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Dr Maram Shaweesh

Maram Shaweesh

+61 7 336 52594



Dr. Maram Shaweesh's is a qualitative researcher. Her interdisciplinary research spans several humanities and spatial disciplines, including architecture, housing adequacy, migration, multiculturalism, everyday encounters in the Australian suburb, urban design, and young people's experiences in urban spaces.

Maram has conducted various research projects focused on housing. For instance, she investigated everyday life in suburban housing as experienced by the Australian Lebanese community. This research utilised social qualitative research methods to explore the relationship between housing design and policy, and the social and cultural context in Australia, such as changing family ideals, household composition, children's wellbeing, parenting values, and social marginalisation. Additionally, Maram has experience working with remote Indigenous communities, having contributed to the "Gunana Futures" research project investigating housing adequacy in Mornington Island.

Maram was also involved in the team working on the Growing Up in Logan project as part of Growing Up in Cities. Collaborating with Logan City Council (CityStudio) and Beenleigh State High School, the project aims to understand adolescents' perceptions of urban space to better comprehend how local environments impact their everyday lives.

As part of her role at the UQ Institute for Social Science Research, Maram worked across several externally and internally funded projects, including Foundation Partner for a National Centre for Place-Based Collaboration (Nexus Centre for place-based collaboration); Targeted Review of Student Equity in Higher Education Programs and System Level Policy Levers; Social Isolation and Loneliness - Research, Analysis and Best Practice; SMBI Community Intiative - Learning by doing; Empowered Communities Partnership Lessons Learned Project; Place-based Approaches to Road Safety; and, Sharing with Friends (co-housing model for older women in Australia).


Dr Maram Shaweesh is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Architecture, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Architecture, The University of Queensland

Research impacts

Maram was selected by the Dean, UQ Graduate School as a recipient of the 2023 Dean's Award for Outstanding Higher Degree by Research Theses, as her thesis was considered to be to be a substantial contribution to the field of research.


Search Professor Maram Shaweesh’s works on UQ eSpace

17 works between 2017 and 2024

1 - 17 of 17 works



Making home in the suburb: everyday encounters in the Lebanese Australian house

Shaweesh, Maram (2024). Making home in the suburb: everyday encounters in the Lebanese Australian house. Singapore, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-8731-9

Making home in the suburb: everyday encounters in the Lebanese Australian house


Journal Article

Architecture for housing: understanding the value of design

Shaweesh, Maram (2024). Architecture for housing: understanding the value of design. Architecture Australia.

Architecture for housing: understanding the value of design


Other Outputs

Learning approaches for place-based change : The SMBI story

Johnson, Laurel, Shaweesh, Maram, Reddel, Tim and Nuttall, Gina (2024). Learning approaches for place-based change : The SMBI story. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Brisbane South PHN.

Learning approaches for place-based change : The SMBI story


Other Outputs

The SMBI Community Initiative Learning by Doing approach: review report

Shaweesh, Maram, Johnson, Laurel and Reddel, Tim (2024). The SMBI Community Initiative Learning by Doing approach: review report. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Brisbane South PHN.

The SMBI Community Initiative Learning by Doing approach: review report


Other Outputs

Gununa futures: a report on housing, energy and town design in Gununa, Mornington Island, Queensland

Go-Sam, Carroll, Greenop, Kelly, Marnane, Kali and Shaweesh, Maram (2024). Gununa futures: a report on housing, energy and town design in Gununa, Mornington Island, Queensland. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

Gununa futures: a report on housing, energy and town design in Gununa, Mornington Island, Queensland


Other Outputs

SMBI Learning by Doing Project: Literature Review, Interview Guide and SMBI Community Initiative Learning Journey (Deliverable 1- prepared for Brisbane South PHN)

Shaweesh, Maram, Johnson, Laurel and Reddel, Tim (2024). SMBI Learning by Doing Project: Literature Review, Interview Guide and SMBI Community Initiative Learning Journey (Deliverable 1- prepared for Brisbane South PHN). St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland.

SMBI Learning by Doing Project: Literature Review, Interview Guide and SMBI Community Initiative Learning Journey (Deliverable 1- prepared for Brisbane South PHN)


Journal Article

“This is my kingdom”: inside the kitchen spaces of Lebanese Australian women

Shaweesh, Maram (2024). “This is my kingdom”: inside the kitchen spaces of Lebanese Australian women. Fabrications, 33 (2), 407-431. doi: 10.1080/10331867.2024.2325211

“This is my kingdom”: inside the kitchen spaces of Lebanese Australian women


Journal Article

Sustaining a resilient housing system in southeast Queensland

Alidoust, Sara, Wyeth, Stephanie, Reddel, Tim, Cornish, Gillian, Lata, Lutfun Nahar, Johnson, Laurel and Shaweesh, Maram (2024). Sustaining a resilient housing system in southeast Queensland. Australian Planner, 60 (2), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/07293682.2024.2309352

