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Charitable triad: How donors, beneficiaries, & fundraisers influence giving (2022-2026)


This project aims to test a new model of charitable giving to examine how donors, beneficiaries, and fundraisers together influence donor decisions. Until now, no holistic model has existed to explain donor behaviour: past research has focused on donors but neglected beneficiaries and fundraisers. This project is expected to provide evidence for a new bedrock theory of philanthropy. Findings can also inform practitioner toolkits, offering advice to nonprofits on how to raise money effectively by understanding how the particular organisation and its beneficiaries can influence donor decisions. By helping ensure the survival of charities, this research will contribute to the delivery of essential social services that benefit many Australians.


Dr Cassandra Chapman

Affiliate of Centre for Research in Social Psychology (CRiSP)
Centre for Research in Social Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Social Identity and Groups Network (SIGN) Research Centre
Social Identity and Groups Network
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Cassandra Chapman
Cassandra Chapman