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Design guidelines for safety-critical controllers in high-risk environments (2021-2024)


This project aims to generate novel product design guidelines for developing safer controllers for use by potentially stressed individuals in high-risk situations. It will do this by generating specific insights and verifying generalisable solutions from the context of total artificial heart recipients ¿who must engage with critical controllers constantly. This project expects to generate new knowledge in design by establishing a new research topic around an under-examined user cohort. Expected outcomes of this project include interaction design theory developments and improved controller design techniques. This should provide significant benefits and competitive advantages by lowering stress and improving safety across a range of contexts.


Professor Cara Wrigley

Professor in Design
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Cara Wrigley
Cara Wrigley

Dr Karla Straker

Senior Lecturer in Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Karla Straker
Karla Straker