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Enhanced productivity of coal seam gas wells by continuous gas circulation (administered by The University of Newcastle) (2019-2023)


The intended outcome of the project is to develop foam assisted continuous gas circulation for dewatering new and existing coal seam gas wells. The potential benefits of this new method include enhanced gas production, better well control, reduced costs and better environmental effectiveness. The proposed solution eliminates the need for mechanical pumps which are currently used for dewatering, and which fail regularly due to gas and solids accumulation within the production wells. With no subsurface moving parts and the capability to easily handle solids, continuous gas circulation could achieve significant savings in downtime and maintenance costs, potentially saving hundreds of millions of dollars annually in the coal seam gas industry.


Associate Professor Mahshid Firouzi

Honorary Associate Professor
UQ Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Mahshid Firouzi
Mahshid Firouzi

Professor Anh Nguyen

School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Anh Nguyen
Anh Nguyen