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Characterising anxiety in Parkinson's disease: A psycholinguistic and psychophysiology study comparing to anxious older adults (2013-2014)


Associate Professor Nadeeka Dissanayaka

NHMRC Boosting Dementia Res Fellow
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Faculty of Medicine
Principal Research Fellow
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Faculty of Medicine
NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Fe
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Faculty of Medicine
Nadeeka Dissanayaka
Nadeeka Dissanayaka

Professor Gerard Byrne

Mayne Professor of Psychiatry
Medical School (Office & AME)
Faculty of Medicine
Mayne Professor of Psychiatry
Medical School
Faculty of Medicine
Gerard Byrne
Gerard Byrne

Associate Professor John O'Sullivan

Principal Research Fellow
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Faculty of Medicine
John O'Sullivan
John O'Sullivan

Professor David Copland

Co-Director, STARS Education & Rese
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
David Copland
David Copland

Associate Professor Anthony Angwin

A/Prof in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Director of Teaching and Learning o
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Anthony Angwin
Anthony Angwin