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Regulation of Bone Dynamics by Osteal Tissue Macrophages (Osteomacs) (2010-2013)


There is a high demand for effective treatments to rebuild and replace lost bone in fracture repair and osteoporosis. We have described a discrete population of macrophages (classically immune defense cells) within the specialized tissues that line bones. We have shown that these bone tissue macrophages have a novel role in promoting the formation of new bone. This project grant will extend these observations and identify the clinical potential of bone tissue macrophages to treat bone disease.


Professor Allison Pettit

Professorial Research Fellow
Mater Research Institute-UQ
Faculty of Medicine
Allison Pettit
Allison Pettit

Professor Matt Sweet

Affiliate of The Centre for Cell Bi
Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
NHMRC Leadership Fellow - GL
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Matt Sweet
Matt Sweet