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Dr Oliver Canfell

Oliver Canfell




I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Health and Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) interested in the prevention and management of noncommunicable diseases, especially obesity, across the lifecourse.

Through research, I aim to add health to life and equity to health by changing policies and practices to reduce the impact of obesity.

My research program aims to forge a new nexus across dietetics, digital health and public health to improve healthy weight. In my Postdoctoral Fellowship, I have established a new evidence base that supports precision public health approaches to the prevention and management of obesity, including innovate methods of public health surveillance that can use data from sources such as electronic medical records. I trained as a Paediatric Dietitian and have experience as a clinician-researcher working in Queensland's healthcare system, specifically in preventing and managing childhood obesity via clinical, community, and public health programs.

I have used epidemiology, public health informatics, action research, co-design, and ethnographic methods to generate new knowledge in obesity and digital health. I was awarded my PhD (UQ) in November 2020, which developed and validated i-PATHWAY, a clinical model to predict childhood obesity from the first 1,000 days to help guide its prevention. This research was the first of its kind in Australia and uncovered new evidence for risk factors for childhood obesity that are evident from the early years.

At The University of Queensland (UQ), I am a member of the Queensland Digital Health Centre, located within the Centre for Health Services Research (Faculty of Medicine). I established and currently Co-Chair the UQ Digital Health HDR Cohort, which provides research mentorship and support to ~20 PhD, MPhil and Honours research students.

Our team partners closely with multiple healthcare and research organisations across Australia to innovate and translate obesity research into practice, including Health and Wellbeing Queensland (public health and prevention of chronic diseases), Queensland Health (healthcare system) and the Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre (digital health research). I hold an Honorary Appointment with Health and Wellbeing Queensland, and an Affiliate Research Fellow position with the Faculty of Medicine (UQ) to help bridge the gap between obesity research and practice.


Dr Oliver Canfell is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, The University of Queensland
  • Masters (Coursework) of Dietetics Studies, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Obesity

    Clinical prevention, health promotion

  • Digital health

    Artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, digital hospitals, digital transformation

  • Precision public health

    Public health surveillance of noncommunicable diseases


Search Professor Oliver Canfell’s works on UQ eSpace

34 works between 2018 and 2024

21 - 34 of 34 works


Journal Article

The influence of wearables on healthcare outcomes in chronic disease: a systematic review

Mattison, Graeme, Canfell, Oliver, Forrester, Douglas, Dobbins, Chelsea, Smith, Daniel, Töyräs, Juha and Sullivan, Clair (2022). The influence of wearables on healthcare outcomes in chronic disease: a systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24 (7) e36690, 1-40. doi: 10.2196/36690

The influence of wearables on healthcare outcomes in chronic disease: a systematic review


Journal Article

Machine learning models for diabetes management in acute care using electronic medical records: a systematic review

Kamel Rahimi, Amir, Canfell, Oliver J., Chan, Wilkin, Sly, Benjamin, Pole, Jason D., Sullivan, Clair and Shrapnel, Sally (2022). Machine learning models for diabetes management in acute care using electronic medical records: a systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 162 104758, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104758

Machine learning models for diabetes management in acute care using electronic medical records: a systematic review


Journal Article

“We’d be really motivated to do something about it”: a qualitative study of parent and clinician attitudes towards predicting childhood obesity in practice

Canfell, Oliver J., Littlewood, Robyn, Wright, Olivia R. L. and Walker, Jacqueline L. (2022). “We’d be really motivated to do something about it”: a qualitative study of parent and clinician attitudes towards predicting childhood obesity in practice. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 34 (2), 398-409. doi: 10.1002/hpja.611

“We’d be really motivated to do something about it”: a qualitative study of parent and clinician attitudes towards predicting childhood obesity in practice


Journal Article

Data sources for precision public health of obesity: a scoping review, evidence map and use case in Queensland, Australia

Canfell, Oliver J., Davidson, Kamila, Sullivan, Clair, Eakin, Elizabeth and Burton-Jones, Andrew (2022). Data sources for precision public health of obesity: a scoping review, evidence map and use case in Queensland, Australia. BMC Public Health, 22 (1) 584, 584. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12939-x

Data sources for precision public health of obesity: a scoping review, evidence map and use case in Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

Toward a learning health care system: a systematic review and evidence-based conceptual framework for implementation of clinical analytics in a digital hospital

Lim, Han Chang, Austin, Jodie A., van der Vegt, Anton H., Rahimi, Amir Kamel, Canfell, Oliver J., Mifsud, Jayden, Pole, Jason D., Barras, Michael A., Hodgson, Tobias, Shrapnel, Sally and Sullivan, Clair M. (2022). Toward a learning health care system: a systematic review and evidence-based conceptual framework for implementation of clinical analytics in a digital hospital. Applied Clinical Informatics, 13 (02), 339-354. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1743243

Toward a learning health care system: a systematic review and evidence-based conceptual framework for implementation of clinical analytics in a digital hospital


Journal Article

Digital health and precision prevention: shifting from disease-centred care to consumer-centred health

