- Dr Yui Osanai is:
- Available for supervision
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Journal Article
Typology of rice-based cropping systems for improved soil carbon management: Capturing smallholder farming opportunities and constraints in Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Siddique, Md. Noor E. Alam, Lobry de Bruyn, Lisa A., Osanai, Yui and Guppy, Chris N. (2022). Typology of rice-based cropping systems for improved soil carbon management: Capturing smallholder farming opportunities and constraints in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Geoderma Regional, 28 e00460. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00460
Journal Article
Contrasting agricultural management effects on soil organic carbon dynamics between topsoil and subsoil
Osanai, Yui, Knox, Oliver, Nachimuthu, Gunasekhar and Wilson, Brian (2021). Contrasting agricultural management effects on soil organic carbon dynamics between topsoil and subsoil. Soil Research, 59 (1), 24-33. doi: 10.1071/sr19379
Journal Article
Temporal Variations of Soil Organic Carbon and pH at Landscape Scale and the Implications for Cropping Intensity in Rice-Based Cropping Systems
Siddique, Md. Noor E. Alam, Lobry de Bruyn, Lisa, Guppy, Chris N. and Osanai, Yui (2020). Temporal Variations of Soil Organic Carbon and pH at Landscape Scale and the Implications for Cropping Intensity in Rice-Based Cropping Systems. Agronomy, 11 (1) 59, 1-17. doi: 10.3390/agronomy11010059
Journal Article
Increasing soil organic carbon with maize in cotton-based cropping systems: Mechanisms and potential
Osanai, Yui, Knox, Oliver, Nachimuthu, Gunasekhar and Wilson, Brian (2020). Increasing soil organic carbon with maize in cotton-based cropping systems: Mechanisms and potential. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 299 106985, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2020.106985
Journal Article
Distribution of subsoil microbial activity and biomass under Australian rotational cotton as influenced by system, crop status and season
Polain, Katherine, Knox, Oliver, Wilson, Brian, Guppy, Christopher, Lisle, Leanne, Nachimuthu, Gunasekhar, Osanai, Yui and Siebers, Nina (2020). Distribution of subsoil microbial activity and biomass under Australian rotational cotton as influenced by system, crop status and season. Soil Research, 59 (6), 547-558. doi: 10.1071/sr19335
Journal Article
Lessons from extension activity related to cotton rotation impacts on soil—A scientist's perspective
Knox, Oliver G. G., Osanai, Yui, Polain, Katherine, Pereg, Lily, Nachimuthu, Gunasekhar, Wilson, Brian and Waters, Warwick (2019). Lessons from extension activity related to cotton rotation impacts on soil—A scientist's perspective. Soil Use and Management, 35 (1), 141-149. doi: 10.1111/sum.12476
Journal Article
Flooding and prolonged drought have differential legacy impacts on soil nitrogen cycling, microbial communities and plant productivity
Nguyen, Linh T. T., Osanai, Yui, Anderson, Ian C., Bange, Michael P., Tissue, David T. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2018). Flooding and prolonged drought have differential legacy impacts on soil nitrogen cycling, microbial communities and plant productivity. Plant and Soil, 431 (1-2), 371-387. doi: 10.1007/s11104-018-3774-7
Journal Article
Determination of Agricultural Impact on Soil Microbial Activity Using δ18OPHCl and Respiration Experiments
Polain, Katherine, Guppy, Christopher, Knox, Oliver, Lisle, Leanne, Wilson, Brian, Osanai, Yui and Siebers, Nina (2018). Determination of Agricultural Impact on Soil Microbial Activity Using δ18OPHCl and Respiration Experiments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2 (7), 683-691. doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.8b00021
Journal Article
Impacts of waterlogging on soil nitrification and ammonia-oxidizing communities in farming system
Nguyen, Linh T. T., Osanai, Yui, Anderson, Ian C., Bange, Michael P., Braunack, Michael, Tissue, David T. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2018). Impacts of waterlogging on soil nitrification and ammonia-oxidizing communities in farming system. Plant and Soil, 426 (1-2), 299-311. doi: 10.1007/s11104-018-3584-y
Journal Article
Responses of the soil microbial community to nitrogen fertilizer regimes and historical exposure to extreme weather events: Flooding or prolonged-drought
Nguyen, Linh T.T., Osanai, Yui, Lai, Kaitao, Anderson, Ian C., Bange, Michael P., Tissue, David T. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2018). Responses of the soil microbial community to nitrogen fertilizer regimes and historical exposure to extreme weather events: Flooding or prolonged-drought. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 118, 227-236. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.12.016
Journal Article
Warming has a larger and more persistent effect than elevated CO2 on growing season soil nitrogen availability in a species-rich grassland
