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Christopher Papic




Chris has a passion for optimising care for people experiencing pain after traumatic injury, as a researcher and clinician; Research Fellow in musculoskeletal injury at the RECOVER Injury Research Centre and an Exercise Physiologist (ESSA) with 10 years of clinical experience in rehabilitation hospital settings. He co-leads the 'Knowledge translation, education and implementation' theme for the Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR); CIPHeR unites groups of pain researchers across The University of Queensland to work collaboratively toward the single end of cracking the code on pain. Chris' is primarily involved in translation and implementation science projects centred on the management of musculoskeletal pain conditions, including: implementing key recommendations from the Australian whiplash clinical guidelines with health professionals and insurers; upskilling physiotherapists in delivering integrated psychological and physical care for people after road traffic injury; and developing international clinical guidelines for chronic non-specific neck pain.


Dr Christopher Papic is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, University of Sydney
  • Masters (Research) of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sydney
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sydney
  • Member, Exercise and Sports Science Australia, Exercise and Sports Science Australia
  • Honorary Academic, University of New England Australia, University of New England Australia

Research impacts

Chris' guideline development work has resulted in the most up-to-date and robustly developed guidelines for whiplash globally, including new recommendations for prognostic risk assessment in acute whiplash and management of chronic whiplash. The guidelines have informed the development of training packages and e-resources on the website MyWhiplashNavigator for i) insurance claims managers to better support whiplash claimants across Australia and ii) under- and post-graduate physiotherapists with interactive case studies and learning embedded in existing courses. The associated care pathways have been adapted and translated for use by insurance claims managers in the Netherlands.

The guidelines have achieved wide reach to clinicians and insurers through presentations at international conferences (World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 – awarded best paper, International Association for the Study of Pain 2024) and national conference workshops (e.g., Australian Physiotherapy Association 2023, Australian Pain Society 2024, Personal Injury & Disability National Conference 2024), in online and print media articles by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (>32,000 members) and Exercise and Sports Science Australia (~11,000 members), and an invited podcast for a national rehabilitation provider (~90 healthcare practitioners).


Search Professor Christopher Papic’s works on UQ eSpace

10 works between 2018 and 2023

1 - 10 of 10 works


Journal Article

Effect of torso morphology on maximum hydrodynamic resistance in front crawl swimming

Papic, Christopher, McCabe, Carla, Gonjo, Tomohiro and Sanders, Ross (2023). Effect of torso morphology on maximum hydrodynamic resistance in front crawl swimming. Sports Biomechanics, 22 (8), 982-996. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2020.1773915

Effect of torso morphology on maximum hydrodynamic resistance in front crawl swimming


Journal Article

"Selecting the right tool for the job" a narrative overview of experimental methods used to measure or estimate active and passive drag in competitive swimming

Sacilotto, Gina, Sanders, Ross, Gonjo, Tomohiro, Marinho, Daniel, Mason, Bruce, Naemi, Roozbeh, Vilas-Boas, Joao Paulo and Papic, Christopher (2023). "Selecting the right tool for the job" a narrative overview of experimental methods used to measure or estimate active and passive drag in competitive swimming. Sports Biomechanics, 22 (12), 1572-1589. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2023.2197858

"Selecting the right tool for the job" a narrative overview of experimental methods used to measure or estimate active and passive drag in competitive swimming


Journal Article

Factors associated with long term work incapacity following a non-catastrophic road traffic injury: analysis of a two-year prospective cohort study

Papic, Christopher, Kifley, Annette, Craig, Ashley, Grant, Genevieve, Collie, Alex, Pozzato, Ilaria, Gabbe, Belinda, Derrett, Sarah, Rebbeck, Trudy, Jagnoor, Jagnoor and Cameron, Ian D. (2022). Factors associated with long term work incapacity following a non-catastrophic road traffic injury: analysis of a two-year prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 22 (1) 1498, 1-18. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13884-5

Factors associated with long term work incapacity following a non-catastrophic road traffic injury: analysis of a two-year prospective cohort study


Journal Article

Does jumping conducted before the swimming start elicit underwater enhancement?

Ruiz-Navarro, Jesús Juan, Cuenca-Fernández, Francisco, Papic, Christopher, Gay, Ana, Morales-Ortíz, Esther, López-Contreras, Gracia and Arellano, Raúl (2022). Does jumping conducted before the swimming start elicit underwater enhancement?. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 18 (2) 17479541221078279, 427-436. doi: 10.1177/17479541221078279

Does jumping conducted before the swimming start elicit underwater enhancement?


Journal Article

Augmented feedback can change body shape to improve glide efficiency in swimming

Papic, Christopher, Andersen, Jordan, Naemi, Roozbeh, Hodierne, Ryan and Sanders, Ross H. (2021). Augmented feedback can change body shape to improve glide efficiency in swimming. Sports Biomechanics, 23 (7), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1900355

Augmented feedback can change body shape to improve glide efficiency in swimming


Journal Article

The influence of the frontal surface area and swim velocity variation in front crawl active drag

Morais, Jorge E., Sanders, Ross H., Papic, Christopher, Barbosa, Tiago M. and Marinho, Daniel A. (2020). The influence of the frontal surface area and swim velocity variation in front crawl active drag. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52 (11), 2357-2364. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002400

The influence of the frontal surface area and swim velocity variation in front crawl active drag


Journal Article

Improving data acquisition speed and accuracy in sport using neural networks

Papic, Christopher, Sanders, Ross H., Naemi, Roozbeh, Elipot, Marc and Andersen, Jordan (2020). Improving data acquisition speed and accuracy in sport using neural networks. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39 (5), 513-522. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1832735

Improving data acquisition speed and accuracy in sport using neural networks


Conference Publication

A method of quantifying torso shape to assess its influence on resistive drag in swimming

Papic, Christopher, McCabe, Carla, Naemi, Roozbeh and Sanders, Ross (2019). A method of quantifying torso shape to assess its influence on resistive drag in swimming. 37th International Society of Biomechanics in Sport Conference, Oxford, OH, United States, 21-25 July 2019. NMU Commons.

A method of quantifying torso shape to assess its influence on resistive drag in swimming


Journal Article

The effect of auditory stimulus training on swimming start reaction time

Papic, Christopher, Sinclair, Peter, Fornusek, Che and Sanders, Ross (2018). The effect of auditory stimulus training on swimming start reaction time. Sports Biomechanics, 18 (4), 378-389. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2017.1409260

The effect of auditory stimulus training on swimming start reaction time


Book Chapter

Towards an understanding of how torso shape influences human swimming performance

Papic, Christopher and Sanders, Ross (2018). Towards an understanding of how torso shape influences human swimming performance. The science of swimming and aquatic activities. (pp. 1-13) edited by Ricardo J. Fernandes. New York, NY, United States: Nova Science Publishers.

Towards an understanding of how torso shape influences human swimming performance


Current funding

  • 2025 - 2027
    `StressModex' For Inpatient Care Following Orthopaedic Road Trauma
    Motor Accident Insurance Commission
    Open grant
  • 2025 - 2027
    Rise--For Recovery, Information, Support, Empowerment after road traffic injury - an innovative text messaging pilot study
    Motor Accident Insurance Commission
    Open grant



Dr Christopher Papic is:
Available for supervision

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