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Dr Elissa Milford

Elissa Milford




Dr Milford is an early career clinician researcher with a research focus on translational and clinical trial research to improve patient outcomes in the ICU. Her PhD was on the role of the endothelial glycocalyx in severe trauma, and she has ongoing research interests in burns, transfusion medicine, endothelial dysfunction, and trauma. She is an emerging leader in critical care clinical trials, currently leading the Australian sites of the international, multi-centre, T4P clinical trial. She is a practicing Intensivist, currently working at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, and is a full-time Intensive Care Specialist in the Australian Army as part of the Australian Defence Force's Medical Specialist Program.

Dr Milford is building a research program that spans the critical care management of severe burns, traunsfusion in traumatic haemorrhage, and endothelial dysfunction in critical illness. She also has a strong interest in the design of novel clinical trials and is currently completing a Master's in Biostatistics. She currently holds over $4 million in competitive grant funding, is a member of the management committee of several large multi-centre clinical trials, and supervises severeal student research projects. She is an active member of the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group community including being a past committee member and a founding member of the ANZICS emerging investigator research group, a College of Intensive Care Medicine's formal project examiner, and a member of the Royal Brisbane and Women's Human Research Ethics Committee.


Dr Elissa Milford is:
Available for supervision


Search Professor Elissa Milford’s works on UQ eSpace

1 work between 2024 and 2024

1 - 1 of 1 works


Journal Article

Cannabis use disorders and outcome of admission to intensive care: A retrospective multi-centre cohort study

Renger, Laura, Dhanani, Jayesh, Milford, Elissa, Tabah, Alexis, Shekar, Kiran, Ramanan, Mahesh and Laupland, Kevin B. (2024). Cannabis use disorders and outcome of admission to intensive care: A retrospective multi-centre cohort study. Journal of Critical Care, 80 154504, 154504. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154504

Cannabis use disorders and outcome of admission to intensive care: A retrospective multi-centre cohort study


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2029
    The Threshold for Platelets study: a prospective randomised trial to define the platelet count which critically ill patients should receive a platelet transfusion prior to an invasive procedure
    Medical Research Futures Fund
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2025
    Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation: Fluid or Vasopressors in Emergency Department Sepsis (ARISE:Fluids) Trial (MRFF RCRDUN led by Monash)
    Monash University
    Open grant



Dr Elissa Milford is:
Available for supervision

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