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Australian Social Science Data Archive: Provision of Advanced Research Infrastructure and Collaborative Environment (ARC LIEF Administered by Australian National University) (2009)


The aims of this proposal are to: provide a leading edge research facility for the applied social sciences and humanities research communities; to extend and diversify the data held by Australian Social Science Data Archive to cover indigenous and humanities topics; and to support the work of the Centre of Excellence for Policing and Security. This proposal will enable researchers to access the services provided by the ANU Supercomputer Facility for high-end research, including modelling, computation and data visualisation. The proposed investment in ASSDA access to the Supercomputer Facility will significantly increase the research and publication outcomes for a broad range of social science and humanities disciplines.


Professor Mark Western

Director, The Queensland Commitment, and Professor of Sociology
Centre for Policy Futures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Mark Western
Mark Western

Professor Lynda Cheshire

Head of School
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Lynda Cheshire
Lynda Cheshire