Sustaining a resilient housing system in southeast Queensland


Journal Article

Multigenerational living: the housing experience of Lebanese Australian families

Shaweesh, Maram (2024). Multigenerational living: the housing experience of Lebanese Australian families. Australian Geographer, 55 (1) 2276546, 137-156. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2023.2276546

Multigenerational living: the housing experience of Lebanese Australian families


Other Outputs

Targeted review of student equity in higher education programs and system level policy levers appendix: work package 2a - program structure and implementation

Robinson, Mark, Curry, Matthew, McGraw, Jacquie, Shaweesh, Maram and Yates, Miriam (2023). Targeted review of student equity in higher education programs and system level policy levers appendix: work package 2a - program structure and implementation. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Targeted review of student equity in higher education programs and system level policy levers appendix: work package 2a - program structure and implementation


Other Outputs

Making Home in the Suburb: An Architectural Analysis of Everyday Life in the Australian Lebanese House

Shaweesh, Maram (2023). Making Home in the Suburb: An Architectural Analysis of Everyday Life in the Australian Lebanese House. PhD Thesis, School of Architecture, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/fbcd714

Making Home in the Suburb: An Architectural Analysis of Everyday Life in the Australian Lebanese House


Conference Publication

The future of mainstream Australian housing: insights into multigenerational living of Australia’s Lebanese community

Shaweesh, Maram (2021). The future of mainstream Australian housing: insights into multigenerational living of Australia’s Lebanese community. The Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand: 37, What If? What Next? Speculations on History’s Futures, Perth, Western Australia, 18-25 November 2020. Perth, WA, Australia: SAHANZ.

The future of mainstream Australian housing: insights into multigenerational living of Australia’s Lebanese community


Journal Article

Aesthetic anxieties in the migrant house: the case of the Lebanese in Australia

Shaweesh, Maram and Greenop, Kelly (2020). Aesthetic anxieties in the migrant house: the case of the Lebanese in Australia. Fabrications, 30 (2), 217-240. doi: 10.1080/10331867.2020.1749219

Aesthetic anxieties in the migrant house: the case of the Lebanese in Australia


Conference Publication

Experiencing house crowding in Australian dwellings: a multicultural perspective

Shaweesh, Maram and Greenop, Kelly (2019). Experiencing house crowding in Australian dwellings: a multicultural perspective. 9th State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC 2019), Perth, WA, Australia, 30 November - 5 December 2019. Perth, WA Australia: Analysis and Politics Observatory. doi: 10.25916/5ec72422282e0

Experiencing house crowding in Australian dwellings: a multicultural perspective


Conference Publication

The expression of parenting values in the domestic setting: the case of the Lebanese community in Sydney

Shaweesh, Maram (2019). The expression of parenting values in the domestic setting: the case of the Lebanese community in Sydney. Displacement and Domesticity Since 1945: Refugees, Migrants and Expats Making Homes, Brussels, Belgium, 28 - 29 March 2019. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven.

The expression of parenting values in the domestic setting: the case of the Lebanese community in Sydney


Conference Publication

The expression of parenting values in the domestic setting: the case of the Lebanese community in Sydney

Shaweesh, Maram (2019). The expression of parenting values in the domestic setting: the case of the Lebanese community in Sydney. Displacement and domesticity since 1945, Brussels, Belgium, 28– 29 March 2019. Brussels: KU Leuven Department of Architecture.

The expression of parenting values in the domestic setting: the case of the Lebanese community in Sydney


Conference Publication

Domestic space management as expression of culture: the Lebanese population experience in Australian dwellings

Shaweesh, Maram (2017). Domestic space management as expression of culture: the Lebanese population experience in Australian dwellings. Aesthetic Anxiety or Performative Subjectivity: National Narratives Encountering migrant architecture in Australia , Geelong, VIC, Australia, 17 November 2017. Geelong, VIC, Australia: Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship of Globalisation.

Domestic space management as expression of culture: the Lebanese population experience in Australian dwellings


Past funding

  • 2024
    Place-Based Approaches to Road Safety
    Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2025
    Empowered Communities Partnership Lessons Learned Project
    National Indigenous Australians Agency
    Open grant
  • 2024
    South Moreton Bay Islands Community Initiative - Learning by Doing
    Brisbane South Primary Health Network Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2024
    Targeted Review of Student Equity in Higher Education Programs and System Level Policy Levers
    The National Priorities Pool Program
    Open grant



Dr Maram Shaweesh is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Understanding lived experiences and adjustment practices of families of left-behind children in rural Vietnam

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Lynda Cheshire



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