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Indoor Photovoltaics Enabled by Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Quantum Dots (ARC Linkage Project administered by Macquarie University) (2022-2026)


This project aims to develop a high-efficiency indoor photovoltaic (PV) technology to provide reliable low-cost power in the multi-billion dollar ¿Internet of Things¿ (IoT) market. There are currently no devices that meet the requirements for maximum operating efficiency under indoor illumination. We propose to solve this problem by fabricating PV cells using colloidal perovskite quantum dots that offer class-leading stability and band gap tunability across the required range, enabled by quantum confinement. The outcome is the development of integrated self-powered IoT devices potentially impacting Advanced Manufacturing growth in Energy, Cyber Security, Food and Agribusiness, as all of these will ultimately rely on networked smart devices.


Dr Peng Chen

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Peng Chen
Peng Chen