Dr Julius Kotir is a Senior Scientist with the Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and also an Adjunct Senior Fellow in the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability. His academic and research interest is focused on understanding and managing the complex and long-term sustainability of coupled socio-economic-environmental systems. A particular interest is how to use this understanding to design decision support tools in the form of models to evaluate the impact of different options under an uncertain global future. His work takes an interdisciplinary approach, combining participatory co-design and field-based methods with systems thinking tools and system dynamics modelling to develop qualitative and quantitative simulation models that can support decision making. Julius has is currently using these tools and methods to address a wide range of complex agri-environmental problems including international and rural development issues, food security, economics of farming systems, agrifood and digital twin supply chains, climate-smart agriculture, water resources management, farmer adoption of new practices, and agribusiness policy design and analysis.
- Dr Julius Kotir is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Search Professor Julius Kotir’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Field experiences and lessons learned from applying participatory system dynamics modelling to sustainable water and agri-food systems
Kotir, Julius H., Jagustovic, Renata, Papachristos, George, Zougmore, Robert B., Kessler, Aad, Reynolds, Martin, Ouedraog, Mathieu, Ritsema, Coen J., Aziz, Ammar Abdul and Johnstone, Ron (2024). Field experiences and lessons learned from applying participatory system dynamics modelling to sustainable water and agri-food systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434 140042, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140042
Journal Article
Labour demand – the forgotten input influencing the execution and adoptability of alternative cropping systems in Eastern Australia
Kotir, Julius H., Bell, Lindsay W., Kirkegaard, John A., Whish, Jeremy and Aikins, Kojo Atta (2022). Labour demand – the forgotten input influencing the execution and adoptability of alternative cropping systems in Eastern Australia. Agricultural Systems, 203 103516, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2022.103516
Journal Article
Using a participatory system dynamics modelling approach to inform the management of Malaysian rubber production
Ali, Muhammad Fadzli, Sulong, Siti Hawa, Julius, Kotir, Smith, Carl and Aziz, Ammar Abdul (2022). Using a participatory system dynamics modelling approach to inform the management of Malaysian rubber production. Agricultural Systems, 202 103491, 103491. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2022.103491
Journal Article
Better before worse trajectories in food systems? An investigation of synergies and trade-offs through climate-smart agriculture and system dynamics
Jagustovic, Renata, Papachristos, George, Zougmore, Robert B., Kotir, Julius H., Kessler, Aad, Ouedraogo, Mathieu, Ritsema, Coen J. and Dittmer, Kyle M. (2021). Better before worse trajectories in food systems? An investigation of synergies and trade-offs through climate-smart agriculture and system dynamics. Agricultural Systems, 190 103131. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103131
Journal Article
Developing a conceptual model for sustainable water resource management and agricultural development: the case of the Breede River catchment area, South Africa
Nyam, Y. S., Kotir, J. H., Jordaan, A. J. and Ogundeji, A. A. (2021). Developing a conceptual model for sustainable water resource management and agricultural development: the case of the Breede River catchment area, South Africa. Environmental Management, 67 (4), 632-647. doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01399-x
Book Chapter
Managing and sustaining the coupled water-land-food systems in the context of global change: how qualitative system dynamic modelling can assist in understanding and designing high-leverage interventions
H. Kotir, Julius (2021). Managing and sustaining the coupled water-land-food systems in the context of global change: how qualitative system dynamic modelling can assist in understanding and designing high-leverage interventions. Natural resources management and biological sciences. (pp. 197-217) edited by Edward R. Rhodes and Humood Naser. London, United Kingdom: IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.89125
Journal Article
Towards understanding and sustaining natural resource systems through the systems perspective: a systematic evaluation
Nyam, Yong S., Kotir, Julius H., Jordaan, Andries J., Ogundeji, Abiodun A., Adetoro, Adetoso A. and Orimoloye, Israel R. (2020). Towards understanding and sustaining natural resource systems through the systems perspective: a systematic evaluation. Sustainability, 12 (23), 9871. doi: 10.3390/su12239871
Journal Article
Identifying behavioural patterns of coupled water-agriculture systems using system archetypes
