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Determining baseline health and disease parameters for wild dugongs in urban and non-urban waters of northern Australia. (2009-2015)


The three major objectives of the project will be to: 1. Determine what a healthy dugong is, by developing baseline clinical (health and disease) and biological (body condition) parameters for dugongs in non-urban Torres Strait. 2. Conduct detailed post-mortem examinations of dugong carcassess in urban south-east Queensland to establish cause of death and look for any emergent diseases or other health issues. 3. Examine clinical and biological parameters of wild dugongs in urban south-east Queensland to establish cause of death and look for any emergent diseases or other health issues.


Dr Janet Lanyon

Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Senior Lecturer
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Janet Lanyon
Janet Lanyon