Hovenden, Mark J., Newton, Paul C. D. and Osanai, Yui (2017). Warming has a larger and more persistent effect than elevated CO2 on growing season soil nitrogen availability in a species-rich grassland. Plant and Soil, 421 (1-2), 417-428. doi: 10.1007/s11104-017-3474-8
Journal Article
Interactive effects of elevated CO2, temperature and extreme weather events on soil nitrogen and cotton productivity indicate increased variability of cotton production under future climate regimes
Osanai, Yui, Tissue, David T., Bange, Michael P., Braunack, Michael V., Anderson, Ian C. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2017). Interactive effects of elevated CO2, temperature and extreme weather events on soil nitrogen and cotton productivity indicate increased variability of cotton production under future climate regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 246, 343-353. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.06.004
Journal Article
Plant-soil interactions and nutrient availability determine the impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on cotton productivity
Osanai, Yui, Tissue, David T., Bange, Michael P., Anderson, Ian C., Braunack, Michael V. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2017). Plant-soil interactions and nutrient availability determine the impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on cotton productivity. Plant and Soil, 410 (1-2), 87-102. doi: 10.1007/s11104-016-2981-3
Journal Article
Carbon content and climate variability drive global soil bacterial diversity patterns
Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Maestre, Fernando T., Reich, Peter B., Trivedi, Pankaj, Osanai, Yui, Liu, Yu-Rong, Hamonts, Kelly, Jeffries, Thomas C. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2016). Carbon content and climate variability drive global soil bacterial diversity patterns. Ecological Monographs, 86 (3), 373-380. doi: 10.1002/ecm.1216
Journal Article
Carbon content and climate variability drive global soil bacterial diversity patterns
Delgado‐Baquerizo, Manuel, Maestre, Fernando T., Reich, Peter B., Trivedi, Pankaj, Osanai, Yui, Liu, Yu‐Rong, Hamonts, Kelly, Jeffries, Thomas C. and Singh, Brajesh K. (2016). Carbon content and climate variability drive global soil bacterial diversity patterns. Ecological Monographs, 86 (3), 373-390. doi: 10.1002/ecm.1216
Journal Article
Warming and elevated CO2 combine to increase microbial mineralisation of soil organic matter
Osanai, Yui, Janes, Jasmine K., Newton, Paul C.D. and Hovenden, Mark J. (2015). Warming and elevated CO2 combine to increase microbial mineralisation of soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 85, 110-118. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.02.032
Journal Article
Co-occurring grass species differ in their associated microbial community composition in a temperate native grassland
Osanai, Yui, Bougoure, Damian S., Hayden, Helen L. and Hovenden, Mark J. (2013). Co-occurring grass species differ in their associated microbial community composition in a temperate native grassland. Plant and Soil, 368 (1-2), 419-431. doi: 10.1007/s11104-012-1529-4
Journal Article
Offspring of plants exposed to elevated or ambient CO2 differ in their impacts on soil nitrification in a common garden experiment
Bowatte, Saman, Newton, Paul C.D., Hill, Anne-Maree, Theobald, Phil, Luo, Dongwen, Hovenden, Mark and Osanai, Yui (2013). Offspring of plants exposed to elevated or ambient CO2 differ in their impacts on soil nitrification in a common garden experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 62, 134-136. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.03.014
Journal Article
Relative humidity has dramatic impacts on leaf morphology but little effect on stomatal index or density in Nothofagus cunninghamii (Nothofagaceae)
Hovenden, Mark J., Vander Schoor, Jacqueline K. and Osanai, Yui (2012). Relative humidity has dramatic impacts on leaf morphology but little effect on stomatal index or density in Nothofagus cunninghamii (Nothofagaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 60 (8), 700-706. doi: 10.1071/BT12110
Journal Article
Decomposition and nitrogen transformation rates in a temperate grassland vary among co-occurring plant species
Osanai, Yui, Flittner, Anna, Janes, Jasmine K., Theobald, Phil, Pendall, Elise, Newton, Paul C.D. and Hovenden, Mark J. (2012). Decomposition and nitrogen transformation rates in a temperate grassland vary among co-occurring plant species. Plant and Soil, 350 (1-2), 365-378. doi: 10.1007/s11104-011-0920-x
- Dr Yui Osanai is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Characterization of different crop residues affecting soil nutrient stratification, soil moisture dynamics and crop productivity under no-till agriculture systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Michael Bell, Dr Alwyn Williams
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