Prof. Gregory E. Webb is a palaeontologist and carbonate sedimentologist who has occupied the Dorothy Hill Chair of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy at the University of Queensland since 2011. He is the head of the Integrated Palaeoenvironmental Research Group in the School of Earth Sciences. He obtained his BSc in Geology with highest honours at the University of Oklahoma (OU-1983) followed by an MSc in Geology (OU-1984) and a PhD in Palaeontology at The University of Queensland in 1989. His research interests are clustered within the fields of carbonate petrology, reef palaeobiology, geomicrobiology, carbonate geochemistry and carbonate stratigraphy. These fields have major implications for understanding Earth history, palaeoclimatology, and mineral and energy exploration. In general, Prof. Webb's research focuses on understanding how organisms make rocks – how the biosphere interacts with the lithosphere through time - and how those rocks are preserved and how they record evidence of past environmental conditions in their geochemistry.
- Professor Gregory Webb is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Science, University of Oklahoma
- Masters (Research) of Science, University of Oklahoma
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Research impacts
Key impacts of Prof. Webb's research include: demonstration of the role of microbes in reef building through geological time; establishment of the value of modern and ancient microbialites as proxies for environmental geochemical signatures; application of environmental geochemistry to new coral reef samples made available through UQ's new research vessel the RV D Hill and to late Pleistocene vertebrate remains in Queensland that demonstrate recent, pre-anthropogenic changes in Queensland's climate. The integration of well dated fossil remains from both terrestrial and marine environments with high quality geochemical analysis allows specific hypotheses to be tested that provide information directly useful for testing climate models and the effects of pre-instrumental climate change and anthropogenic forcing on Australian faunas and ecosystems.
Search Professor Gregory Webb’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Subfossils suggest worse-than-realised losses of small-bodied mammals in northern Australia
Vakil, Vikram, Cramb, Jonathan, Price, Gilbert, Louys, Julien, Stanisic, John and Webb, Gregory E. (2025). Subfossils suggest worse-than-realised losses of small-bodied mammals in northern Australia. Wildlife Research, 52 (1), 1. doi: 10.1071/wr24149
Journal Article
Intense intrusion of low-oxygen waters into mid-Cambrian surface ocean carbonate factories
Li, Yang-fan, Li, Fei, Webb, Gregory E. and Chen, Jitao (2024). Intense intrusion of low-oxygen waters into mid-Cambrian surface ocean carbonate factories. Chemical Geology, 669 122360. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122360
Journal Article
Post-Devonian re-emergence and demise of stromatoporoids as major reef-builders on a Carboniferous Panthalassan seamount
Ezaki, Yoichi, Masui, Mitsuru, Nagai, Koichi, Webb, Gregory E., Shimizu, Koki, Sugama, Shota, Adachi, Natsuko and Sugiyama, Tetsuo (2024). Post-Devonian re-emergence and demise of stromatoporoids as major reef-builders on a Carboniferous Panthalassan seamount. Geology, 52 (11), 825-829. doi: 10.1130/g52420.1
Journal Article
The impact of elevated nutrients on the Holocene evolution of the Great Barrier Reef
Sanborn, Kelsey L., Webster, Jody M., Erler, Dirk, Webb, Gregory E., Salas-Saavedra, Marcos and Yokoyama, Yusuke (2024). The impact of elevated nutrients on the Holocene evolution of the Great Barrier Reef. Quaternary Science Reviews, 332 108636. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108636
Book Chapter
Advances in understanding climate change on the Great Barrier Reef using coral-based proxies
Webb, Gregory E. (2024). Advances in understanding climate change on the Great Barrier Reef using coral-based proxies. Oceanographic processes of coral reefs: physical and biological links in the Great Barrier Reef. (pp. 62-85) Boca Raton, FL USA: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781003320425-6
Journal Article
Mobilisation thresholds for coral rubble and consequences for windows of reef recovery
Kenyon, Tania M., Harris, Daniel, Baldock, Tom, Callaghan, David, Doropoulos, Christopher, Webb, Gregory, Newman, Steven P. and Mumby, Peter J. (2023). Mobilisation thresholds for coral rubble and consequences for windows of reef recovery. Biogeosciences, 20 (20), 4339-4357. doi: 10.5194/bg-20-4339-2023
Journal Article
Conservation implications of a new fossil species of hopping-mouse, Notomys magnus sp. nov. (Rodentia: Muridae), from the Broken River Region, northeastern Queensland
Vakil, Vikram, Cramb, Jonathan, Price, Gilbert J., Webb, Gregory E. and Louys, Julien (2023). Conservation implications of a new fossil species of hopping-mouse, Notomys magnus sp. nov. (Rodentia: Muridae), from the Broken River Region, northeastern Queensland. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 47 (4), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2023.2210192
Journal Article
Interim report on the vertebrate deposits recovered from the Capricorn Caves, Rockhampton, Queensland
Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Ferguson, Kyle, Kemp, Justine, Wood, Rachel, Miszkiewicz, Justyna J., Dias Guimarães, Nathalia R., Higgins, Pennilyn, Travouillon, Kenny J., Hocknull, Scott A., Webb, Gregory E. and Price, Gilbert J. (2023). Interim report on the vertebrate deposits recovered from the Capricorn Caves, Rockhampton, Queensland. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 47 (4), 1-28. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2022.2157486
Journal Article
Coral rubble dynamics in the Anthropocene and implications for reef recovery
Kenyon, Tania M., Doropoulos, Christopher, Wolfe, Kennedy, Webb, Gregory E., Dove, Sophie, Harris, Daniel and Mumby, Peter J. (2022). Coral rubble dynamics in the Anthropocene and implications for reef recovery. Limnology and Oceanography, 68 (1), 110-147. doi: 10.1002/lno.12254
Journal Article
Coral reef development and sea-level changes over the past 50,000 years: new evidence from the north-west shelf of Australia
Webster, Jody M., Dechnik, Belinda, Sanborn, Kelsey, Yokoyama, Yusuke, Braga, Juan Carlos, Renema, Willem, Humblet, Marc, Beamani, Robin J., Nothdurft, Luke D., Webb, Gregory E., Zhao, Jian-Xin, Murphy, Richard J., Gallagher, Stephen J., O'Leary, Michael and Paumard, Victorien (2022). Coral reef development and sea-level changes over the past 50,000 years: new evidence from the north-west shelf of Australia. Coral Reefs and Sea-Level Change: Quaternary Records and Modelling, 215-273. doi: 10.54780/iassp49/08
Book Chapter
Scientific drilling on the GBR - unlocking the history of the reef
Webb, Gregory E. and Webster, Jody M. (2022). Scientific drilling on the GBR - unlocking the history of the reef. Australia’s coral reefs: perspectives from beyond the water’s edge. (pp. 124-129) edited by Sarah Hamylton, Pat Hutchings and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg. Canberra, ACT Australia: CSIRO Publishing . doi: 10.1071/9781486315499
Journal Article
Antecedent topography and active tectonic controls on Holocene reef geomorphology in the Great Barrier Reef
Sansoleimani, Atefeh, Webb, Gregory E., Harris, Daniel L., Phinn, Stuart R. and Roelfsema, Chris M. (2022). Antecedent topography and active tectonic controls on Holocene reef geomorphology in the Great Barrier Reef. Geomorphology, 413 108354, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108354
Journal Article
Holocene microbialite geochemistry records > 6000 years of secular influence of terrigenous flux on water quality for the southern Great Barrier Reef
Salas-Saavedra, Marcos, Webb, Gregory E., Sanborn, Kelsey L., Zhao, Jian-xin, Webster, Jody M., Nothdurft, Luke D. and Nguyen, Ai (2022). Holocene microbialite geochemistry records > 6000 years of secular influence of terrigenous flux on water quality for the southern Great Barrier Reef. Chemical Geology, 604 120871, 120871. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120871
Journal Article
High-resolution high-throughput thermal neutron tomographic imaging of fossiliferous cave breccias from Sumatra
Smith, Holly E., Bevitt, Joseph J., Zaim, Jahdi, Rizal, Yan, Aswan, , Puspaningrum, Mika Rizki, Trihascaryo, Agus, Price, Gilbert J., Webb, Gregory E. and Louys, Julien (2021). High-resolution high-throughput thermal neutron tomographic imaging of fossiliferous cave breccias from Sumatra. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) 19953, 19953. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-99290-0
Journal Article
Taxonomic utility of early cretaceous Australian plesiosaurian vertebrae
Vakil, Vikram, Webb, Gregory and Cook, Alex (2021). Taxonomic utility of early cretaceous Australian plesiosaurian vertebrae. Palaeontologia Electronica, 24 (3) a30. doi: 10.26879/1095
Journal Article
Micro-scale dissolution seams mobilise carbon in deep-sea limestones
Schrank, Christoph E., Jones, Michael M. W., Kewish, Cameron M., van Riessen, Grant A., Elphick, Kathryn E., Sloss, Craig R., Nothdurft, Luke D., Webb, Gregory E., Paterson, David J. and Regenauer-Lieb, Klaus (2021). Micro-scale dissolution seams mobilise carbon in deep-sea limestones. Communications Earth and Environment, 2 (1) 174, 1-10. doi: 10.1038/s43247-021-00257-w
Journal Article
Spatiotemporal variation of rare earth elements from river to reef continuum aids monitoring of terrigenous sources in the Great Barrier Reef
Saha, Narottam, Webb, Gregory E., Zhao, Jian-Xin, Lewis, Stephen E., Duc Nguyen, Ai and Feng, Yuexing (2021). Spatiotemporal variation of rare earth elements from river to reef continuum aids monitoring of terrigenous sources in the Great Barrier Reef. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 299, 85-112. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.02.014
Journal Article
Heterogeneous redox evolution of the Meso-Neoproterozoic ocean: insights from eastern China
Zou, Yu, Webb, Gregory E., Zhao, Fenghua, Liu, Dongna, Kuang, Hongwei, Zhang, Jibiao and Chen, Yuan (2021). Heterogeneous redox evolution of the Meso-Neoproterozoic ocean: insights from eastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 567 110304, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110304
Journal Article
Can vertebral remains differentiate more than one species of Australian Cretaceous ichthyosaur?
