Mid-Twentieth Century Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Peter Cryle, Professor Lisa Featherstone
Doctor Philosophy
The Unsexed Woman: Female Reproductive Disorders in mid 20th Century Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Peter Cryle, Professor Lisa Featherstone
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Reading Morals: Charles Darwin and the Descent of Morality
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Peter Harrison
Doctor Philosophy
The Origins of the "Conflict Thesis": Draper, White, and the Protestant Tradition
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Tom Aechtner, Emeritus Professor Peter Harrison
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