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Nanoarchitectured Functional Porous Materials as Adsorbents of Greenhouse Gases and Catalysts: Converting them into Valuable ... (Foundation for Australia-Japan Studies grant administered by UTokyo) (2019-2020)


Professor Yusuke Yamauchi

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Yusuke Yamauchi
Yusuke Yamauchi

Professor Kazuhiro Nogita

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Kazuhiro Nogita
Kazuhiro Nogita

Associate Professor MD Shahriar Hossain

Associate Professor
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
MD Shahriar Hossain
MD Shahriar Hossain