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Frailty KIT: An Australian Frailty Network to Create Knowledge, Implement Findings and Support Training (2022-2027)


Professor Ruth Hubbard

Masonic Chair of Geriatric Medicine
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Ruth Hubbard
Ruth Hubbard

Dr Adrienne Young

Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Adrienne Young
Adrienne Young

Dr Natasha Reid

Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Affiliate Research Fellow of School
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Natasha Reid
Natasha Reid

Dr Emily Gordon

Clinical Senior Lecturer
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Emily Gordon
Emily Gordon

Professor Tracy Comans

Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Tracy Comans
Tracy Comans

Professor Jason Ferris

Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Jason Ferris
Jason Ferris