Nyam, Yong Sebastian, Kotir, Julius H., Jordaan, Andries and Ogundeji, Abiodun Akintunde (2020). Identifying behavioural patterns of coupled water-agriculture systems using system archetypes. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 39 (2), 305-323. doi: 10.1002/sres.2753
Journal Article
Drivers of change in sustainable water management and agricultural development in South Africa: a participatory approach
Nyam, Y. S., Kotir, J. H., Jordaan, A. J., Ogundeji, A. A. and Turton, A. R. (2020). Drivers of change in sustainable water management and agricultural development in South Africa: a participatory approach. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 6 (4) 62, 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s40899-020-00420-9
Journal Article
Machinery and labour requirements as influenced by diversified farming systems in the Australian northern grain production region
Kotir, Julius H. , Bell, Lindsay W., Kirkegaard, John A., Whish, Jeremy D. and Aikins, Kojo A. (2020). Machinery and labour requirements as influenced by diversified farming systems in the Australian northern grain production region. Proceedings, 36 (1). doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036051
Other Outputs
Systems thinking and modelling for sustainable water resources management and agricultural development in the Volta River Basin, West Africa
Kotir, Julius (2017). Systems thinking and modelling for sustainable water resources management and agricultural development in the Volta River Basin, West Africa. PhD Thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.757
Journal Article
Drivers of change and sustainability in linked social–ecological systems: an analysis in the Volta river basin of Ghana, West Africa
Kotir, Julius H. , Brown, Greg, Marshall, Nadine and Johnstone, Ron (2017). Drivers of change and sustainability in linked social–ecological systems: an analysis in the Volta river basin of Ghana, West Africa. Society and Natural Resources, 30 (10), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2017.1290182
Journal Article
Enhancing critical thinking skills in first year environmental management students: a tale of curriculum design, application and reflection
Whiley, Dona, Witt, Bradd, Colvin, R. M., Sapiains Arrue, Rodolfo and Kotir, Julius (2017). Enhancing critical thinking skills in first year environmental management students: a tale of curriculum design, application and reflection. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 41 (2), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/03098265.2017.1290590
Journal Article
Systemic feedback modelling for sustainable water resources management and agricultural development: an application of participatory modelling approach in the Volta River Basin
Kotir, Julius H., Brown, Greg, Marshall, Nadine and Johnstone, Ron (2017). Systemic feedback modelling for sustainable water resources management and agricultural development: an application of participatory modelling approach in the Volta River Basin. Environmental Modelling and Software, 88, 106-118. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.11.015
Journal Article
A system dynamics simulation model for sustainable water resources management and agricultural development in the Volta River Basin, Ghana
Kotir, Julius H., Smith, Carl, Brown, Greg, Marshall, Nadine and Johnstone, Ron (2016). A system dynamics simulation model for sustainable water resources management and agricultural development in the Volta River Basin, Ghana. Science of the Total Environment, 573, 444-457. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.081
Journal Article
Climate change and variability in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of current and future trends and impacts on agriculture and food security
Kotir, Julius H. (2011). Climate change and variability in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of current and future trends and impacts on agriculture and food security. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 13 (3), 587-605. doi: 10.1007/s10668-010-9278-0
Journal Article
Microfinance and rural household development: A Ghanaian perspective
Kotir, Julius H. and Obeng-Odoom, Franklin (2009). Microfinance and rural household development: A Ghanaian perspective. Journal of Developing Societies, 25 (1), 85-105. doi: 10.1177/0169796X0902500104
- Dr Julius Kotir is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Agricultural Risk Mitigation Plan Through Crop Islamic Insurance (Takaful) Implementation in Malaysia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Risti Permani, Professor Ammar Abdul Aziz
Doctor Philosophy
Assessing and Mitigating Potato Yield Loss in West Java: Economic Implications and Food Security Enhancement
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Risti Permani, Professor Ammar Abdul Aziz
Contact Dr Julius Kotir directly for media enquiries about:
- Agrifood Value Chain
- Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Food security in the global south
- International Development
- Participatory Modelling
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Systems Thinking
- Water Resources Management
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