Canfell, Oliver J., Littlewood, Robyn, Burton-Jones, Andrew and Sullivan, Clair (2021). Digital health and precision prevention: shifting from disease-centred care to consumer-centred health. Australian Health Review, 46 (3), 279-283. doi: 10.1071/ah21063

Digital health and precision prevention: shifting from disease-centred care to consumer-centred health


Journal Article

Response to ‘Systematic reviews do not always capture context of real-world intervention programmes for childhood obesity’ by Wild et al., 2021 in BMC Public Health

Littlewood, Robyn, Canfell, Oliver J. and Walker, Jacqueline L. (2021). Response to ‘Systematic reviews do not always capture context of real-world intervention programmes for childhood obesity’ by Wild et al., 2021 in BMC Public Health. BMC Public Health, 21 (1) 500, 500. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10487-4

Response to ‘Systematic reviews do not always capture context of real-world intervention programmes for childhood obesity’ by Wild et al., 2021 in BMC Public Health


Journal Article

Healthier together: co-design of a culturally-tailored childhood obesity community prevention program for Māori and Pacific Islander children and families

Hardt, Jessica, Canfell, Oliver J., Walker, Jacqueline L., Webb, Kerri-Lyn, Brignano, Sebastien, Peu, Tevita, Santos, Daphne and Littlewood, Robyn (2021). Healthier together: co-design of a culturally-tailored childhood obesity community prevention program for Māori and Pacific Islander children and families. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32 Suppl 1 (S1), 143-154. doi: 10.1002/hpja.438

Healthier together: co-design of a culturally-tailored childhood obesity community prevention program for Māori and Pacific Islander children and families


Other Outputs

i-PATHWAY: a clinical prediction model to prevent childhood obesity

Canfell, Oliver (2020). i-PATHWAY: a clinical prediction model to prevent childhood obesity. PhD Thesis, School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/29964bd

i-PATHWAY: a clinical prediction model to prevent childhood obesity


Journal Article

Correction to: Building a Children's Health Service and System Research Strategy: development and integration in an Australian paediatric healthcare setting (BMC health services research (2020) 20 1 (589))

Littlewood, Robyn, Canfell, Oliver J. and Tracey, Frank (2020). Correction to: Building a Children's Health Service and System Research Strategy: development and integration in an Australian paediatric healthcare setting (BMC health services research (2020) 20 1 (589)). BMC health services research, 20 (1) 620, 620. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05509-7

Correction to: Building a Children's Health Service and System Research Strategy: development and integration in an Australian paediatric healthcare setting (BMC health services research (2020) 20 1 (589))


Journal Article

Building a Children’s Health Service and System Research Strategy: development and integration in an Australian paediatric healthcare setting

Littlewood, Robyn, Canfell, Oliver J. and Tracey, Frank (2020). Building a Children’s Health Service and System Research Strategy: development and integration in an Australian paediatric healthcare setting. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1) 589, 589. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05267-6

Building a Children’s Health Service and System Research Strategy: development and integration in an Australian paediatric healthcare setting


Journal Article

Interventions to prevent or treat childhood obesity in Māori & Pacific Islanders: a systematic review

Littlewood, Robyn, Canfell, Oliver J. and Walker, Jacqueline L. (2020). Interventions to prevent or treat childhood obesity in Māori & Pacific Islanders: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 20 (1) 725, 725. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08848-6

Interventions to prevent or treat childhood obesity in Māori & Pacific Islanders: a systematic review


Journal Article

Response to 'Clinical relevance and validity of obesity risk prediction tools' by Redsell et al

Canfell, Oliver J., Littlewood, Robyn, Wright, Olivia R. L. and Walker, Jacqueline L. (2018). Response to 'Clinical relevance and validity of obesity risk prediction tools' by Redsell et al. Public Health Nutrition, 21 (17), 1-2. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018002471

Response to 'Clinical relevance and validity of obesity risk prediction tools' by Redsell et al


Journal Article

Clinical relevance and validity of tools to predict infant, childhood and adulthood obesity: a systematic review

Canfell, Oliver J., Littlewood, Robyn, Wright, Olivia R. L. and Walker, Jacqueline L. (2018). Clinical relevance and validity of tools to predict infant, childhood and adulthood obesity: a systematic review. Public Health Nutrition, 21 (17), 1-13. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018001684

Clinical relevance and validity of tools to predict infant, childhood and adulthood obesity: a systematic review


Past funding

  • 2023
    Digital public health to transform obesity prevention in Queensland
    UQ Knowledge Exchange & Translation Fund
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    SMART Project - Towards Systematic Maturation of Analytics and System Redesign to Transform (SMART) Healthcare and Public Health Research
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    A mixed-methods study to evaluate the trust and confidence in telehealth in chronic kidney disease
    University of Queensland In-kind/Indirect Funding
    Open grant



Dr Oliver Canfell is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



Contact Dr Oliver Canfell directly for media enquiries about:

  • childhood obesity
  • digital health
  • nutrition
  • obesity
  • public health

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