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Pyroptotic macrophages posthumously sculpt immune responses (2023-2026)


The life of an organism relies on the timely birth and death of its cells. Importantly, it is crucial for cells to die not only at the right time, but also in an appropriate manner. This proposal investigates a cell death pathway that triggers potent immune responses. This proposal seeks to reveal precisely how cell death sculpts immune responses. Expected outcomes include new insights into how immune cells die, and how they instruct immune responses from beyond the grave. Project benefits include a fundamental understanding of how cell death signalling sculpts tissue immune responses, and knowledge of how to manipulate cell death responses for future basic research and commercial applications beyond this project.


Professor Kate Schroder

Affiliate of The Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Affiliate Professor of Queensland Brain Institute
Queensland Brain Institute
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
NHMRC Leadership Fellow - Group Leader
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Kate Schroder
Kate Schroder