Vakil, Vikram, Webb, Gregory E. and Cook, Alex G. (2021). Can vertebral remains differentiate more than one species of Australian Cretaceous ichthyosaur?. Alcheringa, 44 (4), 537-554. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2020.1853809
Journal Article
The effects of rubble mobilisation on coral fragment survival, partial mortality and growth
Kenyon, Tania M., Doropoulos, Christopher, Dove, Sophie, Webb, Gregory E., Newman, Steven P., Sim, Clarence W. H., Arzan, Mohammed and Mumby, Peter J. (2020). The effects of rubble mobilisation on coral fragment survival, partial mortality and growth. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 533 151467, 151467. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151467
- Professor Gregory Webb is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The Springbok Sandstone; implications for aquifer connectivity and coal seam gas development in the Surat Basin
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Phil Hayes
Doctor Philosophy
Advanced dating techniques for establishing the history of the Great Barrier Reef
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jianxin Zhao, Dr Daniel Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Late Quaternary faunas and cave fossil deposits of north Queensland, Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Gilbert Price
Doctor Philosophy
Application of new technologies to rapidly evaluate critical metals in drill core and waste materials
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Steven Micklethwaite
Doctor Philosophy
Identification of coral deposition, accretion, and erosional zones from detailed benthic and substrate mapping using hyperspectral image data
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Stuart Phinn, Associate Professor Chris Roelfsema, Dr Daniel Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Application of new technologies to rapidly evaluate critical metals in drill core and waste materials
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Steven Micklethwaite
Doctor Philosophy
Late Quaternary faunas and cave fossil deposits of north Queensland, Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Gilbert Price
Completed supervision
Master Philosophy
Variation in Australian Cretaceous Sauropterygian and Ichthyopterygian Postcranial Material
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Characterization of South Australian microbialites with emphasis on the identification of geochemical signatures
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Gordon Southam, Honorary Professor Robert Burne
Doctor Philosophy
Reef cores as records of Holocene water temperatures of the southern Great Barrier Reef: Geochemical analysis of traditional (Porites) and non-traditional (Acropora) reef building corals
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jianxin Zhao
Doctor Philosophy
Environmental change during a warmer climate in the recent geological past: Mid-Pliocene pollen, charcoal and calcareous nannofossil palaeoreconstructions from marine cores adjacent to the Wet and Dry Tropics of northeast Australia.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Kevin Welsh
Doctor Philosophy
From Rubble to Reef: The physical and biological dynamics of coral reef rubble beds
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Daniel Harris, Professor Peter Mumby
Doctor Philosophy
Holocene reef development and water quality reconstruction, Heron Reef and One Tree Reef, southern Great Barrier Reef
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jianxin Zhao
Doctor Philosophy
Tracking inshore water quality using coral-based trace elements geochemistry from the Great Barrier Reef
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jianxin Zhao
Doctor Philosophy
The application of geochemical analyses to interpret the diagenetic history and provenance of fossilised remains from Australia.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Gilbert Price
Doctor Philosophy
Microbial carbonation in natural and engineered environments
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Gordon Southam
Doctor Philosophy
Mesozoic gymnosperms: megafloral changes through the Triassic-Jurassic of Eastern Gondwana
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
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